300 lbs and need motovation and support.....



  • We'll do this together! I'm currently 290 lbs. and I would like to get down to 140. Thanks everyone for all your great tips and motivation. :flowerforyou:
  • suejenfb
    suejenfb Posts: 54 Member
    I just sent you a request. I recently started using MFP and I find the support on this site to be extreMly motivating. Everyone here is looking to get healthier and help each other. Lots of luck to you.
  • lyricsmamma6469
    lyricsmamma6469 Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started at almost the same weight - - and I found that cutting out ALL fast food, ALL pop (including diet) and starting slowly builds a great foundation for the long run. I started with walking, then got a gym membership, and now I've added bike riding (I had to get under the weight limit for the bike and the snow had to stop). It's going to be hard. It's going to take what feels like forever to lose the weight, but it will be worth it. I recently went on a trip with my boyfriend to an area of my state that has some intense hiking parks. I was able to do them all without crying (which I had previously done because I was embarrassed) and my boyfriend even said he felt like I had an easier time than he did. After a few months you'll be amazed at how quickly your fitness levels change and being proud of yourself is a great feeling.
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    I would say log every bite that you take and try to get away from fast food and soda. Try to find something that you like to do that will keep you moving. Walking is excellent. Maybe get a jogging stroller and use it for walking, much easier to maneuver.
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    This sounds so silly but I have a picture of myself at my heaviest in a bathing suit. Ick!! I made copies and put one in my kitchen cabinets and on my fridge. When I'm considering cheating I look at those pics. :)

  • lisaa1278
    lisaa1278 Posts: 1 Member

    I am new to this board. I am 5 11 and currently at 301. I just had a baby 4 weeks ago today. I had lost weight before I found out I was pregnant (60lbs) and managed to gain during pregnancy. I had to mentally want to do it to lose weight, if you aren't ready for it, then there will be no success. Right now, I am itching to get back to working out and losing weight again. When I went in for my csection, I was at 330. I have a long way to go. The big thing is you need to hold yourself accountable for everything. I kept a journal... Entered my weight, how much I was eating and what, how much water I was drinking, and what activities I was doing. It's great to have this stuff online, sometimes it is better to just write it out. I know it worked for me.

    If you want someone to lose weight with, let me know ;). Part of my new holding myself accountable is by posting on here, normally I would just read and move on but to actually post my weight is giving me motivation to lose.

    Right now I am making healthy food choices and walking. As soon as I am cleared, I will be starting c25k which was what helped my lose weight the last time.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    For me, it was realizing this isn't a diet. You can eat regular food but steer clear of processed & high sodium food. I found a lot of new food that tastes great that I make myself. I cook one afternoon a few things for the next week, cut vegies etc so it's just a quick grab during the busy week. I log either as I put together my meals for the day or BEFORE I eat. If I still want more after, drink water or find something to occupy you. I was surprised to see how many calories many things I thought were healthy. Now I avoid those things and find the better option. So if you have a tough day & over eat or eat bad stuff, so what. It's one day & it didn't ruin all your progress. Each day is a new day. Don't self loath. Just get back in there & forget about the day or meal before. You can do it!!


    This for sure!
    I started at 270 and I am only 5'3" I just started walking and logging everything. I also made sure I gave my self cheat days to keep myself sane. Definately make sure you eat back your exercise calories! Do not under eat thinking it will help because it won't! Good luck on your journey, you can do this! Feel free to add me! :drinker:
  • Pusarah
    Pusarah Posts: 124 Member
    Currently 354ish, started at 377lbs. Getting there :) I am 5'10 as well.
    I started with mfp and it's been really great. I am motivated and feel well worth the effort I've put forth thus far. Joined the gym with 2 of my 5 boys and close to getting hubby on board.
    The first things I cut out food wise were easier than I thought they'd be....no cream in the coffee, or tea, drinking tea black, finding herbal types I like so I make sure. Increasing water is a big one, find that one easier going into spring/summer.
    Before the gym, tho I did join it very soon after joining here, I found some videos on youtube, Walk Away the Pounds is pretty quick and easy I found to get into to get your heart rate up. Walking outdoors is great too now that the snow around here is letting up. lol
    I think everyone finds what works for them and it might be a lot of trial and error of finding your self worth, and foods you enjoy that aren't high in calories, cutting out those little things that add a lot of calories you don't usually think about. I really hope you find your motivation for a healthier you :)
    This site has so many awesome people who can motivate you, and the success pictures are SO great to look at for inspiration. Makes you really want to see yourself on those pages one day...but it will take time and effort. Good luck :)
  • brosis85
    brosis85 Posts: 114 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend - I love being able to help people on their journey!
  • lensperry
    lensperry Posts: 29 Member
    When I started, I was right at 300 but have lost around 12 pounds. I cut back on the pop. I used to drink multiple Dr. Pepper's or Pepsi's a day, and got it down to one a day. Then I decided to cut that out as well because I wanted to eat instead of drink my calories. I started drinking more unsweet tea and diet pop. Now I only drink diet pop every other day at the most. I've started eating more fruits and veggies. Instead of having tacos with my family, I have taco salad with the base being lettuce, so I can have all the other goodies but not have to account for the calories in the tortillas. I'm definitely not one of those people that can cut out processed foods or fast food. When I eat out, if I want fries, I get a small order. If I want a burger, I get a small burger and not a quarter pounder. I like food and definitely enjoy an awesome meal at my favorite restaurant every now and then. This has to be something that I'm willing to do for the rest of my life, so I'm adapting. :happy:

    ETA: It's hard. Some days I just want to not have to track every single thing that I eat. I want to do this this time though. You can do it too, if you want it.
  • MrsJohnson0130
    MrsJohnson0130 Posts: 3 Member
    I delivered my second daughter on January 29th, and I was my heaviest, and 311 lbs. Now, I'm down to 268. You have to realize that you are worth it, and you can do it. I use mfp everyday to track my calories. I've been walking everyday with me girls in a jogging stroller. I try to elliptical for 15 minutes a day...which isn't always easy with two kids under 18 months. I'll add you :)
  • ovi212
    ovi212 Posts: 145 Member
    I'd love to help if I can!

    I'd suggest starting to make some lifestyle changes you can live with.I'm not sure what or how much you normally eat but switching to a healthy diet would be helpful in getting to a deficit. Eat high calorie treat/junk food in moderation and eat a lot more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins etc. I can help you with food choices or making meal plans if you'd like. It really depends on how you like to eat (number meals etc.) and what types of food. For your health it would be good to start some exercise. Perhaps a walk everyday to start? Personally I love doing online fitness videos at home while I cook my dinner and I like to walk or run on the spot while watching tv sometimes.

    I wish you all the best! You can do it :)
  • pattycakes80
    pattycakes80 Posts: 118 Member
    i threw the notion of dieting out the window. i started very slow, making tiny but critical changes in the beginning (more water, walking more, limiting fast food) and understood that i was in for a battle. a long, life-changing yet incredibly rewarding battle.

    2-3 pounds a week felt agonizingly slow, but i resisted frustration, kept my head down and continued to work. eventually i looked up and was closing in on 100 gone. in less than a year. time will pass anyway, just try and nudge it in the best direction possible. :)
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I was 310 and had to lose to be a candidate to donate a kidney to my dad whose diabetes wrecked his. I can't have a substantial risk of it myself, or heart disease because that would preclude me as a donor so I simply had to do the math and decide to lose weight. Once you have figured out your numbers there is no "I can't". You just lose it or you don't. It's all about deciding what's more important to you every step of the way. Have to choose between long term health and short term gratification.