too fat to run???

Hi All

I would really like to get into running - but i am 8 stone overweight - really worried about people looking at me panting and out of breath.

How did you get past these obstecles and get into a serious routine of running - clearing the cobwebs and getting healthier?

Would really like to hear how you you did it.

Mekhala xx


  • mizzmorales89
    I would start walking for a few days or weeks and then run a little but then walk then run. Just add a little more distance at a time.

    I was worried about people staring at me too but having a friend really helps. I still haven't joined a gym yet because I'm pretty shy but I know one day I'll do it. Once you actually get out there and start it wont be that bad.
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    I hope not!! was bad enough being stared at by kids when i was on my bike!! probably why i havent ridden it since last year!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I'm more concerned about the pains I get when I run. In particular, my calves get ultra tight and I get shin splints easily. I've picked out a 5k run that I would love to do in March 2011, so I'm planning to start Couch to 5k (C25k) after the new year. I've been advised to go to the local runner's store to get fitted for the appropriate type of shoes for my gait and was told that it would help me tremendously. You'll be amazed at how much of a difference the right pair of shoes make for specific type of activity. I'm really looking to get myself my running shoes right after Christmas with my next pay check. :o)

    I know I have a passion to LEARN to love running. Right now, I admit, I hate it with a passion, lol. We can do this! I'm here for you too!
  • Hitsujikai
    Hitsujikai Posts: 111 Member
    I know where you are coming from, I started running a few weeks ago and whilst I didn't look overweight (I carried the extra weight quite well I've been told) I still felt very self concious about running.

    Best thing to do is treat yourself to some new trainers, fill your mp3 player with your favourite songs and get out there and doing it. When I have my headphones on and my legs are moving I don't really notice the other people occupying the world around me. Its just me, the music and the road in front of me. I've lost count of the number of times I've ran past family, friends and colleagues and completely blanked them because I honestly haven't seen them.

    A friend of mine said "Why not run? The only people that would care if they saw you will be the people you know, and they'll realise what you're trying to do and mention it the next time they see you. Anyone else? Who cares if they laugh, critisise or applaud? By the time you've realised what their reaction was you've past them and that little bit fitter!"
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    The words 'too fat to run' is instantly followed by 'too stupid to hide' in my head. Gotta love Creaming Jesus.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I agree that you should try couch to 5k. I've been doing it for five weeks now and I love it! If you are too concerned, speak to a doctor first and get clearance. It's a really good program, though. You start out doing a lot of walking and a little jogging, and by the end of nine weeks you should be able to jog for 5k (3 miles). Definitely get a good pair of shoes. If there's a sports direct in your area, they've got some really good Nike running shoes on sale right now. As far as people watching, well I just try to ignore anyone else, and jog. They might look at you, but I know when I see someone running, I think "That's dedication," rather than any derogatory thoughts. Even if they are judging you, you're on the way to a healthier life, so who cares?! Everyone has to start somewhere, and if we decide not to do things just because of what other people might think, we'd never do anything to make ourselves happy.
  • WonderNoodle
    one of my "inspirations" on my profile is about a day my 16 year old and i were in the car, he looked over and saw a heavy woman (probably my size) jogging on the sidewalk and he said "good for her". i was meanwhile stuffing a doughnut in my mouth.

    that said...i started walking. once i had walked my track a week or two, i started timing how long i took to walk one lap and began improving my time to where i was walking as fast as some jog! doing so (and attending zumba class) improved my ability to BREATHE and not have my heart leaping out my throat with every step, so when NOBODY was at the track, i tried to jog. i didn't know if i could do it or for how far and didn't want the "joggers" to see me fail. well, i jogged a whole lap! 1/4 mile! i was so proud, i bragged all over mfp about it :blushing: i have worked up to two laps non-stop, regardless of who is watching. actually, i found i WANTED witness to my accomplishment and was cool if others were present when i jogged.

    i quit worrying about the "distance" and have began focusing on the song that is playing on my mp3...i was able to jog 2 songs the other night (8 minutes). i'm 212 lbs.

    also...i don't get anywhere quick...i jog slow and steady...i usually pic a song that helps me stay focused and not feel i'm in a race. miley cyrus 'the climb' and brandi carlile 'the story' are two i like to jog to to keep me focused on just moving, slow and steady.

    give it a whirl! you never know who you will inspire! :flowerforyou:
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I'd start off to power walking...then take it from there....And get clearance from Dr for your knees, 8 extra stone jolting down onto a knee joint might not be advised so do check.

    As far as being stared or laughed at kids do that at women of all shapes and sizes, the slim gals just as much as the big ones get heckled
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    I know where you are coming from, I started running a few weeks ago and whilst I didn't look overweight (I carried the extra weight quite well I've been told) I still felt very self concious about running.

    Best thing to do is treat yourself to some new trainers, fill your mp3 player with your favourite songs and get out there and doing it. When I have my headphones on and my legs are moving I don't really notice the other people occupying the world around me. Its just me, the music and the road in front of me. I've lost count of the number of times I've ran past family, friends and colleagues and completely blanked them because I honestly haven't seen them.

    A friend of mine said "Why not run? The only people that would care if they saw you will be the people you know, and they'll realise what you're trying to do and mention it the next time they see you. Anyone else? Who cares if they laugh, critisise or applaud? By the time you've realised what their reaction was you've past them and that little bit fitter!"

    Thanks for your support i think i will give it a good go once the snow has gone x
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member

    I loved this program. It is simple, not overwhelming. It's awesome that you are wanting to start on this journey. You can definitely do it!
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks everyone#!!! sooo much motivational support !!! i knew i could count on you guys!!

    I am getting myself some running shoes and going to get lost in my ipod - going to give it a go when the snow disapears!! x
  • love2sign
    First and for most.................WHO CARES IF OTHERS LOOK ..............atleast your out there doing something and trying to address the weight problem!
    I would start by walking....and then maybe jog for a bit and then go back to the walk.................good luck=)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I started last year around mid Dec. 2009 with walking. I was 480ish lbs. then. I slowly intergrated running when I hit 440 lbs. I don't care what others think. I mostly walk/jog with friends and if I am alone I am listening to my Zune. I currently can jog non-stop for about 2/3 of a mile. I've also been doing the couch to 5K program.

    I get lots of "advice" from internet peeps and friends in real life that I shouldn't jog at my weight. I will destroy my knees. I honestly haven't felt a thing. I also do lots of strength trainning and I know that helps. I guess I'm just lucky, or have really good shoes. >.>
  • hiltonheadagain
    Consider that some people might be looking at you because they are totally inspired and encouraged by you!! Do it for you and don't worry about other people. :happy: