need more friends to help me stay motivated

Hello I am crystal I am 26 years old I am 5 foot tall and weigh 176 pounds.I have been on mfp since Feb of highest weight was 195 pounds when I started on here I weighed 188.yeah I didn't lose much I fell off the wagon a few times and now I am back.I want to be at 115-120.I have been going to my apartments gym 4 days a week.and 3 days a week I do work out calories is set for 1200 a day but I do eat back some of my exercise calories and make sure I eat at least 1400-1500 calories.I just wanna have friends to help motivate each send me a friends request


  • kaymjacques
    kaymjacques Posts: 9 Member
    Hey I'm Kayla, I'll add you. I need new friends too -- so if you see this, I'm almost on Day 150 of my streak and have an open diary!

    Add me please!!! :D
  • CLessBeth
    CLessBeth Posts: 46
    Hello I'm Beth, I'll add you too! I'm also looking for new friends for motivation
    And support on my journey in weight loss.. Good luck to you and you as well Kayla!
    Maybe we can all keep each other motivated! :)
  • Hi ladies, my name is Erin. I'm just starting on my weight loss journey too! I think the more support we have, the more motivated we will be to keep going. I have a long way on my journey and could always use some friends. I'll add you! I wish you all the best in your journeys!! :)
  • jessica51202
    jessica51202 Posts: 21 Member
    i'll add you as well :)

    can never have too many positive friends!!
  • Feel free to add me :)
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    Add me! Add me! I log every day and my diary is open for all to see my sins and accomplishments!:tongue:
  • sch1994
    sch1994 Posts: 57 Member
    Will add you as well! I always need more support and motivation! :)
  • jeanners98
    jeanners98 Posts: 74 Member
    Add me, add me!!! I need more friends to keep me going!
  • KymSheree
    KymSheree Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me too :-)
  • I also am looking for friends to keep me motivated and to remember to eat 1200 calories so I can lise this darn weight!
  • Hi ladies!...I am on day 19 of my streak!...would love new mom is my only friend and she don't use it often...:-)...add me please
  • sasssi50
    sasssi50 Posts: 5 Member
    You can add me, too. I totally need some friends in here that are going through a new diet or plan too! Would anyone add me if they would like to be diet buddies?
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    why is it so hard to lose the weight but its so easy to gain it. I'm trying to hard to get this weight off. But I don't get much support from friends or family. My only support is my own soon to be husband thinks I'm fine the way I am. I am obese from what my doctor says.
  • adupras77
    adupras77 Posts: 9 Member
    I feel the same way, looking for members for motivation! It always helps when you can relate to others for inspiration. Please feel free to add me, let's help each other reach our goals. :happy:
  • ngmh96
    ngmh96 Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me.........My name is Nikki. Mom of 3 (ages 13,11, & 5). And, they are my motivation for losing weight. Before I got pregnant with my 5 yr. old, I only weighed 118 pounds! But that was after losing 80 pounds (I've struggled with weight all my life). Back then, all I wanted was to be skinny. Really. Now? I just want to be healthy! I am 37 yrs. old, and already have some health issues. Mostly osteoarthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome, which are both inherited. I am determined that I am going to get healthy and feel good about myself! After all, I do have 3 beautiful children that I intend to see grandchildren from! Join me as we support each other on this journey...........
  • jbladecki
    jbladecki Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm always up for support!
  • Ndigo22
    Ndigo22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey ladies and gents! I'm looking for new MFP buddies as well, I think a little extra motivation will keep me from messing up my streaks ^_^ will add back
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    Good positive, knowledgeable people can be very helpful in guiding you and cheering you on when you do certain good things. However, motivation is something that comes from within. People can't just "give" that to you. You've got to do some serious thinking and find ways that work for you to motivate yourself. Without this, you could have 200 friends on here, and still not be motivated.
  • Everyone please feel free to add me! I'm new and need all the motivation and support I can give and receive. Busy with kids and school and don't get much support with people in my life who constantly make poor food choices around me :)