moved from WW to MFP and LOVING IT!

well its only my 4th day on MFP but i have to say its a breath of fresh air after doing years of WW. i think im almost a total convert! i know the two are pretty similar but what i like with MFP is you can be a lot more visual with what your actually eating and working with the weekly calorie graph means i dont beat myself up if i go over calories one day (like i would with points) also im loving that its making me push myself that little bit extra with my work outs, today for instance @ work we have a "sweet shop" man that comes in with lots of goodies i wouldnt dream of ever having any becuase points would be too high but today i have power walked to work and arranged my menu so i can have some i think been able to have those little treats here and there will prevent me from future binges, on WW i would only eat treats on a saturday when i have my weekly points Allowance so i always ended up trying to eat as much goodies in one night as possible now i feel it smore balanced out and im hoping come saturday becuase i ahvent been depriving myself that it will just be like any other day of eating....hope this works for me becuase already i can see this been my new way of life :)
:smile: :smile: :bigsmile: :smile:


    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    sorry about the rubbish spelling power typing!
  • butterflyrae2010
    butterflyrae2010 Posts: 44 Member
    I agree, it's much easier to track everything on MFP. I got tired of counting points on weight watchers. I think twice about what I eat to, because I know I will have to log it in and be accountable.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    I did WW online for years after my wife had great success on it. So did I, but inconsistently. About 2 weeks ago I dropped WW and came here and don't regret it a bit.

    What I've found is I was just paying WW for what I can do for free, and the tools here make it that much easier. I'm doing the same things: tracking my food; exercising; make good choices yet eating what I want. I'm just counting calories instead of points, which is really just their fancy marketing way of counting calories, except you pay for it.

    Good luck and have fun with it!
  • oxsarahhxo
    this makes me happy!!! MFP > ww, and all other types of weight loss programmes hehe

    MFP should be recommended to everyone who wants to lose, imo!
  • lharrop1669
    lharrop1669 Posts: 28 Member
    I, too, am a WW convert. Your message was right on queue. I would beat myself up for going over on my points. MFP does indeed push me to do a little extra. I can see the times when I did little exercise vs the days with more. I like seeing that I am still losing even when I slip up a day.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    how long have you been doing it for and how many cals are you given a day?? it really is a LOT easier i liek also that if im hungry instead of grabbing a peice of fruit like a banana at 130cals i can have a boiled egg or maybe a bit of chocoalte if thats what i fancy i have more choice! even when on a night out now i can keep tally of hwo many vodka diet coke i have becuase the app is so quick to responce and use then i know how hard i have to work the week after to gain those calories back its almost like you know if your going to lose/maintain or gain using this app becuase its all there in front of you! x