Phentermine... help!

I used Phentermine about 5 years ago with great sucess. I was monitored by a doctor and my health was good. Since then I had gastric bypass (fail) and really would like to lose 50-60 lbs to reach my goal weight. Problem is, I can't find anyone to prescribe it anymore. My GP says it is not proven to be "safe or unsafe" so he won't touch it. My old medically supervised weight loss clinic moved to a different state, and the one doctor I found who ran something similar up and moved as of Dec 15th. So my question is, how do I find a doctor who will prescribe it? What can i google? Who should I talk to? Someone plz point me in the right direction...or ANY direction. At least it's a step moving forward.



  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    id say just do it naturally..
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    id say just do it naturally..

    I'll second that!

    I read in your profile that you want to have another baby. Phentermine is definitely NOT suggested for any woman planning to become pregnant. You've already had surgery to deal with your weight. Phentermine is an appetite suppressant. There are other things you can do to control your appetite such as drinking water, drinking vegetable juice or eating a piece of fruit 30 minutes prior to a meal,

    You also said you want to be the best mom you can be to the kids you already have. Resorting to drugs to control behavior is not sending the right message to your kids. Is that what you want them to learn??? Can't control your behavior? OK, Here, take a pill.

    You may think I'm being mean but I'm just being honest with you. I'm only mean to people I don't like and I haven't even met you.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I would recommend the book by Dr. Oz called You On A Diet. A lot of information in that book. Learning portion control, eating lean meats and whole grains, honestly logging in calories, and exercise is the best thing there is.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I agree, natural is better. Look at it this way you tried it once, yeah it worked but did it last? Natural you have a better chance because you teach yourself how to eat better and how not to overeat by listening to your body.
  • husstler
    husstler Posts: 39 Member
    I'm with the other posters. Even if you are able to find someone to prescribe the phentermine and you lose weight on it, what happens when you stop taking it. If you haven't made real changes in what and how you eat that you can live with beyond the drug, you'll likely end up gaining the weight right back. There's probably a pretty good reason that doctors aren't willing to put their name on a prescription pad with that drug listed on it. Isn't it more important to be a role model for living a healthy life than for being thin?
  • Townsend143
    Townsend143 Posts: 14 Member
    I took Phentermine a long time ago and lost a lot of weight but I gained it all back plus some more. If you don't make a lifestyle change, then nothing will help..... long term.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    You WILL NOT find the answer you're looking for on MFP forums. The vast majority of posters are are "pro-natural" seeing as exercise is a large aspect highlighting along with the calorie counting.

    I'd say do some research online, then have a consultation with an OB/GYN and/or your general practitioner to get an actual M.D.'s advice. As with any medication there are risks and side effects, so it's best to know what you're getting yourself into! Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • bkegurl36
    bkegurl36 Posts: 61 Member
    I agree with those who posted before me, hard work pays off and delivers the best results. I did take phentermine about two years ago, I liked it because it does supress your apetite but I have found that with a proper diet and exercise my body does not crave all of the things it used to! My friend's dad prescribed it to me, but when I was in the market for it I noticed not a lot of doctors would prescribe it! That right there should be a red flag! I think hard work is the best option!
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Thanks for responses. I am still trying to go ahead w/ phentermine. For me, Phent worked better than even my bypass(which had complications and really dissapointed.) The thing is, for me, I know HOW to eat..portions, cals, excercise... my brain knows it. My problem is that I am a food addict and all I think about is food. THe phentermine gave me the ability to take a step back and focus, make meal plans, make better desisions about foods. After a few weeks of that routine I was able to manage on my own. I just need that first boost to get me moving in the right direction. I know it is not a magic pill and for the most part I have kept off what I have lost. Thx tho for taking the time to respond. It is appreciated.
  • nilisabel
    overeaters anonymous?
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I just did a quick google search, and I found a bunch under the shopping with no prescriptions. I know they are not the exact same, but since you took it before, and know the medicine, you could check those out and see if any of them will work.
    Hope it helps! Good luck!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I certainly do not want to be negative, but as a health care professional. I have to jump in here... I would strongly advise you trying to do it the natural way. If you think about food constantly, perhaps you need counseling to address your psychological issues surrounding food.

