Low fat or full fat



  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    It depends on whether or not I can tell a negative taste difference/if there is a major caloric difference

    We like-full fat cottage cheese, and full fat peanut butter,and I prefer full fat plain yogurt to fat free plain yogurt.

    We typically purchase reduced fat cream cheese, fat free flavored yogurt, unsweetend almond milk instead of dairy milk for the grownups in the house, and reduced fat salad dressings.

    And lately, Ive been using a light margarine spread instead of butter.

    Ugh, I just saw that "chemical **** storm" pic. I dont like anyone's food to be compared to feces.
  • AHack3
    AHack3 Posts: 173 Member
    I eat 2% reduced fat, low fat and fat free
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Full fat everything, unless there's no other option. (My BF called me out the other day for drinking low-fat kefir, and I told him that's only because Trader Joe's doesn't make any other kind.) I feel like my food is processed enough as it is, so if there's an option to eat it in a less manipulated state, I'm going to choose that. Plus, they do add extra sugar/salt/etc. to low-fat and fat-free foods, and I'd rather have the fat.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    "If it fits your macros"

    I often go for low fat options because it allows me to be more flexible in situations where I've got limited calories.

  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member

    Do you guys eat full fat foods or low fat IE oil butter mayo, cheese. I go for the full because it tastes so much better but have less of it than low fat which is full of crap. Just wondered what others think.

    I drink skim or 1% milk and use regular butter and oil sparingly. The low-fat versions of the latter have no flavor and margarine is disgusting. I don't use mayonnaise. I try not to eat too much cheese, but as the low-fat versions often have no flavor I more often than not will eat the regular version.
  • bgarganera
    Depends on your metabolic type and how well you respond to carbs.
    (if you're carb sensitive and need them on the lower end) then you accommodate to higher fat to compensate.
    Other side if you can lose weight/fat with a higher carb intake then by all means do so and adjust your fats from there
    (Catch 22 if you do a high-fat lower carb diet is your metabolism will adjust more quickly and you won't be able to sustain a fat loss phase compared to if u were on higher carb diet.

    Good Luck
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Dairy - It varies. I don't drink milk and rarely use cream.
    --Cheese - mostly reduced fat, some full fat, never fat free.
    --Yogurt - don't eat it much, but usually fat free when I do.
    --Cottage cheese - lowfat
    --Ice cream - Low/reduced fat. Again don't eat this much, but I prefer the taste of lower fat.

    Meat (non-fish) - I go for lean unless I'm splurging on sausage, wings or baby back ribs.

    Butter/oil - I use extra virgin olive oil almost exclusively, but I use butter or a butter/olive oil spread w/ added plant sterols on occasion. And I occasionally use peanut, sesame or canola oil.

    Mayo - just regular mayo. I don't eat much mayo anyway.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    Full most of the time except maybe philidelphia, skimmed milk and mayonaise. Just to keep my calories lower, the rest isn't really worth it.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Low fat:

    1% milk

    Half fat:

    Cream cheese

    Full fat:

    Coffee cream
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    butter, cheese, cream cheese - full fat
    I use half and half in my coffee
    fat free yogurt
    Sometimes low fat sour cream, though I seldom use it
    Mayo - full fat. not a chance I'd use anything else.

    Though I love full-fat greek yogurt, it's a huge calorie savings to have skimmed, and unlike other cheese products, nothing odd is added when the fat is removed. And it still tastes good :)

    I think cheese is awful when the fat is removed. And does low fat butter even exist? If it does, I don't want it :)

    I almost never drink milk, but if I use it for oatmeal or froth it for coffee, I use 2%. We used to buy skim because we were used to it, but now that we're using grass fed milk, it makes sense to buy it with at least some of the fat...we're working our way up to whole.
    Personally I go for as natural as possible and therefore wouldn't touch all that 'low-fat' additive loaded stuff.

    Fat free greek yogurt has no additives, nor does fat free cottage cheese - at least not the brands I buy. Same with skim milk; it's simply milk with the fat removed.

    Lots of other fat-free products do indeed have a bunch of stuff added to mimic the consistency that fat gives, and those I typically don't eat, but I'm on board with the calorie savings of skimmed milk.
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    Full fat everything. I'd rather do without than eat fake butter, or nasty, watery skim milk. Low fat yoghurt is disgusting. Fat leaves me satiated. The low fat fake substitutes for the real thing just make me hungry.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Milk- Fat free. I only use it in my oatmeal so see no reason to add extra calories.

    Cheese- If I'm just snacking on it or putting it on crackers, full fat all the way. But if I'm making a dish with it (like mac and cheese) then I use fat reduced. I don't notice the difference in that way and it saves a lot of calories.

    Butter- We have amazing butter here in Ireland so it's hard to give that up. But I do use butter spreads for sandwiches etc, and real butter when I'm actually going to taste it straight out (like on potatoes)

    Yoghurt- Not really into yoghurt, but I buy the lowest calorie ones when I do get it.

    Mayo- I have mayo maybe once a month, even less, and Extra Light is all we have in the house.

    Sour cream- I can't find fat reduced sour cream anywhere around here. I wish I could.

    Cream- I've never seen low fat cream here... but I have it like, 3 times a year so I go for the proper stuff anyway!
  • LividMuffin
    LividMuffin Posts: 47 Member
    I eat cheese as a source of protein so I always opt for the low fat version (cottage, hard cheese mozzarella). I get plenty of fats from coconut oil, peanut butter, butter, eggs etc. so I need to go low fat in other things to fit my macros.
    And we only drink coconut or almond milk and never get mayo so no dilemma there..:)
  • Mrsbeale11
    Mrsbeale11 Posts: 126 Member
    I go for full fat baby :0)

    Only because although the low fat has less calories the added sugar knocks the carb content up and I like to keep my carbs for bread rice pasta potatoes...you get me drift

  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Full fat, smaller portions is the way I try to go..... Life is too short to eat tasteless crap.
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    Everything full fat (unless it's a rare occassion in work where I've forgotten my whole milk and there is only staff's semi-skimmed for tea/coffee :))

    Prefer the taste of full fat, it's more 'natural' for me and I could actually do with the calories!
  • madbrainDotCom
    madbrainDotCom Posts: 193 Member
    Full fat preferably.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    depends on what it is...

    Ice cream....no frozen yogurt for me...
    Milk ...skim...can't stomach full fat
    10% cream in my coffee or half n half
    hard cheese low fat/light
    butter all the way
    soft cheese full fat
    cream cheese low fat unless I make a cheese cake then full fat
    whole eggs + egg whites

    It's actually about what I can eat...my stomache does not do well with some full fat items...ie whole milk...it's just too rich...but I do want cream in my coffee...go figure.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Full fat - apart from cola diet every time.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    Full fat, smaller portions is the way I try to go..... Life is too short to eat tasteless crap.

    I don't find low fat milk tasteless - in fact I now find full fat milk too creamy so my tastes have adjusted to actually prefer low fat milk.
    Low fat mayo tastes fine to me and so does low fat yoghurt.
    Ive found a low fat ice cream I like so I buy that.
    I still like my original cheese so that is full fat.