I have been on a diet for about 3 months. I work out 5-6 times a week for 30 min at a time. I cant do longer as I go to the gym at 445 AM before work and getting the kids to school. So according to my heart rate monitor I burn about 230-260 calories (depending on what I do). Weekends I try to do a fast walk/jog where I burn 360-400.

I want to beable to eat out every now and then. Which I dont. I only eat out at subway. I limit myself to 1500 cal a week. But my mom has been wanting to take me out for Italian. which I would love. BUT I DONT WANT TO GAIN lol. I started at 196 and I am at 173. I am 5'9. When is it ok to do a splurge every other week? I am not talking about all out. But maybe some spaghetti with marinara sauce...no meatball. and some bread. It just scares me and food should not scare me. I get anxiety over it. But my mom has been asking for a few weeks and I thought I would do something nice for her on Easter weekend. I know eating out is not going to bring all my old weight back. I just want to know when is it ok to splurge every now and then?

Heres my normal?

breakfast: yogurt and apple

lunch: grilled chicken, califlower, carrots OR subway sandwhich under 360 calories

snack apple, fit bar , cheese, skinny cow chocolate

dinner: random..always with veggies. meat is never fried and it always chicken, turkey, or fish.

I always stay under my 1500 cal.


  • Tig_
    Tig_ Posts: 32
    It is okay to go out now and again. I think it's important to try and remember that you are wanting to learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and that does include going out now and again! Going out won't harm you but isolating yourself from going out for meals because of a diet could do and is also likely to be detrimental because you'll feel like you are missing out. x
  • lindzgayle
    lindzgayle Posts: 131 Member
    Just GO. Eat the meatball - in fact, have 2! Maybe eat less of the pasta, though.

    Savor it, enjoy the quality time with your mother. Stressing out about one meal is only going to make losing fat more difficult for you.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I think spending time with your mom is pretty important, your diet shouldn't prevent you from doing so. Can you research the restaurant's menu beforehand? You can likely find a more protein laden dish with a little research.

    Even if you go over this once, you're not going to put all your lost weight back on. You'd have to go over by 3500 calories or so to gain 1 lbs. Since you're replacing your normal dinner with one from the restaurant, you're likely not going to go over, or if you do, not by much. I'd suggest skipping your afternoon snack and eating a little more substantial lunch that day.

    Relax! :flowerforyou:
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Go out to dinner. ..

    Look up nutrional information before you go. If they don't have them, just be smart and make better choices. Side salad over french fries. Etc.

    If you don't go out to eat very often, then you can just straight up treat yourself one day.

    Going over your calorie limit one day is not going to ruin your weight loss goals. Figure out your maintenance calories so that you know that if you eat Ex: 2,100 calories a day you aren't going to gain or lose. That way when you want to go out and enjoy yourself you have wiggle room that won't cause you to gain fat back that you have worked hard to lose.

    If you don't enjoy yourself you won't stick with it
  • cccmmj12
    cccmmj12 Posts: 13 Member
    It's ok to treat yourself every once in awhile. Don't feel guilty for being human!
  • RomulanWarbird
    Relax and go out. I rarely do, mostly because of budget constraints, but when you go out just pick lighter options or work out the same day. It's fine to go over on calories every once and a while, but it makes me feel better to exercise when I know I'm going to go out. I have little treats every other day or so, and I'm doing really well.

    You don't want to restrict everything because then you might lose motivation. Don't beat yourself up about eating out either, you'll be fine. And you'd have to eat a huge meal in order to gain weight from going out once a week! <3
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Just go eat. log as best you can and drink plenty of water the next day to flush your system of the sodium. you will notice a slight weight increase but that's just water weight.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    Go out. Try and log whatever you eat and have fun! Enjoy the good food and time with your mum!
    This is a new way of living. Personally I didn't want to make any changes that I couldn't foresee myself maintaining for the rest of my life, and that for me included eating out. I don't go out too often since I can't really afford it, but when I do I get the food I know I'll enjoy! I just try and be meaningful of what I'm eating and stop when I'm full. I used to be the type to eat everything on my plate because I felt obligated to since I'd paid for it. Now I leave food on my plate if I'm full or I'll take leftovers home with me.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    bless you. just go out and enjoy. you are not even talking about going crazy just a nice meal nothing wrong with that at all. try it this weekend and you will see it wont make a difference to your journey at all. good luck.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Today. It's okay today. Yesterday, too. You can probably fit a meal out in every week if you wanted to. Make the meal about visiting with your Mom and not about eating ALL the foodz. Pick an entrée before hand and know how many calories you will be eating. Take 1/2 home if you want. It's just one meal, after all.

    You've got to learn at some point how to eat like a regular person. This is a good learning experience. Moderation.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Today. It's okay today. Yesterday, too. You can probably fit a meal out in every week if you wanted to. Make the meal about visiting with your Mom and not about eating ALL the foodz. Pick an entrée before hand and know how many calories you will be eating. Take 1/2 home if you want. It's just one meal, after all.

