What was your turning point?



  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    Why not, I'll bite

    For me it was many things hearing my SO talk about my weight and snoring, being jealous of other fitspo chicks... BUT the two big ones were

    A. realizing my daughter was born a year and a half ago but i still look preggo :noway:
    B. remembering that 4 years ago I made a promise to myself, I failed my promise to myself to never get to this weight again

    and I'm tired of being tired and snoring :blushing:
  • Like many others who posted, mine was when I saw pictures of myself recently. I have been in denial about the weight I gained. Pictures and numbers on the scale don't lie! It's encouraging to see the weight loss numbers from different people's posts. Good job everyone! :)
  • SeattleJill
    SeattleJill Posts: 73 Member
    I've been fat all my life, and I've hated it all my life. But I just accepted it as something I had no control over. When I turned thirty I knew I wanted to change, but I knew I wasn't ready for it. I had too many other issues going on I wanted to take care of first, like my self esteem, grieving for my childhood, learning to care for myself emotionally and mentally, and my job. I've been building up to this point, mentally, for a while, and when I hit 35 I had a physical. I was at my all time high of 272, which embarrassed me. But, a few days after my blood work I got an email from the GP telling me I was perfectly healthy, and to carry on. Curious I logged in (my doctor lets you log into the internet to check your patient files) and started googling my blood work results. My blood sugar had me in the pre-diabetic range. No Dr. I AM NOT perfectly healthy. I am 120lbs over weight and my blood sugar is high enough to make me pre-diabetic. Well, I work in a hospital, and with transplant doctors, and that scared me. I am very much aware of what diabetes does to you. Most of our patients who need kidneys need them because of uncontrolled diabetes. It was my lightbulb moment. Not the moment when I realized I needed to lose weight. I've known that since I hit puberty. It was the moment when I realized I was finally ready for it. Found a new doctor (who got me onto MFP) and met with a nutritionist and haven't looked back. It was a lot of work to get up to the point that I was ready to lose the weight that let me feel safe for so long. And I have a lot more work ahead of me to get to my goals. It's hard, and it's slow, and sometimes I cry, but I am more proud of myself and feel more in control of my own destiny at this point than I have even felt in my entire life, and that is something to celebrate.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I can't quite put my finger on it...but in 2012, I lost 15 friends and colleagues. When people I knew would say they were concerned about me, I almost felt like they were saying "you're next," and I may as well have been, because I wasn't living much of a life. Everything hurt, all the time. My severe OA, sedentary lifestyle, and crappy choices were pushing me towards an early grave. I was shopping at the deepest end of the fat-lady stores (If they had clothing big enough) or buying my clothes online. I wheezed all the time and got winded when I was forced to walk a half a block. I couldn't bend my left knee. There was so much I couldn't do, and so much I missed out on. I was miserable and I was in a prison of fat that I had inflicted on myself and the only one who could free me WAS me.

    At the tail end of 2012 I had a pre-employment physical for a new job that I would start in January 2013. I weighed over 350 lbs at that physical but still got the job, complete with a steadier paycheck, set hours, health insurance, and some handy discounts and health incentives. I'd had it with being super morbidly obese. I felt anything but Super.

    These days I feel super. I move faster. I can bend BOTH legs and I use them to swim, bike, hike, dance, and whatever else comes to mind. I look and feel better than I've ever felt. I'm having adventures because I'm FINALLY under the weight limits for the things on my "bucket" list. My first triathlon is in 30 days and best of all, I am showing my friends and family that it CAN be done.

    TLDR: It was time to get busy living or get busy dying. These days I'm busy living.
  • JanieC93
    JanieC93 Posts: 34 Member
    Not being able to fit into my pants that I was able to wear a few months ago - the Freshmen 15 is REAL GUYS! Haha :)
  • viciouslitany
    viciouslitany Posts: 187 Member
    I got on a scale, and it said: 292 lbs.

    and I went "oh god" and cried. a lot.
    because I don't actually think anyone strives to be 300+ pounds. and I had been losing some weight from before that... but nothing really fit. I was shoving myself into size 20 pants, when my size 22 still didn't fit quite right.

    so, enough was enough. that was in october. I lost about 10 lbs on my own and then the new year hit, which is when I started going to the gym and using MFP, which had long since been recommended to me by a friend that used it.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I woke up one day and thought, my boyfriend deserves someone beautiful and I had let my self go, That and it just hurt to do anything, it was just not comfortable anymore!

