Fitness freaks and runners!! Need your help please!

Heyyy guys...
so about four weeks ago I sprained my ankle running and I'm not allowed to run for about six weeks to let my ankle heal.
It's been torture, of course, but i started biking and doing a lot of cross training two weeks in.
I feel like my ankle is still swollen though! And I don't think I'll be able to get back to running in two weeks at all.

Does anyone have experience with this?
Apparently the ligaments aren't torn completely but I think only partially...or more like overstretched. If that makes sense.

Should I be doing light exercises for the injured foot, like physio therapy?
Can I swim if I tape the ankle/foot?

I'm wearing an air cast right now, day and night.

Thanks for your help! Also add me if you wan to, I'm NEW!;-)


  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Swimming freestyle should be fine, breast stroke involves a twist to the ankle so may not be appropriate.

    As far as other opportunities are concerned, light rowing, cycling and resistance training. Having torn my ankle ligaments myself I probably wouldn't do more than bodyweight resistance.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    If you're still swollen then the injury is still active (inflammation, fluid retention etc.) trying to do exercises to strengthen it can cause more damage. Unfortunately ligaments don't have as much of a blood source as muscles do so it takes a long time to heal. The best thing for you to do is to rest it and allow it the time to heal. If you keep using it and pushing it the healing process will only take longer and you can actually end up doing more damage to it.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    What activities has your doctor cleared you to do?
  • running4thehigh
    running4thehigh Posts: 144 Member
    Well he said not do any sports for six weeks but I found that incredibly counter productive. Obviously I don't want to put full pressure onto my foot but after taking a break from all physical activity for 16 days I thought it'd be okay to bike. The swelling came back after I accidentally landed awkwardly on my foot again once.
    Do you guys think I should get another scan?
    It has been four weeks... It should be better by now :/
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    It has been four weeks... It should be better by now :/

    When I tore my ligaments it took nearly three months to reach the stage where I would train again. I was limited to swimming only.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I haven't torn any ligaments in the ankles but I have suffered more than my fair share of ankle sprains over the years and the hardest lesson for me was to learn to take it easy and let it rest. IT WAS MISERABLE...but it was worst having to take more time off because I didn't allow time to heal either. Swimming and biking, if allowed, go for it, the cross training will probably help you in the long run. And don't forget about the RICE and wearing the air cast is a good idea too, just make sure you have a good shoe on. I see people all the time wearing an air cast with flip flops, and while that helps, I do think it works better giving that needed stability if you have an actual shoe on. Hope you heal up soon!
  • lujako
    lujako Posts: 87 Member
    What activities has your doctor cleared you to do?

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Well he said not do any sports for six weeks but I found that incredibly counter productive. Obviously I don't want to put full pressure onto my foot but after taking a break from all physical activity for 16 days I thought it'd be okay to bike. The swelling came back after I accidentally landed awkwardly on my foot again once.
    Do you guys think I should get another scan?
    It has been four weeks... It should be better by now :/

    you were told to not do anything for 6 weeks... after resting it for 2 weeks you started exercising again and now you're wondering why its not better?

    rest it for a whole 6 weeks... if its not better THEN go back to your doctor.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Well he said not do any sports for six weeks but I found that incredibly counter productive. Obviously I don't want to put full pressure onto my foot but after taking a break from all physical activity for 16 days I thought it'd be okay to bike. The swelling came back after I accidentally landed awkwardly on my foot again once.
    Do you guys think I should get another scan?
    It has been four weeks... It should be better by now :/

    My take on this - I would use this time to do strength training and work on upper body with weights and resistance training.
    Also don't forget R.I.C.E

    Please Listen to your doctor.
  • PrimalGirl
    PrimalGirl Posts: 148 Member
    I tore the ligaments in my ankle a couple of winters ago and had some seriously evil manipulations done once a week for five week, which involved a physio digging his thumbs into the gaps between the bones to break up the blood clots from the injury. It was absolute torture but after every session I had more flexibility.

    He also had to teach me to walk right again, as I was popping up on my bad foot too early in my stride pattern. He taught me some massage techniques to help bring new blood into the injury and clean out the clots.

    You might need something like that. Alternatively, stick to upper body workouts and leave the ankle to heal.
  • ascottmosley
    I haven't torn any ligaments in the ankles but I have suffered more than my fair share of ankle sprains over the years and the hardest lesson for me was to learn to take it easy and let it rest. IT WAS MISERABLE...but it was worst having to take more time off because I didn't allow time to heal either. Swimming and biking, if allowed, go for it, the cross training will probably help you in the long run. And don't forget about the RICE and wearing the air cast is a good idea too, just make sure you have a good shoe on. I see people all the time wearing an air cast with flip flops, and while that helps, I do think it works better giving that needed stability if you have an actual shoe on. Hope you heal up soon!


