Did i mention i need help

attybell Posts: 81 Member
alright folks I need some help, some motivation, some encouragement, ect .. I need it all !! I am a professional dieter and its a good thing my pay check does not depend on my dieting or I would be in all kinds of trouble.. I really want this to be my last "diet" per say really I want to make this a life style "calorie deficit"
Please add me and lets do this


  • air145
    air145 Posts: 3

    Getting started myself. We can both do this. I'm going to take it slow, but steady so I don't get overwhelmed. Wishing you luck and motivation too.

  • KatVarley
    KatVarley Posts: 534 Member
    You can do this; you have a great start already - stay positive. Its Springtime too - great time to feel the rebirth in yourself. Your diary is closed; maybe you'd like to share and hold yourself accountable by your friends for a cleaner diet. How is your nutrition? and what types of exercise do you get each day?
  • kea9f
    kea9f Posts: 27 Member
    You can do it! When I first started with a calorie deficit, I had trouble until I got into the mindset of- I can eat it, but I have to work it off later. So if I pigged out at dinner, I'd go for a 30 minute walk and burn some of it off. After a couple of weeks, I got to the point where I would think I pigged out, log it all, and my walk, and end up pretty close to target, just because I was so used to it!
  • You can do anything you set your mind too just be positive =)
  • die2fat4love
    die2fat4love Posts: 149 Member
    Take it one meal at a time and know that you can do anything! Best of luck and I know that we will be seeing you in the "look at how sexy I am now" before and after forums in no time at all!
  • Parimositabloo
    Parimositabloo Posts: 13 Member
    Take it one day at a time. We didn't do this to our bodies overnight and we will not change one day to another, but you deserve to push yourself to reach your goal for whatever reason you want to do it. I sent you a friend request in case you need a cheerleader :smile: .
  • ericafaye6988
    ericafaye6988 Posts: 30 Member
    Fitbit is really helping me :)
  • tambam69
    tambam69 Posts: 270 Member
    FR sent and BTW you are not very far from where I live