300 lbs and need motovation and support.....



  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    I haven't read all the replies, so someone may have already commented on this . . . but your daughter is also at risk of having the same problems as you do. Start now with a healthy diet for your WHOLE family. Start now with a more active lifestyle for your WHOLE family. Make this a FAMILY change and a FAMILY challenge. And remember, you CAN do it. :flowerforyou:
  • tessuofa
    tessuofa Posts: 1 Member
    I got a Fitbit in Jan of this year. I started walking almost every day. I cut out almost all the sugar I was eating and processed food. I began to watch what I ate and portions.

    2 and a half months later.........I had lost 4 pounds. What a let down. (By the way, I'm over 50, if that has any bearing on it.)

    Then I found a program called "Body 4 Believers". It was developed by a former pastor who lost over 170 pounds!! After one week, I'm down 6 1/2 pounds! I can't tell you how encouraged I am. It is not that difficult. I can do it without any major brain strain to figure out what to do. (I don't have time for that!) I believe this is something I can do.

    I have no idea where you live, but he does free seminars to help people figure it out. Or I can help you as well. Good luck on your journey.
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    I just wanted to say I've been there on the "work all day and come home to baby exhausted". Plus the whole "I should exercise and be a good role model" tugging against the "I've already missed half the day with my kid, I want to BE THERE".

    I wouldn't worry about losing weight the first few weeks. Instead focus on establishing habits and getting your baseline recorded. (Habits: weighing portions, recording what you ate exactly, etc.) When you have tracking all your meals down pat you'll start to see patterns and can make little changes. I noticed when I was tired I would just make one thing for dinner (like spaghetti) and we would eat a lot of it. By halving the amount of spaghetti and throwing a steam bag of broccoli in the microwave I was dramatically reducing our calorie intake and increasing our fiber intake. Another little switch was changing from regular spaghetti to whole wheat/added protein variety. Another switch was having a piece of fruit when I started to crave something to eat before a meal, so I wouldn't snack while cooking or overeat when it was finally my lunchbreak.

    Also while doing those first few weeks, figure out what you want to track besides just the scale. You could buy a body tape measure and take beginning measurements. How about your blood pressure? Do you have a device like a FitBit? Learning that stuff and remembering to use it/record it will take a little time.

    Concentrate on little changes. Track those changes and acknowledge them. Cheer when you lose 10 pounds, but also cheer when you hit your fiber goal for a whole week.

    For exercise, maybe start with something that you can do while you're doing something else. If you have a step you could do a basic routine while watching your favorite TV program. Then it's not an either/or. "The baby is asleep I want some ME time, so do I watch Doctor Who or work out, hmmm..." Also look at ideas for quick 15 minute workouts. A 15 minute workout in the morning and another one after dinner would be a great start.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Trial and error. Spend the time and effort to figure out what works and is SUSTAINABLE for you. There is no one size fits all in this endeavor. Yes, a calorie deficit is necessary for weight loss, but how you achieve it and do so consistently, is up to you to figure out.
  • jenanon1
    jenanon1 Posts: 58 Member
    Just popping by to say if you follow the mfp way, and are honest with yourself, you'll be fine. I started at 315 or so and today I'm down to 289, logged every day since 7 th Jan so I'm 94 days in. And it's nowhere near as hard as you think it's going to be once you get your head round logging everything accurately and accept it won't happen overnight. Add me as a friend if you like, we're all here to cheer you on :)
  • cchew686
    cchew686 Posts: 108
    Props to the people who are "clean eating," but just know it is not the only way. If it is too intense for you (or just don't want to/unable to commit to do it, like me) you can still lose weight without clean eating. I'm down 33 pounds (total) from my highest and I haven't cut anything out of my diet, just reduced portions, started drinking a TON of water, and got moving. Basically, find something that works for you. If you want this to be a lifelong change you need to be able to maintain it.
  • KristalDawnO
    KristalDawnO Posts: 154 Member
    Hi. I'm just starting MFP again as well. In theory I know what to do....I understand eating healthily, exercise, calories In/out.... but for whatever reason I've allowed stressors and life to put my health in the background. I'm bringing it to the forefront. I am worth it. Today I am 5'11....315lbs or so. Probably need to weigh myself in the morning. Good to see others here like me :)
  • ekahnicole
    ekahnicole Posts: 216 Member
    I started out over 300lbs and have lost over 90 since joining MFP. I've just stuck to a calorie deficit and have logged as religiously as possible (for 364 days in a row).

    Feel free to add me, looking at my diary might help you out since we had basically the same starting weight.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    The realisation that nothing was going to change if I didn't make it happen. I was about 65lbs overweight when I started and all I did was walk for an hour a day most days of the week and count calories for the first month. I cut down on my snacks and swapped the higher calorie ones for healthier versions. I have some problems with my knee and foot so I don't do any running at all, just walking and after a few months when my fitness improved, some circuit training from Jillian Michaels workouts.

    So far in 8 months I have lost 37lbs. Chances are with some small changes like cutting down on snacks and a little more exercise you would see a big difference very quickly. You don't have to starve or workout like mad to lose weight. If your life is busy fit in what you can. Home exercise equipment, like an exercise bike or stepper, might be useful.

    Good luck with it, you got this! If in doubt, play the Rocky theme tune. You will want to workout and punch people immediately.
  • PositiveBody
    PositiveBody Posts: 43 Member
    Here is my suggestion because it has worked for me...every month, have a new goal for yourself for the next 12 months. For example, month 1, decide to cut back on all sugar (this was huge for me). Truvia (stevia) is what got me through the need for sugar. month 2, decide to exercise in some form 5-6 days a week for 30 minutes month 3, ect....once you start the ball rolling with your goals, they get easier and easier over time. Have confidence in the process here on MFP and logging every single day. I see people come and go....find the folks who have been doing this a long time and stick with them every single day. Why? When we eat with intention, and are aware of what and how much we eat, we think about what we are putting into our mouths. We became overweight because we weren't really paying attention to our diets. I hope this helps.
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I need some input from others that have lost weight and how they have gotten to they're goal or are on they're way. I'm 305 and 5'10" I don't know what to really do. I work all the time on my feet walking for 7-9 hours a night and when I'm home I have a now 11month old daughter. I want to lose weight to gain some self worth that I have been lacking for years and I want to live to watch my daughter grow up. I'm at risk of diabetes and heart deiseas because of family.I've tried diets andn I always end up gaining more weight idk what else to do, and don't have anyonento reach out tk. Pleas add me and help me out with what has helped you lose weight and start the road to your goal.

    Feel free to add me-- I am much shorter than you, but was over 300 lbs when I started. Made small changes over time and have lost a lot of weight. It can happen =)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi I'm Rachel, you can add me! :-)
  • funnybun1
    funnybun1 Posts: 62 Member
    Hell yeah....I forgot to say it does get easier :)
  • hilousna08
    hilousna08 Posts: 14 Member
    Can you call me tomorrow? 603-491-7599
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    You've gotten some great advise so far. I just want to chime in....don't make it harder than it has to be. You don't have to go give up all of the things you love to lose weight. You DON"T have to starve yourself. That is one thing that I've learned this time, that has helped me stick with it. You will have good days, you will have bad days. Don't beat yourself up about it just take it one day at a time. You can do this!
  • jillyber
    jillyber Posts: 19 Member
    All of this is great advice! Feel free to add me if you want. I'll help in any way I can.
  • funnybun1
    funnybun1 Posts: 62 Member

    Couple of easy suggestions that I found that helped make a big difference for me.

    1. Change from serving spoons to measuring cups.
    2. Track everything you eat....yes I mean everything :)
    3. Try to make activity part of your day. I go for walks/jogs on my lunch breaks & it's a great stress reliever too
    4. Stick with it!!! Instant gratification aint happening lol
    5. Find a pal to workout with you - I take my son and my partner with me for an early evening walk/jog.
    6. Realize that yes this going to take some serious effort....and remember you are worth it.

    Hope these help :)

    Anyone who has similar goals to mine, or is willing to offer support is welcome to add me.

    Have a kick *kitten* day yall!
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    This sounds so silly but I have a picture of myself at my heaviest in a bathing suit. Ick!! I made copies and put one in my kitchen cabinets and on my fridge. When I'm considering cheating I look at those pics. :)
  • ForeverCharlie
    ForeverCharlie Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome :) you've made the first step by coming here. This is a great site. I feel like I found myself here. I started at 365 and 5'4''. I've been dieting since 8th grade, and have only gotten bigger and bigger through the years. I've tried low carb, low fat, low calorie, high calorie, Whole 30, paleo, pills, juice diets, starving myself, etc. Nothing has worked for me. I was too afraid to go to the doctor because I knew what I was going to be told: "you're fat, you need to lose weight." Those are harsh words, and I have heard them before, but it's not something I needed to hear. I thought don't you think I know I'm fat? By the time I got here, I felt so helpless. I was lucky enough to meet a great group of friends, people who knew what I was going through. Everyone encouraged and supported me, and many people offered advice. I tried my best to follow all advice, and even though everyone meant well, I did well for a while, then failed. REPEAT the cycle. The moral of the story being - DON'T BE AFRAID TO FAIL. What works for one person may not work for you. People generally mean well, but with that there are those who think they're THE expert. When you come across those, your feelings will be hurt. But you will get over it! Try different things and find out what works for you. I don't recommend that you starve yourself, but play with different calorie goals, exercise, etc. I would follow MFPs recommendations first for a month or two weeks then go from there. When you start any exercise program, start small. I don't mean don't push yourself, just don't try running a marathon overnight :)
    Going back to what worked for me best: I slowly cut out all processed food. It was hard, I won't lie, but once you do and you ear REAL food it tastes so darn good. And I finally went to see a naturopathic doctor after 12 years of not seeing one who, after extensive testing, revealed that she doesn't want me on a diet, does not want me to feel deprived (which I often felt). She recommended I cut out dairy and gluten from my food diary. By the time I saw her, I was bout 80% dairy free. Kicking the other 20% was almost a piece of cake. It has taken me a year overall. Stop consuming gluten was a bit harder. Gluten is in everything, but if you want it bad enough, you will make it happen. Following the doctor's orders was the best decision I have made in regards to my diet. I would recommend it everyone. It may not work for you, like I said above, just because it worked for me.

    The best of luck to you, and if you'd like to be friends, please add me :)))

  • barracudamuscle
    barracudamuscle Posts: 313 Member
    I don't have any good advice but I'm part of the 300 club and day 3 into it! I think the hardest part is just getting in the routine of going to the gym, getting active, and of course eating properly! A baby is a quite the handful, my son just turned 6 months, unfortunately I'm on a long business trip far away but the positive is I can use this free time to my advantage and get on the right track now.

    It's a hard battle, look at the amount of overweight American's. Look at all the amazing people here sharing their success, experience, tips, encouragement etc to show it is doable! The only expertise I can offer you is how not to eat! I miss desserts, BBQ, Carbs! I sent you a friend request maybe we can make this journey together! :)

    Good Luck!