Sugar/carb detoxing? How long does it take

I've started eating following a book called Trim Healthy Mama. You up your protein, decrease carbs and don't eat carb heavy and fat heavy at the same meal. No sugar, no sugary fruit.

I started on Monday. Tuesday I woke up shaking. I ate some quinoa, but that didn't do much. So I ate half an apple with a little PB. I felt better after that.

This morning I was very weak and felt nauseous.

How many morning can I expect to feel like this. It's took 2.5 hours to be feeling normal today.


  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Give it at least a week or two. Your body has to adjust to burning fat, instead of getting a sugar infusion every few hours. The apple with PB sounds like a good idea as you transition. Make sure you're eating enough fat. You might also try drinking a cup or two of chicken or beef broth every day while you're adjusting.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    I'd suggest ditching the book. There's no need to worry about sugar (esp from fruit) unless you have a medical issue.

    Eat plenty of protein, 1g / pound of LBM, fat .4g / pound of LBM and let the rest of your calories fall where they may.

    Fad diets/programs are junk. And "DETOXING" is a bull**** statement used to sell you **** you don't need.
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    EyeOnThePrize82 Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you castlerobber

    Peuglow- You can eat some fruits, like berries, an apple with PB. But, until you reach or are near goal, you should stay away from high glycemic fruits. They encourage plenty of protein. They encourage a balance of fat and carbs, but making protein the star in your meals. It's actually a very balanced book, you'd have to read it.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't follow that plan. I'm diabetic, and not even my doctor wants me cutting out sugars and carbs. Each meal (or at least most meals) are supposed to be balanced... including protein, fruit, veggie, and starch. Just do everything in moderation and you'll be fine. Waking up shaking like that is actually probably a sign that your body's sugar levels were too low.
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    EyeOnThePrize82 Posts: 59 Member
    Hmm, I'm obviously not explaining it well enough. You choose either S meals (Satisfying, higher in fat, low in carb) OR E meals (Energizing, higher in healthy carbs such as brown rice or quinoa, low in fat. Vegetables that are not startchy). You do eat carbs. You are also free to snack. You just don't mix S and E foods within 2.5 hours of each other. I was eating meals and snacks all high in carbs previous and way too much sugar. I have decreased my carbs and focused on healthy carbs, not eliminating carbs. As you reach your goal weight, you move into crossover meals that have larger amounts of carbs in them.

    No, I do not have diabetes, I was checked this year.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Hmm, I'm obviously not explaining it well enough. You choose either S meals (Satisfying, higher in fat, low in carb) OR E meals (Energizing, higher in healthy carbs such as brown rice or quinoa, low in fat. Vegetables that are not startchy). You do eat carbs. You are also free to snack. You just don't mix S and E foods within 2.5 hours of each other. I was eating meals and snacks all high in carbs previous and way too much sugar. I have decreased my carbs and focused on healthy carbs, not eliminating carbs. As you reach your goal weight, you move into crossover meals that have larger amounts of carbs in them.

    No, I do not have diabetes, I was checked this year.
    That seems like a lot of letters for spreading out your macros. What's the benefit to having an S meal or an E meal? Why can't you have fats and carbs in the same sitting?
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    EyeOnThePrize82 Posts: 59 Member
    Lots of information in the book. The short of it has to do with your body using carbs as your primary fuel source.
  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
    PROTIP: 'Calories in = Calories out' is the only rule you need when losing weight.

    peuglow gave you the right advice concerning protein to weight ratio to maintain muscle during weight loss.
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    EyeOnThePrize82 Posts: 59 Member
    PROTIP: 'Calories in = Calories out' is the only rule you need when losing weight.

    peuglow gave you the right advice concerning protein to weight ratio to maintain muscle during weight loss.

    If that were true, I'd be skinny. I mean, there is some truth to it. But, there's more to it than that.

    Goodness, you guys aren't a very supportive bunch. I didn't want my method criticized. I'm quite happy with it. I just wanted to know how long I can expect to feel junky after quitting an unhealthy amount of sugar in my diet. Thank you to the one and only person that actually answered that.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    PROTIP: 'Calories in = Calories out' is the only rule you need when losing weight.

    peuglow gave you the right advice concerning protein to weight ratio to maintain muscle during weight loss.

    If that were true, I'd be skinny. I mean, there is some truth to it. But, there's more to it than that.

    Goodness, you guys aren't a very supportive bunch. I didn't want my method criticized. I'm quite happy with it. I just wanted to know how long I can expect to feel junky after quitting an unhealthy amount of sugar in my diet. Thank you to the one and only person that actually answered that.

    You're welcome.

    I just looked up that book on Amazon, and checked out the sample pages. Sounds interesting. I may see if the local library can get it for me.

