Confused about bulking, help?

I've been dieting for a few months, and after one or two failed regimes, I've made it. I'm just not exactly sure how bulking works though? When I think about bulking, lifting and eating like a pig come to mind.

But I think I've only got one shot, or else I'll end up being a fat dude with muscles underneath again. My question is: how do I build muscle AND stay lean at the same time? Where's the line between bulking up and just getting fat again? Sorry if my question sounds stupid, and thanks.

I don't want to get huge exactly, muscle wise. Just average muscular type.


  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member

    How committed are you?

    at that age you should be able to recomp a good bit by just lifting and eating a 250 cal-500 cal "surplus". I use quotations because your "surplus" is likely 3500-4000 calories/day with lifting as an 18 year old male at close to an "average" weight.

    You are basically on natural steriods for the next few years...I would try to waste as little time as possible cutting for the next few years.
  • mauridaher
    mauridaher Posts: 55 Member

    How committed are you?

    at that age you should be able to recomp a good bit by just lifting and eating a 250 cal-500 cal "surplus". I use quotations because your "surplus" is likely 3500-4000 calories/day with lifting as an 18 year old male at close to an "average" weight.

    You are basically on natural steriods for the next few years...I would try to waste as little time as possible cutting for the next few years.

    I could do 250-500 surplus per day. Does it have to be a "clean" bulk, and what are the benefits of it?
  • mauridaher
    mauridaher Posts: 55 Member

    How committed are you?

    Do you mean that in a good or a bad way?
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    500 (1lb a week gain) would be considered a clean bulk. Generally, guys can add 0.5 lb a week muscle, so a 500 surplus would be perfect to give you the energy you need to make those gains. You'd gain a bit of fat too but you can 'cut' later or it may look good on you.

    You can bulk in the way you mentioned - eating everything in sight but that would mean more hard work losing the excess fat when you're done.
  • kf187
    kf187 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey man your question isn't stupid at all. The best way to achieve your goal is to do a lean bulk, with your surplus being 200-500. You also want to make sure you are eating enough to cover your cals burned during your workouts. You should also be doing some kind of cardio to help you stay lean, as well as lifting some heavy weights. You should bulk as long as you want, but no less than 8 months. It takes a good while to build a noticable amount of muscle, but if you put in the hard work, eat enough calories, and be patient. You will achieve your your goals.

    Don't give up!