Intermittent Fasting for Women



  • smruggles
    smruggles Posts: 20 Member
    How are all you Fasters getting on?? I'm trying to decide if this is something i want to continue (2 days into the 16/8 regime), but am reading alot of conflicting information!!!!!

    I'm at the one week point and I think it's working great. I'm doing a 16:8 fast while ensuring I get the right amount of macros based on a 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein diet.

    I found this IF Calculator helpful (

    I've lost 2 lbs in the week, but my weight usually fluctuates between 1-3 lbs, so I'll keep you posted!
  • boldenca
    boldenca Posts: 2
    Bump :)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I'm doing 14/10 - seems to be working. I hate eating breakfast at 7AM anyway and noticed I was able to really kill my lifts and cardio doing it fasted. IF is working out for me, I am still getting 2300 cals a day but in a different time frame. Not really sure if that counts as IF.. but it's working.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Bumping because I want to read all this and try it
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    I have been doing Fast5 for over 20 days now and I have lost over a pound a week. My eating window is between 1.30pm to 6.30pm. It was originally 5pm to 10pm but I was sometimes eating too close to bed time and like to eat before my daily walk which is mostly in the evenings. I am not a breakfast person so those hours work great for me.

    You can google Fast5, its IF but much simpler and I can eat whatever I want so long as it is within the window and I log it in MFP to stay within my calorie totals.

    Its worked for me and I am going to stay on it permanently, because I don't feel deprived at all. I have lost over 3Kgs since I started.
  • brookemart81
    brookemart81 Posts: 62 Member
    This is a new concept to me, but it's basically what I've been doing for as long as I can remember. I almost never eat before noon (just coffee with a splash of milk) and usually don't eat much later than 8- so I guess I've been doing 16/8. Sometimes I go straight into lunch at noon, other times I'll have something small (bowl of cereal or yogurt) and then have lunch at 2 or 3 and dinner around 7.

    I'd been thinking I was going to try to start making a point of eating a real breakfast everyday, but maybe I'll reconsider that. Since I've started MFP I've definitely found it hard to spread my calories out into three meals and still feel full after any of them. I can see how letting go of the idea of breakfast and focusing on a good sized lunch and dinner might help with that.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Bump. Want to check out some of these resources.
  • Derelyn2013
    Derelyn2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing that site! I'm doing it now (started Sunday). I feel great so far. As with anything else, I'm fully aware that results vary, and everyone's individual bodies are different.

    I actually have always done some type of IF my entire life - I just didn't realize it was an actual thing until a couple of weeks ago. (Spiritual fasting reasons, as well as the whole "stop eating three hours before bed" saying. I used to stop eating at 5 pm - and wouldn't eat breakfast again until around 8 am - that was just my normal schedule).

    Then come the marriage, work, kids, etc.

    I'm doing a 16/8 hour window but am experimenting with pushing the fasting window longer. I found that I'm not actually hungry at 10 am, but more around 11 am - and my body doesn't respond well if I wait until 6 pm to eat. I get hungry around 4ish and if I eat at that time, I can last the entire night/morning without getting hungry again.

    I am 5'2 with a small frame and weigh 107 lbs. I'm working to get back to 102 lbs. It's only 5 lbs I know but on my little frame - it's like 15. I'm also very active. (Workout at least 5-6x per week and play soccer 1x per week). And I have two kids.

    I try to eat nutrient dense food (green smoothie EVERY DAY is ALWAYS part of my breakfast) and minimize junk food. I'm not drinking at the moment either but that's just because I wanted to give my liver a break. :)

    I'll post again with an update after I've done the IF for at least 5 weeks. Still on week 1.

    Other details - I'm 31 years old. I eat roughly 1180-1600 calories per day. 1180 is on the low side but overall, for my height, gender, and age, I do NOT eat low calorie. I eat what my body needs. I am slowly ridding myself off of sugar free anything. (NOT sugar - sugar free => chemically manufactured sugar substitutes).

