Caught In A Loop

lilystan Posts: 24 Member
Hi everyone and good luck reaching your goals. I am 64 and every year I go to Florida in winter where I have access to a fitness centre and a pool. I eat fairly well and by the time I go back home in April I am pretty close to my goals (around 5 more pounds to go). Then I am home, have no pool or fitness centre, the grandchildren come for extended stays and somehow everything goes right out the window and by November I am up 20+ pounds. And the older I get the more weight I put on and the harder it is to lose.
This has been going on for the last 5 years and I don't know how to stop it. Suggestions greatly appreciated. Or commiserations :smile:


  • ashleykenny8
    ashleykenny8 Posts: 42 Member
    I notice that if I don't plan my meals ahead of time, I end up eating junk. With your grandchildren coming, it could be a wonderful opportunity for you to plan healthy meals and bond with them over cooking and eating them together. I guess this depends on how old they are.
    Also, you said you have no access to a gym or pool, but do you have access to somewhere that you can walk? If the answer is no, then you could always find some interesting workout videos. I love doing things with my grandmother and would love it if I could participate in something with her that would improve her health.
  • lilystan
    lilystan Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the tips. We can walk, weather permitting and we do. They can't keep up a pace or go for as long as I need to but like you said, I can always get a video and they can stop when they get tired. Thanks again.