new friends?? girls in there 20's from UK?

emkoak Posts: 21 Member
I'm 24 yr old female, I don't have a lot to lose about a stone, I say UK just because of the food an sharing food ideas and being able to look at eachothers diaries for inspiration! But anyone who wants new friends add me too! More support the better! :-)


  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    I'm 20 and aiming for about the same, except I'm almost there :) My food diary at the moment is mostly crap as I'm inundated with work for university and I'm only aiming for 0.5lbs p/w. Back in January/February it was probably a bit better (minus the alcohol) and I was also going for 2lbs p/w but I was exercising a lot and eating back cals.

    Feel free to have a look though :)
  • Georgexx92
    Georgexx92 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi :) im 22 & from the uk. Hope you don't mind if I add you..
    I've been on and off mfp for ages now however I have so much motivation at the moment so back at it properly! Feel free to look at my food diary! I'm looking to lose another half a stone.. lost about 15 lbs so far :)
  • emkoak
    emkoak Posts: 21 Member
    Alcohol and hangover food is my downfall! well done both of you on how well you've done so far! I'be been on here before tovbut without friends just doing it on my own so hopefully this time round will be better! I'm feeling a lot more determined!
  • Georgexx92
    Georgexx92 Posts: 26 Member
    Thats the hardest i swear!
    I've cut alcohol out apart from about once a month... twice max!
    As generally with a hangover I will often polish off a KFC lot make me feel remotely alive... then a Chinese for dinner haha! Just better off without it!! I now have vodka and diet coke as have found it to be the lowest calories (I don't like soda water) good luck with that! X
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    Yeah, me and my drinking binges got a little out of hand at times haha, easily could drink away my daily calorie allowance and then go ahead and eat 1000 calories worth of cheesy chips - oops.

    It hasn't held me back though, I've gone from a large 10-12 to a large 8-10 so far which was my real goal, I'm just hoping to lose a bit more fat and tone up which so far is going well through daily yoga. I've managed to get rid of all my obvious cellulite, which is an absolute miracle!

    I'm going about it really gradually now because I'm not too worried about losing more, I'm happy at the moment - I just want to see if the results continue to be positive. What sort of size/weight you aiming for? I'm 5'7.5", was between 11st-10st10 and currently around 10st. I'm hoping to maybe get down to 9st7, but it's not a big deal.

    It's nice to have some UK girls, there are a lot of Americans and it's so different.
  • Georgexx92
    Georgexx92 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5 ft 8 and size 14 bottom & 12 top..
    I'm out of my comfort zone with my size.. but I wouldn't mind if I was tonnes all over and this size!
    I thought my goal weight was 11 stone however I'm nearly there now & not quite where I want to be! So will be aiming for 10 stone 10 now.
    Im exsersising 3 times a week with a personal trainer or classes at the gym.. I'm trying to do this gradually else I'll never stick to it. It's taken me a year to lose 15 lb (not that I've been trying very hard for most of it!)
    Well done on how far you have come so far!
    Do you find that yoga is good for overall toning?
  • OperationZoe
    OperationZoe Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm in the UK too :) only just started but have weddings galore this summer and I'm sick to death of feeling like I can only wear certain clothes and shop in certain places. Have been doing it for just over a week and it's getting easier actually thinking of what I put in my mouth..I'm missing wine most I think. Wine and cake..!
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    You've done really well so far, I know how hard it can be to find motivation at times. I was stuck unhappy for a while trying and failing before I decided change had to happen, but you've persevered even though it's been slow progress!

    It's good that you are exercising, I never really do apart from walking and drunk dancing of course ;) walking is my sole transport at university though, so I'm usually walking for between 1 hour and 3 per day during term time. I've never been to a gym, it just isn't my sort of thing - I'm really not big on exercise at all, but I've been blessed with good genes, high metabolism and a body that responds well to minimal exercise.

