Adapting 30DS for knee problems?

I've been having major knee problems since starting the 30DS. I've just started level 2 today and I don't feel like I was able to do it properly because certain movements (mainly things that require squatting and lunging) cause me so much pain I just can't do them.

I really want to complete the 30DS. I don't want to feel like a cop out because I can't do certain movements because of my knee. I'm sure there are others who have had this problem.

Any recommendations?


  • OPile
    OPile Posts: 104 Member
    I have arthritis in my knees and initially it really hurt. But I gave the knees one day off at about day 7 and they have now settled into the routine. And I'm on day 7 of level 3 and they hardly hurt anymore.
  • piercedee
    piercedee Posts: 59 Member
    I feel your pain! I had knee surgery a few years ago and some days my knee still hates me. For squats and lunges (and almost all of the jumping related stuff) I did the modified version and went down to the point where my knee said "STOP". Try to listen to your body and remember you can always do punches for cardio :) Trust me even with doing the easier versions of moves and not getting full range of motion, when I gave everything I had on the exercises I could, I still wanted to die by the end of the 25 minutes. Also make sure to get a good stretch (not just the little cool down she does). This helped me a lot!

    Good luck!
  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    I have never had knee problems until 30ds. I was like you so excited and motivated that I wanted to finish the full 30 days. I eased up on some of the exercises and finished. Two years later and I am still having knee issues but finally getting better. I seriously recommend that you rethink this and not end up in pain the next few years like me.
  • sam_c_93
    sam_c_93 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the advice. Glad to know I'm not the only one!

    OPile: Sadly I don't think it's going to get better for me. They have been playing up since day 1. Some days are better than others but yesterday's level 2 seems to have really done me in! But hopefully it will get easier as level 2 goes by.

    piercedee: I am doing the modified versions and I know at one point Jillian says if you have knee trouble just go as far as your knee will let you, but I can't go at all without bad pain! I know what you mean though - even without going certain exercises properly I was ready to collapse at the end, but I just feel like I'm cheating a bit and not getting the best workout for those particular leg muscles becuase of my knee. It's very annoying.

    rdkstar: I've always had some knee problems on and off so it doesn't surprise me. I'm sorry to hear that the problems seem to have stuck from the 30DS for you. I will definitely bare this in mind because I don't want to make things worse. Thanks.
  • JoLMahan
    JoLMahan Posts: 34 Member
    I had knee surgery 2 years ago, and I am currently at the end of the first level of 30DS. Those knee circles at the beginning I do both ways and a little more than she does just to work them out more, and I am still doing modified of a lot of the moves. I can't do jumping jacks ever again (as per my physical therapist) so I just do them one leg at a time while moving my arms.

    For squats, make sure you have proper form. If you do, that shouldn't hurt your knees too badly. Weight should be primarily in your heels, stick your butt out farther than you think you should be, and sit as far as you can. Lunges I still have trouble with too, and on days that my knee hurts a little more than others, I swap out the lunge sequence with pulsing squats (go down as far as you can and come up an inch to pulse, then go back down for 10 reps), and my legs and bum are burning afterward!

    You just need to listen to your body, do what you can do, and dont be hard on yourself for the rest of it! You are still doing so much better than all those that use "I have bad knees" as an excuse not to do anything (and I was definitely one of those people!).