Help! I'm addicted to Cadbury Mini Eggs1

My husband knows how much I love and I mean LOVE Cadbury Mini eggs, he brought me home a HUGE bag! I want to eat them so bad, but I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself if I open the bag. And the worst part is, because I didn't dive right in and devour the bag, he asked me what was wrong, why I wasn't eating them. He said they are like ice cream to me, I'm always happy when I'm eating ice cream or the eggs. I don't want food to be the reason why I'm happy or why not happy.That statement should be motivation enough, but I still want to eat the eggs. :/


  • earlybrd7
    earlybrd7 Posts: 56 Member
    Perhaps you can ask him to take them to share with other people (co-workers, family, etc) so they won't be sitting around the house tempting you... otherwise, this is where your willpower really needs to kick in.
  • charming12u
    charming12u Posts: 49 Member
    Say thank you, but I'm working on making changes to get healthier, and this candy is a trigger food for me. If you have to have some, measure out a serving, toss the rest in the freezer (frozen candy=more likely to break a tooth, good reason not to eat them) and have him take them to work to share. Or, pour some water in the bag, and toss them in the trash, if having them stay in the house is not good for you.

    I've got trigger foods too, and I either only get the smallest bag/ serving and only get them when it's a special occasion, or when I have a bunch of friends to share it with.

    I still eat them, I just plan ahead with some extra exercise or making sure there are people to share with so I don't feel like I need to finish the bag.
  • calliegirl1973
    calliegirl1973 Posts: 23 Member
    I am saving my easter candy for easter morning. I don't have candy at the moment, but wont buy any until the week of. Peeps are my favorite, I know if I get a pack, i wont be able to stop.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Your best option here; measure out a serving and fit them into your calorie goal.


    Bin them or give them away if they are too much of a trigger food.


    Just eat the lot and move on.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Have you thought about buying a bunch of snack bags and measuring out servings and allowing yourself a snack bag each day? Or you can make each bag half a serving. That way you allow yourself to enjoy your favorite candy, but maintain the satisfaction in knowing you are keeping it in control.
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    girlfiriend...i feel your pain! i thought i was the biggest cadbury mini egg fan! i live in switzerland and there is an abundance of EXCELLENT chocolate here but my heart belongs to cadbury! when easter comes around, i email my mom (she lives in california) and i ask her to go to target and buy me about 12 bags. then when i visit her, i bring them all back with me to switzerland and enjoy them year round. it is crazy. at the moment, i am down to 2 bags and it is easter! i'm in panick mode! but i will be back in california in july and my mom will have my replenishment stock set aside for me.

    i can never stop with the suggested serving size so i pretty much just hide them and only eat them on special occasions. and when i do eat them, i pretty much just "go to town". i am not one for self-control when it comes to cadbury mini eggs! LOL!
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    Fit them into your calorie goal or eat the lot and move on.

    I vote for "eat the lot and move on".

  • anna_conkers
    anna_conkers Posts: 24 Member
    Man I love mini eggs too .. why not weigh them out into small portions and work them into your calorie goal? Keep each portion wrapped or in separate sandwich bags, that way you won't have to eat them from the big bag and get carried away :)
  • Rachifloon
    Rachifloon Posts: 129 Member
    I find measuring out small servings and individually bag them up keeps me on track. The small servings satisfies the cravings without being harsh on the calories/sugar, and the separate bags makes me think of them as an entire new pack making me feel guilty if I go and eat a "whole 'nother bag".
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    OK to start with you're not addicted you're not so enthralled with them that your going to commit crimes or rob people to get your next fix. Saying your addicted is just demeaning people with real world problems.

    Now how to stop eating them all at once well use some self control. Do you want to stay fat or lose weight. As others have said you can always bag them up separately or if you decide you don't want them explain this to your husband and give them away.. What I've discovered over the past 15 months is having small amounts of things I like but are more calorific etc I actually enjoy them more. Also if you don't want your husband to buy these things for you talk to him.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    OK to start with you're not addicted you're not so enthralled with them that your going to commit crimes or rob people to get your next fix. Saying your addicted is just demeaning people with real world problems.

