Need friendly opinions...

Okay. Here's the back story; I started out at 265 in 2007. Miserable all through highschool, picked on, the whole 9 yards. Had my daughter and began losing weight. Fast forward to 2014 and here I am, 168 lbs on a good day (sometimes 170). The problem is last summer I was 163. Have not changed my diet in the least. If anything I eat better! I consume around 15-1600 calories a day, and switch up my workout routines. Typically I do this; walk 3/4 mile, run 3/4 mile, 15 minutes on the elliptical, then 18-20 minutes walking on a 15% incline @ about 3.3 mph, incorporating light weight training 2x a week afterwards. I change up the cardio every few months but keep it at around 4-500 cal/session burn. Ideally I want to be 155-160. I guess my questions are 1) What am I doing wrong?!? 2) Is it possible that I am just gaining muscle...? I really don't think I do enough strength training to speak of to actually "put on muscle" and I thought that cardio wouldn't do that? 3) What are some things that I can change and improve on to help my scale number go down? And yes, I know it's not all about scale...but being 265 and miserable most of my life I would love to hit that end target.


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    How accurate are you with your intake. Do you weigh all your food? Using a digital scale in grams? That's the first place I'd start. If you're eating at a deficit, it's very unlikely your gaining muscle fibers.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    1. Using a food scale?
    2. Nope no way.
    3. Lift heavier things, move faster.. cant really comment on your food or anything but nice job losing weight.. it gets harder as you get smaller.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 286 Member
    Maybe its something your eating. Could you make your diary open? And It could be something as simple as the food scale and not measuring your foods right. I know at one time when I got to those last pounds it just seemed impossible to get those last couple but I was at least losing inches.

    Awesome weight loss by the way. You should be so proud of yourself :wink:
  • sevondran
    sevondran Posts: 2 Member
    I have not tried a digital scale yet! I was basically just eyeballing it and using approximates on things like boneless skinless chicken breast but being real ticky when it came to splurge items. I knew that I couldn't be gaining muscle! I'm glad to hear others say that because I was beginning to think I was crazy. I also have recently (past 3 months...?) switched to more water/day than what I was drinking if that's at all relevant. And thank you all, very much! I'm certainly proud of myself. Would love to be at the 150 mark but if I don't lose another pound for the rest of my life i've come a long way. :)
  • chocolate_moose
    chocolate_moose Posts: 12 Member
    Maybe you're eating more than you think. Start weighing and measuring your food and see if that makes a difference.