Cramp while running

Hey all! I've been regularly since thanksgiving and haven't had issues with cramps since I started. Now I'm preparing for a half-marathon in June and I've upped my mileage. Yesterday when finishing up a 5 miler I got a bad cramp in my Calf. I was reading it could be because I'm not hydrated. I drink around 12 cups of water a day so could it be from lack of electrolytes? I'm running 5 days a week and can't really afford it bust out with the sports drinks every time I go. What is the most effective to make sure I'm getting enough electrolytes?


  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Add sodium and potassium to your diet in addition to remaining well hydrated. You don't need sports drinks. Just salt your food and eat a banana. See if that makes a difference.
  • I second the sodium, and try magnesium as well; olives in brine are great for both. :)

    I had serious cramp problems when I did Taekwondo, then again when I started running. Tried the bananas, but actually made it worse (I already ate 1 a day, and upped to 2-3) - my friend's father said that whilst you need the potassium, too much can cause cramps as well. He suggested I go back to one a day, and eat olives instead for magnesium, and that seemed to do the trick for me. I think the salt in the brine helped me too. I avoid processed food and drink a lot of tea and water, but wasn't replenishing the salts.
  • srobertking
    srobertking Posts: 74 Member
    I take a potassium supplement and eat a banana or two a day. I bet salt is the issue. While losing weight I always did my best to cut down on sodium. I might try cutting the potassium supplement and see if just the banana and some extra sodium will do the trick. Thanks for the advice!