
I have read conflicting things about alcohol and weight loss. Some sites say that alcohol contributes more to weight gain that a simple calorie calculation would imply; other sites say that studies show teetotalers tend to be heavier than moderate drinkers.

What are people's thoughts? Does moderate drinking (1 drink per day or so) affect your weight loss? Is it best to cut it out altogether until reaching goal?

Thanks, Molly


  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I had to google teetotalers. LOL. I think we know all the extra sugar/carbs are not good for you, but honestly, if having a drink every so often helps so you don't feel deprived, I say go for it! It's not going to HELP you lose weight, but it probably won't hurt too bad in moderation.
  • eatspopcorn
    eatspopcorn Posts: 63 Member
    Maybe because the moderate drinkers are more satisfied than the teetotalers who end up eating more?

    Honestly, I think those studies that say alcohol leads to weight gain is strictly because when one drinks in excess their inhibitions are all but gone and they'll eat more than they would have without the alcohol.

    One drink a day is not in excess and would not have any effect on your weight unless you didn't log it accurately. ie: logging 5oz of wine when you pour 10oz and your deficit is already slim to none. Do that every day and you've eliminated your deficit = no weight loss.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I consumed alcoholic beverages while losing 40 Lbs very's calories just like anything else.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Yes please. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mollymao
    mollymao Posts: 13
    OK, GOOD! :-) Thanks, all.
  • cchew686
    cchew686 Posts: 108
    Honestly, I think those studies that say alcohol leads to weight gain is strictly because when one drinks in excess their inhibitions are all but gone and they'll eat more than they would have without the alcohol.

    Reminds me of all those 2 AM trips to Taco Bell for fourth meal, which in my case should actually be called "I am too drunk meal".
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    pretty decent resource.

    count it, make it fit if you want it.
  • Meg5065
    Meg5065 Posts: 33 Member
    I, on the other hand, could NOT lose weight till I stopped drinking--the extra calories from the wine, plus the extra calories from not caring about my weight after I'd had a glass of wine, meant that I steadily put ON weight even when trying to lose. For me, freedom from alcohol has had many benefits already (only 6 weeks dry so far), not the least of which are better control over what I eat and feeling better in the mornings!

    Cheers, and YMMV!

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I, on the other hand, could NOT lose weight till I stopped drinking--the extra calories from the wine, plus the extra calories from not caring about my weight after I'd had a glass of wine, meant that I steadily put ON weight even when trying to lose. For me, freedom from alcohol has had many benefits already (only 6 weeks dry so far), not the least of which are better control over what I eat and feeling better in the mornings!

    Cheers, and YMMV!


    I find I care about my macros and calorie limits a heck of a lot less after a couple of beers. :blushing:
  • vellablu
    vellablu Posts: 10 Member
    I blame 90% of my weight gain on alcohol. I have a hard time controlling what I eat when I've been drinking. Suddenly I don't care about calories and before I realize it, I've consumed 3000+ calories. A big part of me trying to stay on track is learning how to control my binges when I drink. I realize that right now I cannot do that, so I've heavily limited my drinking to 1 day a week.
    I follow a lot of fitness junkies on Instagram and 99% of them do NOT drink at all.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    I was once told that the next day your body will be working on getting rid of the toxins before anything else? I don't know how much of that is true, but when I drink , I drink to get drunk which contains a lot of calories so I try to stick to once a fortnight.
  • mollymao
    mollymao Posts: 13
    I think I might cut it out for awhile (since I do tend to eat more when drinking too) and see how it goes. Well, maybe cutting back to once a week will be enough :-)

    Thanks, Molly
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 286 Member
    I cant imagine one drink would be bad if you kept it in your calorie deficit... but me, I never drink one. One leads to 5+, 5+ drinks leads to greasy hungover food. So Im trying to slowly just stop. But to each their own :wink:
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I don't think the 1-2 drinks are a problem; it's stopping at 1 or 2. Drinking to get drunk is a problem.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    The only way alcohol contributes more to weight gain than the calories actually contained in the alcohol is that alcohol lowers your inhibitions and if you are trying to lose weight one of your major inhibitions is binging.

    In other words if you drink a lot you are more likely to stop paying attention to what else you are shoving in your mouth which will make your logging inaccurate which will make you miss your goals.

    I also imagine that alcohol consumption is likely determinal to recovery after a workout which can negatively effect your next workout.

    If we aren't talking getting drunk though if you just mean having a single glass of wine with dinner then no I think you can just log that as the calories contained in wine whatever that is and be fine.
  • LeePalmz
    LeePalmz Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Molly,

    I think alcohol in moderation is ok. It does slow down your metabolism in excess amounts, so try limiting it. Another thing about alcohol is it is entirely empty in terms of the calories. It is just sugar, so there's no redeeming nutritional qualities. I would have just one drink on Saturday and one drink on Sunday. You should still be able to enjoy the things you love, just in moderation. I still have a small fro yo once a week :)

    I hope this helps!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Studies are about groups of people, generalizations. You have to figure out what works for you. Personally I choose not to drink regularly but I was never a 'big' drinker before. From time to time I'll have a drink, and every now and then multiple. I try not to change my eating habits on those odd nights that I consume a few (or more) and I either drink 'light' type drinks or mix something like rum & diet soda. I think one potential problem area is a night of drinking often is combined with a night of heavy snacking. Chips, fries, wings, etc. If you have those nights often, it can sabotage your efforts.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    I drink 2-3 beers (at least) daily and have lost 9lbs since Jan 1st. That being said - I very rarely, if ever, find alcohol clouding my food intake judgement - but then I'm rarely, if ever inebriated.

    It's part of my diet - I make it fit. :drinker:
  • mikeruz
    mikeruz Posts: 35 Member
    I have lost over 100 pounds and love drinking beer and scotch! Beer is great after a workout!
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    A drink a day is fine. I binge drink though, and sometimes go over my daily calories in drinks alone if I'm shooting fireball! I also live at the beach and we like to ride bikes around and bar hop and soak up the sun, so it's easy to go overboard and do it a few times a week. For me trying to lose weight, I have to limit myself to one day a week of drinking...... I can't and don't want to have just one drink/day.