Low calorie vegetarian Olive Garden items?

I've been out of work for a few months now, but tomorrow I have a job interview! I'm really excited, and so is my girlfriend! She wants to take me out for a celebratory dinner at Olive Garden if the interview goes well. I'm really against the idea of using food as a reward for anything, but the gesture was really sweet of her, and I don't want to turn her down. But I've never been to that restaurant while I was counting calories or avoiding the over-consumption of carbs. So I was wondering if anyone knew of any dishes there that I could eat there?

I usually have the cheese-stuffed ravioli, but I don't think I should have that anymore because the portions there are so huge, and I am pretty much uncontrollable when I have a plate full of pasta in front of me. But I'm thinking I should try the soups or something. Anyone have suggestions? (Keep in mind that I'm a vegetarian! ;w;)


  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Well for one you could get the soup and salad. The minestrone is vegetarian.

    They also have a nutrition guide you could ask for to put together a meal. They are usually pretty good at providing substitutions if you ask.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I'm not sure i've ever heard the terms "low calorie" and "vegetarian" in the same sentence as the term "Olive Garden".

    I know they have salads there. They have some soups, but they are far from low cal.

    It seems they have options, though. They have veggies you can order instead of potatoes.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    My perspective is this - It's not necessarily using food as a reward. It's an evening out for you and your girlfriend, where neither of you has to cook, and you can focus on each other and relax. You also have the chance to enjoy food you might not make for yourself at home. If it were me, I would just take the chance to enjoy the experience and have whatever I like, but I eat out probably no more than 5 times a year, so I'm not indulging like that very often.
  • KhatLady
    KhatLady Posts: 51 Member
    Olive Garden's salad is disgusting. It's closer to a cold Italian Dressing Soup than it is to a salad. If you do opt for salad, ask for dressing on the side.

    The minestrone is ok, but it, like everything else there, is loaded with salt.

    The Roasted Parm Asparagus is a decent option. You can probably get a side of pasta with marinara and whatever veggies they use for sides and have a pretty acceptable dinner. But I say that with derision because, well, it's Olive Garden, lol.