Anyone else workout first thing in the morning?



  • ashleyinthecold
    ashleyinthecold Posts: 89 Member
    I get up at 4:45, grab my sippy cup of Spark and I'm out the door to the gym. I don't eat anything beforehand if I work out in the AM, but on couple days I work out in the evening, I'll usually have a sweet potato/banana beforehand.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I usually get up at 6:00, check email and such, and hit the gym in the basement ... I need to pack lunches and get the kids to school at 7:30. I really need that first workout (I do several small ones throughout the day, I'm a SAHM with a home gym, so it works) but I always feel really off if I don't start my day with a quick workout ... :)

    I don't eat before, and often don't eat for a while. Just not super hungry in the mornings.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    I've had morning sickness since puberty, lol, and never eat breakfast. Even plain water will come back up if I drink it too soon.

    Up at 5:45, do my cardio downstairs then hit the shower. After that I can stomach a cup of black coffee.

    I don't eat until I get to work, amost 3 hours after I get out of bed, and then it's a Quest bar or a Fiber1.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Wake up, do bathroom stuff, eat breakfast, go gym. Mornings are quiet at the gym, no annoying kids, only serious people go workout in the morning.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    I workout after I get my son on the bus. I always eat after.
  • Adrianqq
    Adrianqq Posts: 32 Member
    In the gym for 0630. I have a slice of whole meal bread with peanut butter or some oats and milk microwaved for two minutes.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I was up at 4.30am today for a 5am gym circuit class :)

    I have 1/2 a quest bar and a pre workout before.
    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    I wake up between 5:30-6 and start working out by 6:30am at the latest (in my basement). I don't eat anything first, although I do drink nearly a liter of water by the time I'm done :) As soon as I'm finished exercising, I drink a chocolate protein shake made with kefir. I then eat breakfast a couple of hours later (9:30), which consists of a fried egg, a piece of fruit and either oatmeal or bacon.
  • janjanorama
    janjanorama Posts: 19 Member
    I wake up at 5:45 have 4/5 brazil nuts, pecans or walnuts and a glass of water. then head straight to the gym working out by 6.30, drink 1.5 Litres of water min during the workout and start my protein shake towards the end of my strength training going in to my stretches. After the gym its full breakfast time.
  • daveyb989
    daveyb989 Posts: 9 Member
    breakfast before morning swim - musli and cup of tea. 2nd breakfast of toast banana and tea when I get to work
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I tried to workout at 6 am - usually i get up at 6:40- but i just couldn't stop yawning and my performance was very weak.
    I really want to wokrout in the mornings before my son wakes up for daycare, just my body is still in a deep sleep.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I work out at 5 AM twice a week. I don't go to a gym to do it, as I have my own lifting equipment at home, but I eat afterward. I make a protein shake to drink on my way to work at around 7:30 and then I eat my oatmeal in my office around 8:30. Yes, it takes me a solid hour-and-a-half to get ready for work after my hour workout.
  • Nimadi486
    Nimadi486 Posts: 93 Member
    I wake up at 5am and head to the gym. I don't eat before I work out, but I do take 2 "Zoom Chews" (energy chews) from GNC.
  • jchadden42
    jchadden42 Posts: 189
    I literally get up at 5 a.m. get my workout clothes on and go to the gym, does anyone else do this? If so do you eat before, and if you do what do you eat? On the weekends I normally eat some carbs before but I normally go to the gym later in the day.

    I get up at 5 on MWF to swim. I don't eat before I swim because the flip turns make me want to hurl if I do. Consequently, I go home and eat breakfast (Greek yogurt with high protein cereal mixed in or 1/2 bagel and egg or banana and peanut butter).
  • arf24_1
    arf24_1 Posts: 17 Member
    I wake up at 5 a.m. And work out at home. I don't eat anything until after I'm done working out, then I have a protein shake. After I get to work, I eat breakfast around 7:30 a.m..
  • jec228
    jec228 Posts: 67 Member
    I am up at 5:15 and at the gym by 5:30 for about an hour workout (give or take). I have one of those 50 calorie unsweetened applesauce cups before I go along with my vitamins... works great for me! I have also done half a banana or a couple of almonds at times.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    My workouts first thing in the morning are pathetic. No energy to push it through. When I work out at midday I crush it.