    I've been eating lower-carb for the past several years. My father has been type 2 diabetic for 17 or 18 years, and it runs in his family. I've seen what he goes through since his pancreas gave up on making insulin. I don't want to go there. The older I get, the less grains and sugar I can eat without gaining weight. I may never give them up entirely, but the fewer I eat, the less I miss them.

    As for support, you just about have to join a low-carb or Paleo/primal group here on MFP. There's a cadre of folks on here who seem to jump on just about any public thread that suggests giving up grains and/or sugar: "You MUST EAT GRAINS unless you have a health problem! They're HEALTHY!" "You can eat as much sugar as you want If It Fits Your Macros!" Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if a few of them aren't employees of the Sugar Association, or a wheat- or corn-growers group. Just speculation, of course--obviously I can't prove that, and I'm not picking on anyone in particular--but their anger and zeal about someone else's dietary choices seem way out of proportion...

    Good luck to you!
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    I've been doing low carb since February. It's not for everyone but I love it. I don't know about the S and E thing but I can answer your question without beating you up. I felt like I had been run over by a bus for about a week. Then I started feeling better and quickly began feeling GREAT!! I'm down 61 pounds! :happy:
  • I agree with the feeling like poo for about a week. A few years ago, I started really tracking how much sugar I ate. Just cutting back on that got me to lose 25 pounds. So, guess you can tell how I feel about it. :-) Good luck, and I will have to check into that book as well!
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    EyeOnThePrize82 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks guys:) Glad so many of you had success.

    You should get the book! It's great! And filled with recipes kids will actually eat. You can see a bunch of them if you join their FB page.
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    I am doing a similar diet, I have cut my carbs and upped my protein, and I am avoiding sugar by using sweeteners instead and not eating sugary fruit etc... However i didn't experience any negative effects such as shaking. I took to it quite well, I struggled to keep my calories up at a good amount for a while thou as all low carb foods tend to be low in calories too. But i have got the hang of it now! Feel free to add me and look at my diary, I love to give support to friends and watch their success!
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    I'd suggest ditching the book. There's no need to worry about sugar (esp from fruit) unless you have a medical issue.

    Eat plenty of protein, 1g / pound of LBM, fat .4g / pound of LBM and let the rest of your calories fall where they may.

    Fad diets/programs are junk. And "DETOXING" is a bull**** statement used to sell you **** you don't need.

    ^This! Plus, are you going to eat like this forever? Is this the lifestyle change you are looking to have forever?
  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
    PROTIP: 'Calories in = Calories out' is the only rule you need when losing weight.

    peuglow gave you the right advice concerning protein to weight ratio to maintain muscle during weight loss.

    If that were true, I'd be skinny. I mean, there is some truth to it. But, there's more to it than that.

    Goodness, you guys aren't a very supportive bunch. I didn't want my method criticized. I'm quite happy with it. I just wanted to know how long I can expect to feel junky after quitting an unhealthy amount of sugar in my diet. Thank you to the one and only person that actually answered that.

    No, if you were to accurately count the calories expended and consumed you would be skinny.

    But since you're not looking for criticism, feel free to continue your non optimal weight loss.
  • Hey, mom2acrew, I just got this book and have been implementing many of the ideas and principles found there, and have been having MAJOR success. (That's after a weight plateau of nearly six weeks sticking to my calories.) I now feel full and satisfied, and have been dropping pounds. I like your statement of dropping UNhealthy carbs and sugars, and replacing them with the right ones. Upping the fats and protein in my diet has definitely helped a lot with sugar and carb cravings, and helped keep me on track much more while staying satisfied and full. The best to you, and I hope you're having as much success as I am!
  • Kjrocha
    Kjrocha Posts: 1
    Your body has withdrawals from sugar and carbs. It takes a week or so to lower the effect in your body and you should be feeling better, drink plenty of water and if you are eating less than 20g of carbs a day, you won't have cravings.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    PROTIP: 'Calories in = Calories out' is the only rule you need when losing weight.

    peuglow gave you the right advice concerning protein to weight ratio to maintain muscle during weight loss.

    If that were true, I'd be skinny. I mean, there is some truth to it. But, there's more to it than that.

    Goodness, you guys aren't a very supportive bunch. I didn't want my method criticized. I'm quite happy with it. I just wanted to know how long I can expect to feel junky after quitting an unhealthy amount of sugar in my diet. Thank you to the one and only person that actually answered that.

    Welcome to mfp :)

    There's nothing wrong with a low carb diet if that is your approach, however, calories in/out is always what manages your weight. It's all about energy input/output.

    It's hard to say how long it will take you to adjust to eating fewer carbs. Certainly that is a very individual thing.