Gluten Free Breakfast On the Go


I'm looking for some breakfast ideas that I can pack and take to work with me. I need to eat gluten free but also eat minimal amounts of grains because of digestive issues.

My go-to breakfast has been fat free greek plain yogurt over fruit & nuts. Although, a great breakfast that takes me to lunch, it does get boring.

Any ideas?



  • earthymama42
    earthymama42 Posts: 2 Member
    I liked hard boiled eggs with a banana. I also get gluten free oatmeal. My favorite breakfast is an Udi's bagel with cream cheese, but it is NOT low cal!!!
  • blkane1984
    I haven't tried UDI's bagels. Might be nice as a treat sometime.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    Just this morning I made fritatta "muffins" with shrimp, mint, cheese and red onion. You can make a combo like that with any meats/veggies, then just bake in muffin tins.
  • phantasmagical
    phantasmagical Posts: 66 Member
    My go-to GF breakfasts are:
    1. apple with peanut or almond butter and a poached or boiled egg
    2. egg and a slice of ham, sometimes with a GF corn muffin
    3. I know it's not breakfast-y, but sometimes a warm bowl of leftover black-eyed peas with ham and onions hits the spot (I eat this a lot for dinners, so often have leftovers).
    4. make-ahead egg fritata...basically, add whatever you want (veggies, meats, etc.) to eggs with a little milk (optional), pour into muffin tins, and bake 'till done.
  • toughmudderMN
    toughmudderMN Posts: 129 Member
    Here is one for you. My S.O. has celiac and corn and oatmeal bothers her too....

    Egg bake in a muffin pan. Good protein source. Easy to make and grab and go. I log each one as 1 egg and 1/12 the bacon that I used in total. I make them Sunday night and I reheat them in the mornings during the week

    12 eggs.
    a little milk. - not nessary but makes them a little lighter in texture.
    what ever else you like in your eggs- chopped --- I go for Bacon and onions.
    wisk together.
    oil pan bake at 350 for 10-15 mins. use tooth pick to check if they are done.
    dont overfill the muffin cups. these will puff up when done. they shrink as soon as you take them out of the oven.
  • dmaxma
    dmaxma Posts: 11 Member
    It's not creative, but with two small kids, it has the benefit of being quick --Spirutein protein powder with lowfat milk. Keeps me full till lunch too.
  • blkane1984
    Great ideas! Thank you.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I like fruit for breakfast. I eat a whole meal of just fruit. It could be a fruit salad, or even a mono-meal of just a single type of fruit.