Not losing weight

I've been following my fitness plan for four weeks now and have only lost one pound. (Its set to 1/2 lb a week.) Out of the four weeks there were only 2 days that I went over my calories with a few drinks with friends. Im not trying to lose a lot of weight, only the last 5 pounds of my baby weight that didn't come off with my normal lifestyle. I am 114 right now, trying to get to 110. (My reason is my many pairs of jeans still don't fit. I am only 5 feet tall.)

I eat the 1300 calories, and do 45 min of Tae Bo four times a week. My measurements haven't changed either. Maybe I'm gaining muscle, I don't know.

I did get excited one day my weight dropped to 112, but then was back up to 114.8 two days later. This is my first time dieting, and I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.


  • mirandacassens
    I wouldn't get discouraged quite yet. You will have to gain some muscle before you lose the last bit of fat. Also, your weight will vary by a few pounds daily because of water weight, etc. One thing you could try is cycling. I was reading an article about it online and they mentioned a lot of people find it will burn off those last few pounds they just can't seem to lose. Mainly because you use your muscles the whole time, pushing and pulling the pedals. Not sure if it will help you, but definitely worth trying! Stick with it- you can do it!
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I know how frustrating that can be. I would share two things from my experience: 1) sometimes you can sit at a certain weight for a while and then magically start dropping again. I did this for five weeks a few months ago. I have no explanation, but at some point, I just started dropping again. 2) I have REALLY liked my heart rate monitor. It has a feature that says if I am training to build fitness or burn calories. This really helps to guide my training. You might get more out of your training with a HRM.

    I am no expert, but these two thoughts came to mind. Regardless, hang in there, keep doing the right things, and the results will come.

  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    Try adding a little strength training to your routine. Building muscle will help your body burn more calories and it helps to tone so even if you don't lose weight you still lose inches. Doesn't have to be a lot just slip it into your usual cardio. A lot of times we get into a rut doing the same workout and our body gets used to it and there is no longer a challenge to our muscles.So change it up a bit and try something new, besides its fun to try a new class or activity.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Only having 5 lbs to lose will make it more difficult to come off, but congrats to you for only having 5 to lose! :) With you being so close to your ideal weight, pounds are a hard measurement to tell progress because water will fluctuate from many things, including sodium and artificial sweetners, but random things as well, like TOM.

    Does your scale measure body fat percentage? Mine does and I track it as well. The problem is that this measurement has been proven to be highly inaccurate on scales, by as much as 5-15%, but if you see it dropping, it could be a good sign you're headed in the right direction.

    It is good you're also taking measurements, but with so little weight to lose, it might be hard to tell much of a difference. Between these three methods of measuring progress and the difference you see in the mirror, the combination of everything will help you tell signs of progress better.

    Some week, my scale won't budge, but I've dropped in body fat, or my measurements are smaller over a 2 week period. I hope you find this helpful. :)
  • theotherjamie
    Is there a chance that the BLT's are killing your diet? BLT's are the Bites, Licks, Tastes that a dieter puts in their mouth while making dinner, or getting their kids dinner. You know....I put some chips in a bowl for my girls and taste just one. Or I'm cutting up thier yummy, rich, full-fat dinner and I take just one bite before I eat my salad.

    Years ago, when I was doing Weight Watchers, the leader challenged us to put our BLT's in a ziploc bag instead of eating them. At the end of the day, you'd be surprised at the number of calories in that bag. When you are just starting to diet, the BLT's are a great way to taste just one bit to satisfy an urge, but when you are down to your last few pounds they can really kill your diet.
  • LanakilaGirl
    LanakilaGirl Posts: 41 Member
    I understand! I'm also a whopping 5'0 and trying to get rid of the last little bit. I'm finding that I really have to watch what I eat. Even if I stay under my calorie count it's what I eat that makes the biggest difference. If my calories consist of junk food and lot's of carbs instead of fresh, whole foods the scale goes up. Water also plays a big part in that. Be consistent with how much your drinking before you get to worried about it.

    With the workouts I like to throw new things in to shock my system. I have a lot of different types of videos and I run. I like to switch it up. That got me down to 103, before my little junk food binge the last couple of days, I let my guard down (it's back up now).
  • Arizonaskyy
    Hang in there...I'm in a very similar situation, and it's tough not to be discouraged by the slow progress. I've only lost three pounds and have been following my progress for almost ten weeks (I haven't been quite as good as you have with my calorie counts). What I've experienced is that when you don't have a significant amount of weight to lose, and you don't have lifestyle changes that make major calorie impacts, your body reacts differently. I know for me, I already exercised moderately and followed a fairly clean eating program before I consciously decided to be more focused on losing the ten pounds I've gained in the past year and a half. I didn't have easy things to cut out every day like sodas or junk food or alcohol, and I was already exercising as much as my schedule allowed. I've found that it's a tough balance between eating enough calories from keeping my metabolism from thinking my body is starving, but also staying low enough to create that calorie deficit I need to lose pounds. I keep comparing myself to my girlfriend who has lost seven pounds in two weeks - but she was drinking alcohol, making poor food choices, and not exercising at all. So when she tweaked her routine, it made a more significant impact. I keep reminding myself that my weight gain was incremental, and taking it off is going to be the same. You ARE making progress, and you have a new baby to be very proud of...don't put too much of an expectation on losing last few pounds quickly - and maybe try only weighing yourself once a week so the daily fluctuations don't discourage you. Those jeans will be back on you by the end of January! Good luck!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    When you are just trying to get that last few pounds off every small choice you make will affect your progress. If you REALLY dedicate yourself for 4 to 6 weeks to eat very healthy, drink that water, maintain your calorie goals, stay away from alcohol, and exercise . . . you will get there.
    It takes the utmost dedication to get that last bit off. I've come a long way and have 30 pounds left to go, and can already see the difference in how much harder it is to lose every pound. Every small choice translates onto the scale.
  • miriamcpweg
    miriamcpweg Posts: 19 Member
    I myself am not there, but i have a friend who was in a very similar situation, trying to get rid of the last few pounds. I don't know when you had the baby, but your bone structure changes a lot. It could take up to a year for your bones to go back to where they were. Aside for that sometimes the type of foods can effect the last few pounds coming off. Those pounds are stubborn. They demand quality foods like organics, and things high in nutrition. Hang in there you will do great :) Good luck!
  • hviola
    hviola Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great information!:smile: