Need some 1200 cal friends with open diaries



  • CharleeCali
    CharleeCali Posts: 51 Member
    I eat at 1200 cals.

    You mean for breakfast right?

    Seriously? Trying to sneak on line at work, then I burst out laughing and get busted. Thanks a lot. :angry:

  • Please feel free to add me. :)
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    I eat at 1200 cals.

    You mean for breakfast right?

    ^^^Winning. :)
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I eat 1200 and part of my exercise cals. I tried upping it because everyone said it was too low - all that happened is I quit losing. I'm back at 1200 and you can add me if you want. I tend to eat the same things for breakfast and lunch - because it's easy and it uses things up that I don't necessarily have everyone else in the house eat (like my egg whites and chicken breast or thin bread) No one else in the family needs to lose a pound (and a few of them could afford to gain a few).

    I eat what the rest of the family does at dinner - just in smaller portions or in different ratios - small portion of potatoes and big pile of veggies or salad. etc.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 286 Member
    Anyone can add me. I do 1300 but usually go under. Sometimes I go over. But would love to see what others are eating :smile:
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    I generally eat 1200-1225 per day and my diary is open. Anyone is welcome to add me and if you have any questions about my recipes, I have them available to share!
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    I aim for about 1000 cal per day. I occassionally allow myself to go over, but often find myself regretting it!
  • Donna36232399
    Donna36232399 Posts: 10 Member
    Add me if you want, I stay up to but usually under 1200, since I am on a diet called Ideal Protein and there are calorie free flavorings called Walden Farms that I cook with on a daily basis. You can check them out at Some of the stuff is not so good, but a lot is pretty okay when you want to have more flavor without the fat, calories, sugar, carbs. I will make my food diary visible for you as well if you add me as a friend. I was on the I.P. program a year ago and lost 51 pounds in 17 weeks, now that I gained a bit back from holidays I have started it again. I set my goal at a bit lower weight then I was at before just to have a bit more wiggle room for cheat days without getting into a too tight fit in clothing. Good luck! :wink:
  • monicawesome
    monicawesome Posts: 8 Member
    over here - feel free to add me
  • Serebro
    Serebro Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not on a 1200-cal regimen, but I've learned quite a few ways to spice up bland foods that don't add much in calories, and those techniques shouldn't destroy your diet unless you're adding a lot of fat, sugar, or salt.

    Minced garlic in water is like 90cal/Tbsp. Try it with some green beans or broccoli, or scatter some garlic powder over chicken before cooking.
    Salsa is something like 5 cal/Tbsp. I've been known to use it on eggs or potatoes, and to pour a couple Tbsp over a baked chicken breast.
    Don't discount the value of adding a few drops of honey, olive oil (especially if it's had spices steeped in it), vinegar, orange, lemon, or cranberry juice to add some zip to a recipe, either--as long as you're keeping it under 1/2 tsp of honey or oil, it won't affect calorie count too much. Figure out how much of the tart stuff amounts to 10-20 cal, and add that into your dish--you'll be surprised how much difference it makes!

    Spices are a huge way to make things taste different--sprinkle on before baking or into the pot while cooking so the essential oils (which carry the flavor) get released into your food.
    Italian seasoning doesn't have a bunch of salt but adds flavor for something like 2 cal.
    Fresh ground black pepper does the same, and so do red pepper flakes.
    Curry powder, Creole seasoning, garam masala, salt-free steak seasoning, Old Bay are all tasty and will add some variety to your meals.

    Find an ethnic cookbook and learn to cook Chinese, Japanese, Thai, or Indian. Chinese and Japanese are pretty healthy and flavorful if you stick to low-salt soy sauce and avoid the few breaded/fried things. Thai and Indian curries aren't necessarily super-spicy, though they take some prep time. Avoiding the breads and the sauces that have coconut milk in them, and substituting olive oil for the ghee (clarified butter) that's traditionally used, will bring many of the recipes to a point where they can be a semi-regular dinner. I love making aloo mattar (potatoes and peas with dark spice blend), aloo gobi (potatoes and cauliflower with yellow curry spices), and mattar paneer (peas and pressed cottage cheese in a tomato-cardamom sauce). There are also some really healthy things in the traditional Italian and Greek diets that don't lack on taste--for example, an Italian green bean dish with minced garlic and halved grape tomatoes.

    There are lots of ways to make a meal less bland. Hopefully this gives you a starting point to excite your taste buds without blowing your diet.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    I eat at 1200 cals.

    You mean for breakfast right?


    To those who are doing 1200/day how did you arrive at that amount? I'm a petite 5'1 girl and I usually eat 1600-1700 a day. You can lose weight eating more (you just have to figure out your TDEE and BMR). If you still arrive at 1200 after calculating that then so be it, but I'd encourage you to think critically when setting your calorie goal and not set too large of a deficit!
  • I eat 1200 most days I don't include my workout calories don't look at todays food journal this was my eat whatever I want to day! lol I don't think I will be doing that again for a while cause now I feel sick !!!!
  • aoibhs22
    aoibhs22 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm trying to stick 1200 add me... :)
  • I'm eating around 1200 cals a day. I try NOT to eat back the cals I burn exercising. I'm also a new MFP member. I just added you--others add me too please!
  • roadrunner8383
    roadrunner8383 Posts: 9 Member
    I try to eat at 1200. I eat around 1400 if I exercise sometimes...Just depends on how much exercise I do. I'm going to add you. I lost 30 lbs and then gained 18 lbs back because of exactly the same reason as you! So I am working on getting those lbs gone plus getting closer to my original goal. Would love to see other people's food diaries as well! So if anyone wants to add me I would much appreciate it as well!
  • itskymz
    itskymz Posts: 1
    I have mine set at 1000 per day since the running/biking calories on here are so off base.. Especially for hilly and canyon terrain.... i figure it offsets.. take yesterday.. I ran a 3.59 mile desert run in 89 degree heat and MFP said I only burned 230 calories!!!! ..yet, even going off the standard calorie/mile ratio... I should get credit for at least 350 calories burned (ie, 100 calories burned per mile).. I dont really care about their counts (but it does look funny when someone walks for 3 miles and burns twice as many calories as an intense running course!)
  • rubyred138
    rubyred138 Posts: 22 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am preparing for bariatric surgery and just cut my calories down from 1500 to 1200. I do not eat the extra calories it gives me for exercising. I try my hardest to stay within 1200 but sometimes I am over it.
  • trueboo
    trueboo Posts: 20 Member
    Please, anyone who's willing, add me too, I am recommitting today. 1200. Let's do this.. wool!
  • rubyred138
    rubyred138 Posts: 22 Member
    its funny you say that cause it is true. about eating more & losing weight. I was struggling to lose weight, I was averaging around 1000-1200 per day and managed to only lose around 10 lbs in 3 months. I finally met with a nutritionist who bumped me up to 1500 per day and I lost another 15 lbs in a month and a half!
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    I'm set at 1300 but mainly eat lower. Also a vegetarian who does plenty of walking/exercising when not at work.