    Awww - that's how I feel too. But your boyfriend obviously loves you for you - so it's a good choice for your health - and a bonus for him! :)
  • lrob98
    lrob98 Posts: 27 Member
    I have been overweight since middle school. I gained the "freshman 15" and then some. When I was pregnant with my daughter, who turns 9 today, my weight reached a then-peak of 267lbs. I love my daughter more than anything, but I was unhappy during pregnancy & after I had her (single, low-paying job, became unemployed.) Even though I ended up with a great job, a wonderful boyfriend, & a sense of stability, I still had a sense of unhappiness & I still gained weight.

    I had been avoiding the doctor for several years...I didn't want to face what was happening to me. However, last October, I finally decided to get checked out. When I got on the scale, it read 297lbs. I hadn't realized how far I had let myself go. My doctor had labs run on my bloodwork. My cholesterol was a little high, but the shocker was that I was flagged for prediabetes. I signed up for MFP in November, but I didn't track meals in my food diary. I just tried to think more about what I was eating (kinda eat this, not that.)

    About 1.5 months later, my long-time boyfriend's father passed away (the week before Christmas.) He was only 59...but he had diabetes, a pacemaker, and was overweight. That was a wake-up call for me. I wanted to enjoy this life I have been blessed with, for as long as I can.

    After getting past the funeral & what we could salvage of the holidays, a co-worker commented on my weight loss in mid-January. I hadn't been tracking or weighing in, so I was pleasantly surprised. I stepped on the scale when I got home and discovered I had lost 13lbs since my initial doctor's appointment! I began logging my progress in MFP. I logged everything in my food diary (good & bad days.) I began exercising, walking more. If I hit a plateau, I recalculated my calories to adjust. Clothes began getting looser & I felt less winded when walking. Stairs started getting easier. I began feeling better & more confident.

    I've got a long way to go...but I've got plenty of motivation to get (and stay) there! :happy:
  • Hi
    My first post on here...
    Turning point when i saw a picture taken December 2013 was 17 st 4 lbs
    Almost 4 months later today the scales of truth said im 14 st 13 lbs - 35 lbs lighter and still going strong
    Chucked all my old XXL threads out, Im never going back there again
    keep ii up everyone
  • witmer1
    witmer1 Posts: 128 Member
    Being unable to be weighed at the doctor's office, worrying about every chair I sat on being broken, but the biggest one was my son worrying something bad was going to happen to me because of my weight. I couldn't live with myself if I fell ill because I couldn't put a cheeseburger down.
  • BahamaMama85
    BahamaMama85 Posts: 43 Member
    Looking at old & current pictures on facebook.

    Getting out of breath when I bent over to buckle my shoes.
  • RJKontos
    RJKontos Posts: 17 Member
    Looking at old pictures and then at the mirror. Needing clothes two sizes up. Enough was enough! I'm doing it slowly and I'll see where it takes me.
  • sjdowhower
    sjdowhower Posts: 15 Member
    Getting results from a health insurance assessment I had to do for work. It said my blood sugar was high, 97 when fasting which isn't even that high over the 90 they said it should be but that's all it took was some bold lettering on a piece of paper. My dad died from diabetes and it's horrible to think I would do the same to my children. 60 days in and 23lbs lighter
  • Rozydreams
    Rozydreams Posts: 29 Member
    Photo's from a wedding. WOW, I thought I looked so cute, then I saw the photos on facebook. I was so embarrassed I could have cried. It's amazing how in denial we can all be.

    It's been a long journey with ups and downs along the way. I have a lifetime of bad food habits I have to break but I feel so much better now. I feel like a normal person. Regular clothes, not hot all the time, way more energy! It's worth the struggle.
  • dancer2u
    dancer2u Posts: 35 Member
    I was tired of being tired, nothing fitting comfy, outgrowing most of my clothes, & seeing fat pics of myself. When I reached 215 lbs @ 5'7 1/2, I knew enough was enough. I been working out since January; February started MFP, & really in awe of myself sticking to it. I have never stuck to anything this long. I think if you really want a change, & want it bad enough....you can do anything you put your mind to. :)
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    I hit 320 on my doctor's scale and it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't know why I cared that day when I spent years not caring. It was like a switch flipped in my head, and i knew i needed to live differently.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    I was tired of being tired, nothing fitting comfy, outgrowing most of my clothes, & seeing fat pics of myself. When I reached 215 lbs @ 5'7 1/2, I knew enough was enough. I been working out since January; February started MFP, & really in awe of myself sticking to it. I have never stuck to anything this long. I think if you really want a change, & want it bad enough....you can do anything you put your mind to. :)

    Yep, basically all of this!
  • aaron2735
    aaron2735 Posts: 76 Member
    At 240 pounds, while laying on the floor in my house, I couldn't see over my stomach to watch the tv........And thus the journey began
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    I was too fat for lane bryant clothing store. I was bulging out of a 28/30 women's plus size pants. It was the last good styled clothes for big girls I could find. I didn't want to settle for moo-moo's.
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
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