    You used phentermine but then gained weight back, than had a gastric bypass and have yet to find success. That is because this is a slow lifelong journey that you need to take with all of us.

    I would be willing to bet that alot of people on this website think about food alot, perhaps even obsessively. Perhaps you can transfer your obsession to something healthier (like healthy food, or exercise). I am not judging here, just sympathizing.

    Phentermine is not safe for the long term ... and several weight loss drugs have been removed from the market because of their deleterious side effects. One that was thought to be safe sibutramine (meridia) has recently been removed from the market for causing increased blood pressure and increased risk of strokes and heart attacks. Phentermine is chemically very similar...

    Anyways ... I would love to be here for you ... and support you in this journey, but I think you need to find a way to do it with food and exercise and not extra pills.
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Phentermine is a classified Schedule IV drug under controlled substances. In other words you CAN NOT obtain it without a prescription. It's consumption is monitored very closely by the DEA. Do not try the internet to find someone to send it to you. You will not be guaranteed that you actually receiving phentermine, it is a very dangerous route to take, especially if they say you don't need a prescription. Because of the cardiac deaths associated with this medication you are finding it difficult to find a prescriber. My best guess is that you will need to find a clinic that specializes in obesity. There they will be equipt to educate and monitor you safely. This would be the safest route to be on this medication. Not to mention the only LEGAL way to obtain it. Good luck to you, but if you find you are unable to obtain it thru legitimate means, you need to be ready to open your mind to other methods. Stay safe.
  • heidiscool
    The diet industry is based on the "it worked before so I'll go back to it again" philosophy. Actually, if you are contemplating using it again, then it didn't work or you wouldn't be in the position to try it again. I would agree with the other posters. Find a way to deal with your food addiction. You aren't alone, most of us are food addicts. It is about finding ways to rechannel. I would recommend a good gym and personal trainer. My gym offers personal training and food coaching. They really helped me get my focus and channel me toward healthy eating and regular exercise. That said, it was inside myself that I developed the drive to keep going - we don't need a magical pill or program. I've lost 78 pounds so far and have about 60 more to go. It is a tough road, but so much better knowing I've done it myself and can continue to do it and maintain my new lifestyle to keep it off. Good luck, you can do it too. Your first step is the motivation, which you have!
  • Chillem

    Phentermine is not safe for the long term ... and several weight loss drugs have been removed from the market because of their deleterious side effects. One that was thought to be safe sibutramine (meridia) has recently been removed from the market for causing increased blood pressure and increased risk of strokes and heart attacks. Phentermine is chemically very similar...

    My physician said that some smart *kitten* (sorry for my language) took 5 times the prescribed dose of meridia (50 mg instead of 10 mg) and that caused a stroke or something. That was the main reason meridia was removed from the market, first in Europe and then in the US. Even paracetamol can be harmful in that way.

    But Phentermine is similar to extasy and meth, both are illegal! So I'm a bit surprised that Meridia is removed from the market and Phentermine is available. For me it looks like that Phermentine could do more harm than meridia.
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member

    Phentermine is not safe for the long term ... and several weight loss drugs have been removed from the market because of their deleterious side effects. One that was thought to be safe sibutramine (meridia) has recently been removed from the market for causing increased blood pressure and increased risk of strokes and heart attacks. Phentermine is chemically very similar...

    My physician said that some smart *kitten* (sorry for my language) took 5 times the prescribed dose of meridia (50 mg instead of 10 mg) and that caused a stroke or something. That was the main reason meridia was removed from the market, first in Europe and then in the US. Even paracetamol can be harmful in that way.

    But Phentermine is similar to extasy and meth, both are illegal! So I'm a bit surprised that Meridia is removed from the market and Phentermine is available. For me it looks like that Phermentine could do more harm than meridia.