    Now how to stop eating them all at once well use some self control. Do you want to stay fat or lose weight. As others have said you can always bag them up separately or if you decide you don't want them explain this to your husband and give them away.. What I've discovered over the past 15 months is having small amounts of things I like but are more calorific etc I actually enjoy them more. Also if you don't want your husband to buy these things for you talk to him.

    All of this!
  • jpolinisse
    jpolinisse Posts: 149 Member
    I always thought those were yash.
  • sarahcav123
    sarahcav123 Posts: 128 Member
    You shouldn't be scared of food. :) In fact, eating "cheat" foods is actually very good for your relationship with food - it helps you to recognise that you can occasionally deviate from clean eating and still live a healthy life style. Its a way to learn moderation. I suggest perhaps setting a day where you have 1 cheat meal, a Friday for example. You eat your cheat meal (mini eggs included) and then move on. Eat clean for the rest of the week. It will not affect you health goals and will help you keep your sanity.

    Or you could try and fit them into your macros for the day, but this then risks eating them everyday and then kind of defeats the object of eating clean.

    I have a cheat day per week, and I feel that it is something I look forward to - and I do not feel guilty for doing it.
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Yes they are the best.
    I specifically ask my husband not to buy me chocolate etc, which he used to do out of a kind of misguided niceness. So I don't have to deal with surprise chocolate! Unless it's a freddo, they're small enough not to matter :smile: Mini eggs if I choose to get them I will weigh out and bag up in portions so I know how much I can have in one day. No temptation of just one more like there is if they're in one big bag!
  • allieloffredo
    allieloffredo Posts: 6 Member
    Ohhhh, those are very hard to resist. So yummy! Good thing they only make them once a year, lol. I know I can't cut them or some other foods totally out of my life but maybe if you just have like a small serving each day it won't be so bad :)
  • jhalton
    jhalton Posts: 85
    regift them
  • delineationfiguration
    As many others said, I would tackle the "addiction" by having some, a small serving, now and again. Or part the bag in to three large portions and have one third every Saturday / whatever day you want to indulge yourself in front of a movie with your partner or similar.

    If you do not deal with your emotional issues regarding food, you will not be able to change your lifestyle permanently.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I love them

    I have bought 3 huges bags for husband eats them too...:grumble:

    I have a bowl beside me everyday, I weigh out 1 serving (41g) which is a lot of eggs...and I eat them everyday...

    Don't believe me check my diary...

    Sometimes I have half a serving depending on what else I am eating (I made skor bars this weekend) but I may have some left over from the day before so I just leave them in the bowl and weigh out my new serving (my scale goes to zero if the bowl is on it pre turn on) so I might have 32 grams one night, 52 the next night.

    Why not fit them in ....he was doing something nice and buying you something he knows you love...
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    My FAVORITE chocolate candy. I too can sit and eat hand full after hand full of those little eggs. I usually savor them by letting the candy shell dissolve in my mouth and then get to the melty chocolate. So, basically, eating one takes about a minute. I try to avoid the big bags, but have done well enough with the small packs at eating one or two eggs a day. It takes self control, but it is possible to have a small amount and then move on. Eating treats doesn't need to be mental torture. Enjoy some and then leave some to enjoy another time.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    My husband knows how much I love and I mean LOVE Cadbury Mini eggs, he brought me home a HUGE bag! I want to eat them so bad, but I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself if I open the bag. And the worst part is, because I didn't dive right in and devour the bag, he asked me what was wrong, why I wasn't eating them. He said they are like ice cream to me, I'm always happy when I'm eating ice cream or the eggs. I don't want food to be the reason why I'm happy or why not happy.That statement should be motivation enough, but I still want to eat the eggs. :/

    I eat mini eggs, cream eggs, peanut butter cups pretty much every day. I just put the serving size (12 eggs) into a container and eat that. If you have a hard time doing that, maybe ask your husband to do it for you, and "stash" the rest of the bag away for the next night!

    ETA : I used to eat that 1 kg bag in a weekend (5700 calories) no wonder I put on weight. Now I eat everything I used to in moderation.