Trying to lose weight the healthy way

I went through a phase a few years back where I starved myself and lost about thirty pounds really quick, and I got addicted to it. Trust me, even without that thirty pounds, I still was not a slender person. When I grew out of that phase and some stressful things started happening in my life, I gained 50 pounds over the course of two years. Now I'm trying to lose weight again, and get to that weight I was when I was being unhealthy (or lower!) but do it the healthy way. Anyway, I just thought I'd say hi. I've been lurking a while and this seems like a really neat community to get ideas and tips from. :)


  • dericad22
    dericad22 Posts: 3 Member
    You can definetley lose weight the "healthy way" but you still have to monitor your calories. . . I do a 12 hour overnight fast (at least) most days. And I don't have my first meal until lunch. I usually eat fruits such as apple, watermelon and an eighth of an cantaloupe. Or ill have an orange and 1/2 cup of fresh pineapples. I eat whatever I want for dinner as long as its not over my calorie limit for the day. . . Key is eating what you want or what you fill your body needs but sticking to a strict calorie plan to lose the weight. . . It will work. :-) Good luck.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    A good healthy way to a better lifestyle is not to set your calories at 1200, working out is a must even taking baby steps.
  • kdillson70
    This is a great link to help you get started on your new life. No more yo-yo dieting.

    Log EVERYTHING you eat (even if it's not so good), it will give you an idea of how many calories you've been eating. Exercise is a must, even if it's just talking a 30 minute walk.

    Good Luck!