    I workout for 40-50 minutes per day. Basic stuff (jump rope, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, standard push ups, dips, etc. - then there's soccer. In the summer I play 2x per week, sometimes 3. Games last anywhere from 60 minutes to 90 minutes - as I play both indoor/outdoor).

    So - I'm pretty active - I wanted to add the stuff above because I've read people say something about the IF thing being a low calorie diet in disguise.

    For me, that's definitely not true. Passing out on the soccer field would not be a good thing. It's simply a method at controlling what I eat, and being sure that I'm listening to my body queues, and eating at the most optimal times of the day, for me and my lifestyle.

    I've read about the hormonal fluctuations in women so we shall see. But this isn't the first time I've used a fasting regimen.

  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    That's interesting because it's actually helping me get to bed earlier. I have been doing 14-16:8 so I start eating betwee 1 and 3 and then finish by 9-11 or sometimes even I start at 4 to finish by 12 depending on my schedule and I love it so far with no adverse effects yet. I'm still doing more research but I believe it's helping me eat less and be more consistent. It's been less than a week but so far so good.
    Tried it, like the female mice in the study, I couldn't sleep on fasting days. Maybe I'm a mouse?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    That's interesting because it's actually helping me get to bed earlier. I have been doing 14-16:8 so I start eating betwee 1 and 3 and then finish by 9-11 or sometimes even I start at 4 to finish by 12 depending on my schedule and I love it so far with no adverse effects yet. I'm still doing more research but I believe it's helping me eat less and be more consistent. It's been less than a week but so far so good.
    Tried it, like the female mice in the study, I couldn't sleep on fasting days. Maybe I'm a mouse?

    I go to bed early simply because I am hungry and don't want to binge.
  • reaume1k
    reaume1k Posts: 2 Member
    I've been doing 16:8, and I love it because it fits right in with my lifestyle! I don't really like eating breakfast, and I find it a lot easier to track calories and keep them under control. I also love it because it allows me to go out at night and eat the full meals served at restaurants when I am with friends and family. (without having to order a salad or only eat half the plate). This way it "looks" like I eat the same as everyone else without being singled out as someone who is "dieting". For me, avoiding the judgement from family and friends is a big benefit.
  • Shanahan423
    Shanahan423 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been trying 18:6 for about a week and a half and haven't had any adverse side effects. I work out at about 6:30am and have been eating from noon to six every day because it works for eating dinner at home, but am actually going to move it closer to my work out in the morning, about 7:30 or 8 to 2 or 4 because I think saying after exercising fasted is very important for muscle recovery. I have found that by eating a lot of vegetables and healthy organic protein I stay full for HOURS. I sometimes felt I had to eat nuts and high calorie foods to make sure I was eating enough, and never got hungry after 6. But everyones schedules are different so each person needs to work with how their body reacts. I like that I don't have to think about food much, and it actually has been saving me money.
  • KRmurrish
    KRmurrish Posts: 9 Member
    I just started intermittent fasting...16/8. Down 2 lbs the first week. But, there isn't much on this diet for obese women, such as myself. I have looked and looked. It's always someone who is a gym enthusiast, training for competition. I want to know what to expect, how should I be feeling? I noticed my skin, seemed like it had more cellulite, then like the fat was breaking down...then it would look better for a few days, then loose again. Not sure if this is just the fat breaking down as toxins were being removed. But as I progress, believe me I will post how this works for women who are truly over weight, not just 10 vanity pounds.

    Have you kept up with the fasting? Can you tell me how it worked for you? I know what you mean, everything I've read about IF has always been by people who were already super fit and wanted a boost, were training for something, or were muscle building weight lifters. All good things...but as an obese women who doesn't do any of those things I just am looking for something to help me lose fat and get healthier since it seems I've tried everything else.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Here's a site with many women doing intermittent fasting, specifically JUDDD.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    I love IF!! 16/8 is what works for me. I also lift in my fasted state and it feels great! I am not hungry in the morning at all now.