Nothing is working!!!



  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Who is arguing?? I was making a statement. BTW, nice selfie in the bathroom. Typical *kitten* picture.

    Now that wasn't nice. He's only trying to help you.
  • younginaz
    younginaz Posts: 71 Member

    I was just getting ready to post the same question. I have lost 70 pounds since last March, but in January of this year I hit a plateau and I have almost completely stopped, with the exception of ten slooww pounds recenlty. I weigh my food as much as possible. I tried increasing my calories, eating back my calories, and decreasing my calories. I was doing cardio (elliptical) 4-5 days a week. Recently I have added a morning session of cardio (swimming), so i am exercising twice a day three times a week, and I have recently started lifing weights. I am getting so frustrated that I am starting to give up. I completely disagree that is is mathmatically impossible. I have tried a nutritionist and a trainer at the gym, but they only have the standard "watch your portions" which I honestly believe I have under control. I honestly don't know what to do. I would love some advise so I thought I would jump on your post. Anybody?

    You should make your own thread instead of trying to hijack someone elses :)

    Well, the last time I posted, all I got was people telling me I should have searched the topic before starting another thread. I was just trying to avoid another backlash. :(
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I eat healthy. I eat oatmeal or fruit for breakfast. A salad or soup for lunch, and usually chicken and veggies for dinner. No sodas, no sweets.

    does not matter….your calorie counts can still be off and you would not lose ..

    if you eat "healthy" food at maintenance you will maintain, and not lose.

    get a food scale…weight/log/measure everything..

    why did you ask for advice if you are just going to argue with it????

    ^ this was my rude response….

    OP - you are way too sensitive …

    but like I said, you have all the answers already, so you obviously do not need any advice from me….
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I am not angry or ignorig advise. he was rude so I was back. Thanks for your advice.
    I'm, new to MFP and maybe a bit naive, or maybe just stupid, but could you please point out the rudeness, just so I can spot it in the future.
  • gieshagirl
    gieshagirl Posts: 102 Member
    My suggestion to you is eat more ....try ...I do not believe you are eating enough ....please re evaluate your calories
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Yes.. google scoobies and start there.. get a scale.. weigh everything .. count everything even if you lick the spoon. Get a tape measure and take your measurements.. If you don't lose weight while lifting you will probably lose inches. (which is better honestly) You are eating more then you think you are. Stop the silly injections, they are merely a "make someone money" gimmick.

    Weight loss is simple..

    To lose weight": eat less then you burn
    To gain weight: eat more then you burn
    To maintain weight: eat the same as what you burn.

    You cannot be successful if you do not have an idea of how many calories you actually burn and how much food you actually eat.

    Use MFP entries that do not have an asterisk before them as much as possible. They are usually more accurate. If you started to lift, eat a lot of protein. 30-40 percent of your calories should be protein. And you need to eat more.

    Slow and steady wins the race.
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    MapleFlavouredMaiden Posts: 595 Member
    Try eating more.

    Also start lifting heavy weights.

    Yeah, because that's how all those people in concentration camps in WWII got so skinny. The Germans fed them more and made them lift weights. Let's bottom line this. She's not in a deficit. She thinks she is but she's not. We know this because that's how weight loss works.

    It's not all about creating a deficit. I'm fairly certain she doesn't want to look like a concentration camp survivor. I see this same stupid statement all over the place. Sorry, but your ignorance is showing.

    Lol. What is it all about?

    You certainly need a deficit but that's not the end all be all of fat loss.
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    You seem to be relucant to weigh your food - it's been the main bit of advice giving in this thread but you seem to keep skirting around it so I think people are just trying to drill into you how important it is.

    A meal of chicken, veggies and pasta could be really healthy and low calorie but if you are having big portions or adding other things (sauces, gravy, cheese...who knows) it could also easily be 1000+ calories.

    If you are putting what you guess is a 'serving' of oats in your bowl you could easily be putting three servings in as the serving sizes on packets are notoriously small. So that bowl of oats with milk and maybe a tablespoon of honey could easily be 600 calories.

    Weighing food can be a pain and annoying and a hassle but it's got to be worth it just to make sure you are eating the calories you think you are - try it for a few weeks (you don't have to do it forever) and one of three things will happen. You'll find out youve been overestimating how many calories you eat and need to up your intake and lose some weight, you'll find your estimates were spot on and you still need to work out why you are not losing or you'll find out you have been eating more calories than your estimates, reduce your intake accordingly and lose weight :)

    Yes! Thanks, I am going to buy a scale this weekend and try it out for a couple weeks.

    It's important that you use it always if possible. For example, unlike the other user said, your fruits, vegetables, pasta, just anything that's solid will always have a different weight. Not all apples are the same size/weight. I started without a food scale (because I just didn't think about this) and when I got one I noticed that I was overeating. Also, 1200 might be too low for you, you can still lose weight by eating more than that (as long as you weigh/measure all your foods). Good luck OP.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    It's not just about how much you eat, but about WHAT you eat.


    yea right …so I can eat 5000 calories a day over maintenance of the "right" foods and still lose weights….
    Right, I thought a calorie is a calorie when it comes to losing weight.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I eat healthy. I eat oatmeal or fruit for breakfast. A salad or soup for lunch, and usually chicken and veggies for dinner. No sodas, no sweets.

    does not matter….your calorie counts can still be off and you would not lose ..

    if you eat "healthy" food at maintenance you will maintain, and not lose.

    get a food scale…weight/log/measure everything..

    why did you ask for advice if you are just going to argue with it????

    ^ this was my rude response….

    OP - you are way too sensitive …

    but like I said, you have all the answers already, so you obviously do not need any advice from me….

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Is there something out there that will tell me how much certain things should weigh??
    One serving white chicken breast weigh 4 Oz and about 110 calories....?

    Look, you only weigh the things that doesn't a;ready have calories measured out. If you eat a can of Campbell Chicken Noodle soup you know you are getting 140 calories. You don't weigh the soup. If you are grilling chicken than you need to weigh the chicken to know how much you are eating.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Its all about deficit when losing weight. Basic math. Everything else is just tools to help you.
  • aem135
    aem135 Posts: 44
    No, I do not weigh my food. I am just counting the calories of everythign i eat. But i put down every singe thing I eat. I am 5'10 and even when i was skinny i still had curves.

    If you're not weighing your food, then you really have no idea how much you are eating. If you think this advice is wrong - go weigh something that you eat. It will be the most eye opening experience you've had in a while. It was for me. If you are truly eating 1200 calories or less, taking those injections (which shouldn't even be necessary if you're eating 1200) and still not losing - then my money is on you're eating a lot more than you think.

    Buy a scale. Start weighing every solid food you eat. Measure liquids with a measuring cup or spoon and then give it about 4 weeks.

    ETA: Great idea to start lifting heavy - it's awesome. If you don't weigh your food, you still might not lose weight.

    AM CURIOUS ABOUT THIS, how do you weigh the food on this scale? (silly question I know), but how do you know how many calories it is by its weight?
  • kat_howell
    Is there something out there that will tell me how much certain things should weigh??
    One serving white chicken breast weigh 4 Oz and about 110 calories....?

    Look, you only weigh the things that doesn't a;ready have calories measured out. If you eat a can of Campbell Chicken Noodle soup you know you are getting 140 calories. You don't weigh the soup. If you are grilling chicken than you need to weigh the chicken to know how much you are eating.

    Thank you!