Is it discouraging to you when people comment on how easy it



  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Not to side with the negative family members b/c obviously the answer to your question is to surround yourself with positive people and ignore the negative comments but why would you post your highest weight as your 9-month pregnant weight? I mean you are at least 10lbs lighter once baby, placenta and other gook come out. That seems like a very insecure thing to write, it makes you look more successful than you are which may annoy your family. Not that you haven’t been successful but still, never seen anyone do that so I thought I’d point it out, be a little devil’s advocate I suppose.

    Keep up the good work!
  • NikaBeth03
    I had a friend that use to pull that kind of attitude with me. She would even go so far as to make snarly comments when I would choose healthier options at restaurants. It was just so frustrating! At my breaking point I snapped back with "you are what you eat", as she was biting into a chicken wing. We are no longer friends.

    People that love you and want the best for you, will be proud of your effort and accomplishment. Loosing weight is NOT easy, and keeping it off is even harder. Let your family know that you would love to share and support them in the same easy weigh loss plan.
  • I don't do that to try to make myself seem more successful than I actually am. It's just my literally highest weight. Idk what my highest weight would be post-baby because I didn't have a chance to sleep, let alone take the time to actually weigh myself, until about 8 weeks after my daughter was born. Like I said, that is my highest weight, and I had to lose all of it one way or another. And believe me, pushing out a baby is not an easy way to lose 10 or however many pounds!