    You've got to learn at some point how to eat like a regular person. This is a good learning experience. Moderation.

    Yep. And I'd add to this-- don't weigh yourself for a couple of days afterward. The salt will make you retain some water, but it's temporary so don't let it freak you out.
  • lozzatao
    lozzatao Posts: 53 Member
    Hi ! You have to have cheat days .. in fact it's a way to motivate yourself .. so 'never say never' but say ..'I can have my spag bol with Mum next week' .. and maybe a cheeky glass of red !!!!! Go out and enjoy .. just don't go haywire !!!!
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    I always ask for a half portion of pasta when we go out and I usually always have meat sauce and one piece of garlic bread (sometimes with cheese, most times without). This is about living and learning how to eat healthy and enjoying food, it is not about a diet. Portion size and moderation are always the key. You will not gain all your weight back from a night out here or there. Trust me I have had some doozy binges on junk food since losing weight and have not gained it back (may have my weight go up for a day or two, but it always comes back off). I have also put on a 10 pounds from a vacation but have always taken it right back off. You need to have fun in life and not be ruled by food.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    When I go out (about 1x per week) I choose fish or vegetable based-dishes generally, unless there is something I really, really want, never finish what's on the plate (I take the leftovers home) and only eat what I want (so no mindless grazing on the bread etc). I usually skip dessert or just have a taste.

    I have found since I've become more focused on healthy eating that when I do go out I focus much more on who I'm with rather than the food, and find the whole experience MORE enjoyable.

    Your weight will probably bounce the next day, but drink a load of water and you'll be fine.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I plan to go out every 4-6 weeks and I eat whatever I want and go over my calories hugely and it doesn't hurt anything. I'd have to eat that way more regularly to really impact my goals.

    Even when I have had several unplanned 'way over calorie goal' days and gained a pound or two everything is OK as long as I don't throw in the towel. For me the key is - just keep moving towards my goal. I don't have to be perfect just keep at it. and eventually I'll get there. In the past I have given up when that happens - that for sure negatively impacts my goal.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    This is such a personal type of question that no one can give you accurate advice to. This is something that depends on you and how you handle over eating. Everyone is different. You get tons of opinions and advice from people for what works for them. But, that DOESN'T mean it will work for you in any way or fashion. You have to do this and then decide for yourself and find out what works for YOU. EVeryone feels different about things and they all react differently to things in life, including this. Try believing in yourself and trying this for yourself and learning from it. That's the only way you will ever figure out what works for you. People can tell you all kinds of things, but, they are things that work for them, not you. Be an individual and stand up and function like that in life. You're not a sheep.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    Remember, you want this to be a sustainable lifestyle change, not a crash diet. Can you envision not eating out for the rest of your life? No, of course not! So eat out, splurge once in a while, log everything to keep yourself accountable, just don't go crazy.

    You mentioned that you never go over 1500 calories in a day, are you eating back your calories burned through exercise? (generally you should eat back 50-75% of them) If not, consider "saving up" your exercise calories and "spending them" on an extra tasty meal when you go out! That way you'll get to eat out but you still won't be going over your calorie goal if you look at it from a weekly or monthly perspective :)
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I eat less calories a day than you do and I eat out (I love & eat fast food, chocolate, junk food) ..I don't have cheat days/meals...I pre plan/pre log what I'm going to eat and work the rest of my calories around the restaurant meal. I have been planning meals in advance since I started here, I find it works for me.

    If I end up over, I'll hit the bike or treadmill if I don't want to end the day in the red. Bottom line is, one day of overeating a bit isn't going to kill you...if you find you are restricting yourself you aren't going to stay on plan. Just make sure you get back on track with the next meal or for sure the next day.
  • streamgirl
    streamgirl Posts: 207 Member
    Go out. exercise and cut calories a bit. Check the menu beforehand and know what you'll order. Also, if I splurge, it takes me four days to get back to my weight. Now that I know this, it doesn't freak me out, and I have a good idea about how often I can splurge and still lose. Remember that this is a lifetime thing and you have to build into it things that you can maintain for a lifetime, so that HAS to include the occasional splurge! Have fun!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I used to go to an all you can eat buffet once a month and I still got to goal. First time I reckon I blew 1700 Calories. I learnt that day seafood salad and seafood mornay very bad for calories lol. Each time I ate a bit differently. Now I can have 2 big plates of food, a piece of pudding, fruit and ice cream all for under 1200 calories. Its just about making some healthier choices.
    Some follk believe you should go over some days, otherwise your metabolism gets used to working for less calories. Some focus more on the weeks total. Like me. I don't care if I go over by 500 calories one day, I probably went under by that much across the previous 3 days. If you learn to juggle your calories now you need never feel deprived, and will be more likely to stick at it long term.