    There were a large percentage of users that suffered cardiac damage (heart valve disease) from phentermine. It's known side effects include elevated heart rate and blood pressure, so it should have been no suprise. However, being obese also leads to heart damage, and it then becomes a risk vs benefit issue. Many obese patients all ready have heart damage (abnormal valves) and then on top of that they take a med that increases that damage. Phentermine led to cardiac damage and even death in a high enough percentage of patients to be investigated. This makes doc's nervous about prescribing it. Patients need to be given a good health work up first, and monitored regularly if they take this med. The also need to be fully aware of the risks. Then the decision is made if the risk is worth the projected benefit. Remember the drug didn't work for everyone. So some took on the risk and received no benefit. As much as we would all love a magic pill. It just flat out doesn't exist. Phentermine is just a tool in the weight loss journey for some.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    My physician said that some smart *kitten* (sorry for my language) took 5 times the prescribed dose of meridia (50 mg instead of 10 mg) and that caused a stroke or something. That was the main reason meridia was removed from the market, first in Europe and then in the US. Even paracetamol can be harmful in that way.

    But Phentermine is similar to extasy and meth, both are illegal! So I'm a bit surprised that Meridia is removed from the market and Phentermine is available. For me it looks like that Phermentine could do more harm than meridia.

    Meridia has always been known to elevate blood pressure. Originally it was something that one could monitor and document that it was being monitored. However, the FDA did ask for an outcomes study looking at the incidence of cardiovascular events in people taking Meridia and it showed a statistically significant increase. It is probably safe for young people who do not have high blood pressure or metabolic syndrome, but unfortunately that is not necessarily how that medication was used.

    Phentermine is a very unsafe medication, that has been shown to directly cause significant valvular problems in the heart. It should be removed from the market but because its use is restricted and its perscriptions are low, it continues to stay on the market. Actually to be fair to Meridia, it was a voluntary recall of the medication... its marker Abbott agreed to withdraw it since it was a small amount of their prescriptions.

    **Dont know why my "quote" didnt work, but my post is in reply of the first 2 paragraphs**
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You WILL NOT find the answer you're looking for on MFP forums. The vast majority of posters are are "pro-natural" seeing as exercise is a large aspect highlighting along with the calorie counting.

    I'd say do some research online, then have a consultation with an OB/GYN and/or your general practitioner to get an actual M.D.'s advice. As with any medication there are risks and side effects, so it's best to know what you're getting yourself into! Best of luck :flowerforyou:

    I just had to say --- wow -- 110 pounds! I am honored to "know" you!
    What is your best tip?
  • Chillem
    Meridia has always been known to elevate blood pressure. Originally it was something that one could monitor and document that it was being monitored. However, the FDA did ask for an outcomes study looking at the incidence of cardiovascular events in people taking Meridia and it showed a statistically significant increase. It is probably safe for young people who do not have high blood pressure or metabolic syndrome, but unfortunately that is not necessarily how that medication was used.

    Phentermine is a very unsafe medication, that has been shown to directly cause significant valvular problems in the heart. It should be removed from the market but because its use is restricted and its perscriptions are low, it continues to stay on the market. Actually to be fair to Meridia, it was a voluntary recall of the medication... its marker Abbott agreed to withdraw it since it was a small amount of their prescriptions.

    **Dont know why my "quote" didnt work, but my post is in reply of the first 2 paragraphs**

    True, in the US they voluntarily withdraw meridia, but in Europe it was removed from the market in january 2010. And I think Phentermine has never been prescribed or was legally available in Europe. But I've seen on some bodybulding forums that people get them anyhow and use it without knowing how to use it. One guy used 1 dose of 15 mg and felt nothing, and another guy responded, well use 2, then 4, then 8!! till you feel something... I wonder if and when people will start using AZT / aids inhibitors just because it "melts" your bodyfat...
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    You WILL NOT find the answer you're looking for on MFP forums. The vast majority of posters are are "pro-natural" seeing as exercise is a large aspect highlighting along with the calorie counting.

    I'd say do some research online, then have a consultation with an OB/GYN and/or your general practitioner to get an actual M.D.'s advice. As with any medication there are risks and side effects, so it's best to know what you're getting yourself into! Best of luck :flowerforyou:

    I just had to say --- wow -- 110 pounds! I am honored to "know" you!
    What is your best tip?

    Thank you!!

    I'd say being conscious of daily calorie intake versus what I was actually burning was the real cause of my loss! Giving myself actual limits... i.e. the 1200 staple, certain carb/sugar/sodium restrictions, etc. ...and making myself accountable made it truly tangible!

    Keep up the awesome work, girl!