    Yoga is excellent for all body toning - well I've found it to be anyway. I do it 15 minutes per day, a habit I have only recently picked up - it's been around two and a half weeks and I could notice the difference within days. I absolutely love it and I'm determined to keep this up permanently just to stay in shape. It's so beneficial for relaxation too, I try to do it around 6pm every evening before I eat dinner. Definitely worth a try :) There are loads of videos and things on the internet to get you started, I personally make up my own routines dependent on how I feel that day (I've been doing yoga on and off for years) but if I fancy something new I look up poses on - it also has a basics section :)
  • emkoak
    emkoak Posts: 21 Member
    I've also cut out alcohol it will only be birthdays and weddings etc but like zoe I have lots of those coming up including a hen doo 's aswell! Atleast every 3 weeks from now and forever it seems just gonna have to try extra hard and stay on here logging while I'm hungover atleast I won't be kidding myself
    .I'm 5 ft 4 I fluctuate between about 9 stone 7 and 9 stone 10. I wanna get to about 8 and a half or whatever a weigh aslong as I'm comfy in a size 8 -10 it's my bottom half that's the problem I'm bottom heavy. I'm currently a size large 10-12.
  • emkoak
    emkoak Posts: 21 Member
    I think I'm gonna try yoga!!
    I know what u mean about not caring about the size. I wouldn't care about the size or weight I was as long as I didn't look so out of proportion and looked in the mirror and felt comfy in a bikini!lol
  • OperationZoe
    OperationZoe Posts: 8 Member
    Ah I have a wii and always enjoyed the yoga on there I'll have to dig it out and start up again :)
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Hey there. :) Just turned 23, feel free to add me! :)
  • emkoak
    emkoak Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there! Will do :-)
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    I find the trouble with weight is different things suit different people. When I was heavier I looked much wider and rounder than I wanted to, especially when I compared myself to my friends - I have a pretty big frame with wide hips and large ribcage, and my round face just accentuated it! I'm sure I looked a lot bigger than I actually was. I've been lucky and lost weight all over at a fairly similar rate so just losing 10lbs has worked wonders for me and now I look much more gracile than before, even though I never was overweight.

    I'm in the same boat with the alcohol, I go back to university in a couple weeks and the start of term is always bad. I also have a massive event the first weekend of May, which consists of a three course meal and all day drinking. I think I will have to save up a few cheat days to pay for that one! I do have exams for a month or so though, so I'll be clean for a while - but then it will be the post-exam lash, which will inevitably lead to three weeks of binge drinking... I just try to work these into my daily allowances as much as possible. And don't forget drunk dancing. That always makes me feel a little less bad for the alcohol I just consumed!

    We can all forgive each other if we have a few bad days because of alcohol, I'm sure :)
  • Jacksonsufc
    Jacksonsufc Posts: 6 Member
    If you're looking for new food try Quinoa (Pronounced Keenwa) its nice and got so many healthy benefits.
  • OperationZoe
    OperationZoe Posts: 8 Member
    Quinoa is amazing, so versatile and tasty!
    When I was at uni I was my heaviest, lived across the road from the SU and lived on nasty and burgers..coupled with a catered hall 3 course meals for lunch and of Riley! It is tough but made all the better that you can let your hair down when you do have a cheat day because you know how good you've been in the lead up to it. For me it's always about the payoff- if I do this what can I do as a to live our lives whilst losing weight - a tricky balance but so totally achievable!
  • lauraablair1
    lauraablair1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, i'm 26, I need to find some friends on here too for motivation and to swap tips too :)
  • emkoak
    emkoak Posts: 21 Member
    Hi laura I will add you :-) what is Quinoa? I see we all have lots of obstacles in our way but agree it's Ok and it's just having to cater for them and maybe work extra hard at the gym before and after I know it's going to happen. I do love the gym especially when I'm eating well and sticking to the diet!
    I will be posting when I'm about to indulge tho and when I'm hungover you guys can steer my in the right direction :-)
    O and yeah there are lots of Americans on here I didn't realise how popular this app was.
  • lauraablair1
    lauraablair1 Posts: 5 Member
    I will definitely try and motivate on the hangover days, I'm awful when I'm hungover I just want to eat everything. I'm slightly concerned about May as I'm out pretty much every weekend :s
  • emkoak
    emkoak Posts: 21 Member
    Don't worry laura we are all in the same boat which is nice so we can help eachother just chatting on here to people the last couple of days have made me O much more positive I hope I does you too.