How do you avoid a binge????



  • LisaGamerGirl
    Lots of different teas :)
  • FlatTummyTrish
    FlatTummyTrish Posts: 88 Member
    I managed to get over binging, I think I just got distracted with everything else like work or a hobby, I drank lots of different teas, added fibre and proteins to my diet and I just basically stopped obsessing over food. I know it's a real struggle and it doesn't go away in a week, but it is possible to fight it just be strong! I don't know if you're anything like me, when I used to start eating a lot early in the day, there was no chance I stopped no matter how hard I tried, but if that happens just get out of the house and go for a walk or visit a friend, anything not to be in that control-free zone. I really hope you do well :)
  • ACrowsDay
    ACrowsDay Posts: 66 Member
    Not sure what is meant by "binge" here.
    If you are really struggling with food, maybe just set your calories to maintenance and eat that amount. Try to get in a little extra exercise. On days when you feel strong, eat at a deficit. Then at least you will be stabilizing your eating habits/drives.
    I really thought this was a good answer!
  • artistryrose
    artistryrose Posts: 84 Member
    When you feel like gorging! Just get really naked and stand in front of the mirror with the treat you want to eat... Sounds silly Sure, but i bet it will work!
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I looove eating at night. Lately I've been 'bingeing' on frozen grapes. I take 20~ at a time out of the freezer so they dont get warm by the time I'm done eating them, and it takes forever to eat. By the time I've finished my 3rd bowl an hour has gone by, my tongue is numb and I've only eaten 200-300 calories depending on the size of the grapes lol
  • mrsnealey
    mrsnealey Posts: 5 Member
    I don't have any advice to add, but I also really struggle with binge eating (not an extra piece of bread, like an extra 1000-2000 calories of junk food) and will be trying out this advice! Thank you!
  • bobkat80
    bobkat80 Posts: 347 Member
    I've been on a binge all day. I'm over 2100 calories and I'm not sure I've stopped eating yet. I may just go to bed to stop it now. I've eaten almost everything in the house. I will just have to start again tomorrow.

    For me the answer is to not let it start. I didn't plan today's meals or have the right foods in the house and that is how I got started.

    I am going to have a dark chocolate bar that my husband just brought home and then it's goodnight.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    By not over-restricting food groups. Allow yourself reasonable treats so you don't feel deprived.
  • howekaren
    howekaren Posts: 159 Member
    I do a lot of the same things that have already been mentioned here: I plan out my day's food, I leave room for treats or indulgences, I don't deny myself any specific food, I make sure I eat sufficient protein and fibre to keep me satiated, and I make little treats that I know I can have one or two of without destroying my calories for the day. One thing that I have found helps me to avoid eating or snacking at night is to keep my hands busy. I have several hobbies that even if I'm sitting around watching TV, If I keep my hands busy doing knitting, or Crosstitch, or painting, I've found that I cannot eat and do those at the same time. It keeps my mind occupied, keeps me from being bored, and keeps my hands busy. I've also found that playing guitar when I'm not watching TV and looking to relax helps as well.

    There are also a lot of studies that show that exercise actually helps increase a person's ability to resist food cravings. As you exercise more and get healthier, the body actually starts to be able to better resist those cravings.

    For me, personally, I found that the biggest motivator to avoid binging is to actually see some results. When I am "on the wagon", and actively losing, I find that I'm better able to resist. Sometimes I fall off the wagon, and I find that I binge because I'm not exercising and therefore it's almost like I'm giving myself an excuse to eat. Oh, the mind games we play with ourselves!

    Hope this helps you some. Binging has caused me to have to re-lose the same 20lbs several times now. Currently down 80, but I've been lower, and I still have a ways to go.
  • coconuttjd
    My go to snack to stave off binge urges was cheese.

    I love cheese.
  • etscher
    etscher Posts: 41 Member
    I keep "trigger foods" out of my kitchen completely. If I have junk available in front of me, I'm likely to eat it. If I have to get up and go somewhere to get something that I'm craving (I don't have a car), then I probably won't walk all the way to the grocery store and buy it.

    Do a pantry cleanse and throw away (or give away) the items that will trigger a binge. I know that you spent your hard earned money on it, but it can be a cleansing feeling to start over in your kitchen. I also put the nutrition facts facing toward me for food on the shelves.

    After about 3 weeks of healthy eating and good habits, you get into a rhythm and are less likely to go back to your bad habits if you keep them away from you. Also think about how you felt physically and emotionally after your last binge. I doubt it was a positive feeling. Try to relive those feelings to discourage yourself from overeating.