    Also as you are healing try to limit, as much as possible, "inflammatory type" foods such as dairy and wheat just to name a few. These food items cause inflammation in the body albeit predominately in the digestive system. This inflammation can cascade into other symptoms / issues. While you are healing your healthy cells need to "focus" on repairing / healing your body. I would also Increase antioxidants via food as opposed to supplements if possible.

    Get well soon!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I think, as other people said, I wouldn't push it. You will set yourself back and be hobbled for that much longer. Sorry. But it is true.
    One of the things they will probably stress when you get cleared for rehab is to do simple toe raises and ankle flexing, up and down, back and forth. The reason they stress this now is because there is the sense that when you tear the ligaments you also tear the nerves. People sometimes feel like their ankle remains weak for a long time after an ankle injury. This may be because the nerves remain torn and so you don't have the same, normal proprioception, not because your ligaments or muscles are weak. Just moving the ankle a lot is thought to improve the nerve healing.
    I once heard an orthopedic surgeon who was the company doctor for the New York City ballet describe some exercises he had the dancers perform. As you might imagine, ballet dancers who dance on toe get some pretty serious ankle sprains and strains. So, he gave them a regimen to strengthen their ankles. He thought it worked. Course, if you are a professional dancer with the New York City ballet, you are not an average Sally. You're incredibly driven and diligent. Somebody gives you an exercise regimen, you probably do it at least twice as often as they recommend.
    He had the dancers put weights (8 or 10 or 12 pounds, to start) in a canvas bag with straps (like the reuseable grocery bags). Then he had them lay on their side on a couch and hang their leg over the arm of the couch (or anyplace else comfortable where you could do the same thing). Then he had them hang the bag over the front of their foot -- outside or inside of the foot up -- and then, with the toe pointed, lift the weight, doing reps. He mostly stressed the toe pointed and strengthening the outside of the ankle for the dancers. But he also recommended doing reps for the inside of the ankle, and doing reps with the ankle flexed at 90 degrees.
    Good luck. GO SLOW until you are healed!
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Also as you are healing try to limit, as much as possible, "inflammatory type" foods such as dairy and wheat just to name a few. These food items cause inflammation in the body albeit predominately in the digestive system. This inflammation can cascade into other symptoms / issues. While you are healing your healthy cells need to "focus" on repairing / healing your body. I would also Increase antioxidants via food as opposed to supplements if possible.

    Get well soon!

    Surely these foods would only be inflammatory if you have an intolerance/sensitivity/allergy?? I'd like to see the evidence your advice is based on.
  • colettehood
    I completely feel you, it absolutely sucks. But unfortunately you could cause permanent damage to your ankle if you don't take a break and let your body heal. Your going to feel like your going nuts for a few weeks but do yourself a favor and take it easy. Try doing workouts such as pilates that are low impact; these will maintain your muscle tone while you recover.
  • hoppa321
    hoppa321 Posts: 448 Member
    It takes time and rest, something a runner does not usually want to hear. I'm almost a year out from a stress fracture in my foot and recovery has been so slow :( Give it time and you will get there, rushing it will unfortunately only make it worse. Good luck and focus on upper body strength during this waiting period.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    What activities has your doctor cleared you to do?


  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    #1- Well he said not do any sports for six weeks but I found that incredibly counter productive. Obviously I don't want to put full pressure onto my foot but after taking a break from all physical activity for 16 days I thought it'd be okay to bike. #2-The swelling came back after I accidentally landed awkwardly on my foot again once.
    Do you guys think I should get another scan?
    It has been four weeks... It should be better by now :/

    It sucks to be injured. When exercise is part of your everyday life it is easy to get a bit stir crazy.

    Unfortunately, by being non-compliant (#1 bolded above) you chose not to rest and allow the body to heal. By engaging in your choice of activity (biking) you have now re-injured yourself (#2 bolded above). Follow your doctor's original medical advice - no sports for 6 weeks, starting now. Otherwise you will be setting yourself up for worse situations in the future.
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    #1- Well he said not do any sports for six weeks but I found that incredibly counter productive. Obviously I don't want to put full pressure onto my foot but after taking a break from all physical activity for 16 days I thought it'd be okay to bike. #2-The swelling came back after I accidentally landed awkwardly on my foot again once.
    Do you guys think I should get another scan?
    It has been four weeks... It should be better by now :/

    It sucks to be injured. When exercise is part of your everyday life it is easy to get a bit stir crazy.

    Unfortunately, by being non-compliant (#1 bolded above) you chose not to rest and allow the body to heal. By engaging in your choice of activity (biking) you have now re-injured yourself (#2 bolded above). Follow your doctor's original medical advice - no sports for 6 weeks, starting now. Otherwise you will be setting yourself up for worse situations in the future.


    Stop biking. Your just making it worse.

    If you must do something, do something that does not move your lower body. Kayak, lift from a seated position, etc. Don't use your legs for much of anything till you are better!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Walk or swim. Most important of all, rest...
  • Ashley112810
    How do I post a question on the message board?