new friends?? girls in there 20's from UK?



  • marcellomoo
    marcellomoo Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 22 and in the uk. Down 26lbs with another 45 or so to go.

    Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • Nadal1991
    Nadal1991 Posts: 13
    hi! I'm 22 Female UK. Just started my weight loss journey and I'll be adding you guys its always a moral boost seeing people in the same position as you succeed it literally gives you 0 excuses and is the best type of motivation!
  • OperationZoe
    OperationZoe Posts: 8 Member
    Wow 26lbs is amazing!!
    Spring / summer is so hard everyone gets so much more sociable! My brother swears by having a 'cheat 24 hours' so from about 4pm on a Saturday till 4pm on a Sunday he'll splurge, drink and eats what he wants then be really strict in the week. You can't restrict too much otherwise you binge. If we motivate each other all the better for our losses :)
  • OperationZoe
    OperationZoe Posts: 8 Member
    Oh and quinoa is a super grain amazing wonder food, bit like couscous but so so good for you- substitute rice for it and it will do the same job but it's healthier :)