Cabbage soup

I am on the first day of this diet, and I just added up the calories I ate for the day and it's around 400. That seems incredibly low, but I feel fine, I'm not hungry, and I'm only going to do it for the 7 days so I don't believe it can do any real damage. It is basically just eating lots of fruit and veggies. I think the first day is probably the most restrictive so I expect my calorie intake to go up as the week goes on and different foods are incorporated.
After losing 60 lbs over the last two years (sensible eating, and exercise) I've gained 14 lbs since Christmas reverting to old habits, and I feel I just need something to kick start me again, nothing else seems to be working, I don't seem able to stick to being sensible any more. I do feel a bit desperate, and I'm terrified of gaining all the weight I've lost back. 1 lb a week loss just isn't keeping me motivated at all. I lose 1 lb and then go off the rails and binge on junk food and gain 2 lbs the next week. I have done this diet years ago and lost 10 lbs (I did gain it back, but then I reverted to terrible eating with no exercise so obviously I would), but it made me more aware of what was going into my mouth, and it did take away cravings for junk food. I'm thinking that sensible eating may be sustainable again after a week of this.
I am concerned about exercise as the last time I did it I wasn't exercising at all, and now I probably burn 2000 calories a week on average. Has anyone else done this diet and exercised too? How were your energy levels?

PS I know it's a fad diet
PPS I know some of the weight that comes off will be water
PPPS I know it isn't sustainable long term, and I don't intend to do it for more than a week


  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I think you already know it's bad.
    So I don't understand what you're asking.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Extremes are not the path to success.

    However, cabbage soup done well can be a fine thing.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You've answered your own question. It's a silly idea. Just eat normal food at a deficit
  • Twigglete
    Twigglete Posts: 4 Member
    Iknowsaur - I don't actually think it's bad. I feel slightly guilty just because it's looked on as a fad diet, and everyone knows it's a mortal sin to do a fad diet. I'm just trying to find a way to not gain back any more weight, and nothing else is working for me right now. I think it would be more bad to gain another 14 lbs than to do this for ONE week ,and hopefully kick start healthy habits again.
    Thank you for your helpful input.
  • mybellabear1
    mybellabear1 Posts: 9 Member
    I am considering trying it. I know its a fad diet, but I just took a really bad hit on my self esteem today. I just started trying to lose weight and have done an extremely good job at logging my food, exercise and water. I have stayed under my calories every day this week, and burned more than I ate but I somehow gained 9 pounds. Its not muscle, I am not lifting weights. I am sticking with cardio and lighter exercise until i got used to it. I feel like if I did something, anything to start a weight loss and see results I will be more likely to keep going. After stepping on the scale to see a 9 pound weight gain I need to do something
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Why don't you quit messing around and just make your own soup with protein, fats, and carbs and other vitamins and minerals? You want to go on a soup diet and eat soup all day... then add the essentials to keep you body functioning correctly.

    You know dang well your body needs a minimum calories to function properly. Your poor organs shouldn't be punished because you want to lose weight so quickly. What 14lbs? Stop being silly. lol

    So, add some protein and veggies to your cabbage soup and eat at least 1200 calories and remember do you want to look atrophied? Ecckkkkkkk.... muscles all being eaten because you want to just eat some lettuce and no protein.

    Come on I'm sure you are very intelligent and we all want to lose weight quickly, but don't punish your organs which depend on your due to your own selfishness.

    I say that with the utmost respect. I wish you well.

    Edit: I'm kidding about your muscles looking atrophied after 14lbs but I just find it kind of humorous to eat cabbage soup all day when you can eat other soups. Forgive my sarcasm and tone of my post. lol
  • Alsvic
    Alsvic Posts: 93 Member
    I have a friend who claims to have lost 45 pounds on the cabbage soup. I tried to explain that it might have had something to do with the hour of exercise he started doing everyday, but he swears it was the soup.

    As we all have found out the mental aspect of losing weight and being healthy is as important as eating at a deficit and exercise. So with that said if you think eating Cabbage soup for a week is going to help "kick start" your plan then by all means have at it. Just don't forget to exercise and log your diet.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    PS I know it's a fad diet
    PPS I know some of the weight that comes off will be water
    PPPS I know it isn't sustainable long term, and I don't intend to do it for more than a week

    With these disclaimers in mind... can you please elaborate on why you think this is the beginning of success for you?
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    PS I know it's a fad diet
    PPS I know some of the weight that comes off will be water
    PPPS I know it isn't sustainable long term, and I don't intend to do it for more than a week

    So then WHY are you barking up this tree? You're not jump starting anything but a strain on your kidney's, your heart, and confusing your body. Just figure out your deficit and do the work, it may take a few months of dedication but at least you won't end up on Dialysis. Sheesh.