Looking for some friends!

Hi there! I am a 24 yr old female with 50-60 lbs to lose. I am looking for some people to share successes and failures-that-are-future-successes with!

I have a pretty sedentary job, am GF, have no kids, and am beginning to love to cook! I will also admit that this site is kind of intimidating. Weight has always been something I ignored, chalked up to being "big boned" and thought "well, at least I have a good personality", none of which really transfers to the real goal: being healthy. It has been difficult facing the reality that I am indeed not living a healthy lifestyle.

So here I am and nice to meet you!!!!


  • JiggleWhenIWalk
    JiggleWhenIWalk Posts: 9 Member
    Hello and welcome,
    I (F 40)am trying my best to stay on track but I will admit, it is tough sometimes and I have to start again.
    Happy and Healthy is an excellent goal. Add me as a friend ( anyone who would like to) .
  • artzy1989
    artzy1989 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks JWIW!! Love your username. Priceless!
  • bunnybabe282
    bunnybabe282 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there Artzy1989! I am 23 and always thought I lived a healthy lifestyle...hitting reality is hard. I never realized I at so crappy because I always compared myself to the worst. I cannot cook so I mostly just eat out of boxes if my bf doesn't cook. I'm trying to learn but it's so intimidating. I am new to MFP and am hoping to connect with some motivation buddies. Good luck on your journey!

    Feel free to add me!
  • Chelseraptor
    Chelseraptor Posts: 27 Member
    I always said "If I'm fat, I'm fat - there's just more of me to love!"

    Now I'm thinking "If I'm fat, I'm going to have diabetes, heart disease, a stroke..."

    Feel free to add me!