Raw Juicing

Does anyone know how to count raw juicing? I had a mean green for breakfast this morning(from Joe cross) I doubled the recipe and will drink this over two meal. Seems it takes out the pulp and fiber, how do you count this. It is very healthy, but when I put it in the counter, it said I had consumed almost half my calories for the day. My calories for the day are just over 1600 cal and had almost 800 cal in that drink. I do not see how it could be that much, when it is just raw juice. Anyone else doing this or know how I should count this? Thank you


  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    Fruit can have a lot of calories in it!
  • iyamrocky
    iyamrocky Posts: 3 Member
    That calorie count is correct. When you take out the pulp and fiber you have to use many pieces of fruit to get a decent portion of juice. Juice is basically the sugar of the fruit and very caloric. "Very healthy"? Some would argue against that statement. I guess it depends on what you are trying to accomplish (and if you can handle the drop from the sugar high).
  • holdthis
    holdthis Posts: 28 Member
    There is a lot more to the documentary then selling juicers as you say. The discussion is about health and well being. We spend so much of our lives poisoning our bodies with chemicals we call food. That our bodies struggle to heal the simplest illness. When confronted with your own medical diagnosis and the possibility of spending the rest of your life sick fat and nearly dead, I believe anyone would take the challenge to heal and move forward. I know I am. It's not easy its a struggle and a challenge, but I believe it is worth the effort and determination to live healthy, happy and drug free.