
kpepper07 Posts: 41
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Anyone out there love their scale? Can anyone suggest one for me?? I have an old one with lines still and it makes it hard to know if my weight loss is correct. Thanks!!!


  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    I personally dont use a scale. I trust what the wii balance board reports. It seems to match what my dr office scale shows.
  • I have the biggest loser scale (got it from Target) and love it.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Hard to say; there are so many out there. I'd get one without springs and don't go cheap. So many out there now with built in BMI and Body Fat Anaylizers.. Salter and Omron are good brands. Mine is an older, mechanical scale, but if I ever replace it I'm going digital with a BFA built in.
  • I asked for the Wii fit for Christmas so I will go by that!!! Thanks.
  • vandy29
    vandy29 Posts: 39 Member
    Mine has the body fat analysis on it....I love it....I believe we got it at Walmart so it could not have cost that much
  • kpepper07,
    FYI - I might suggest rethinking your signature line. Not sure why I even looked at it so closely, but I think your weight goals and dates look out of order or something. Maybe the middle one was supposed to be 01/10/11 instead of 12/10? Sorry, call me Type A...
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I hate my scale! It keeps showing higher numbers than I want to see. Just kidding. I use the Wii too. It's judgmentally fun, lol.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    :smile: Ahhh yes! The Wii Fit. That does work well and it kinda guilts you into doing the right thing.... I try to show it I can do better and improve my fitness level. Stupid machine! LOL :laugh:
  • I have an EatSmart digital that I bought from Amazon and I love it.

    It doesn't sing, doesn't dance, doesn't do BMI or body fat analyze, isn't bluetooth, wifi or network enabled... but it was very low cost and is spot-on accurate and repeatable. AND, if you should ever have to deal with the manufacturer, their customer service is absolutely, positively spectacular.
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,554 Member
    I have a Heath-O-Meter scale from Target. The model isn't available any more but there are similar ones. I could swear I paid about $25 for it but a similar one from Target is now $54!

    The think I like most about it is the consistency. Some scales I've had would give you three different numbers if you stepped on the scale three times back to back. This one always gives the same number.

    I don't take the body fat as gospel though. It seems to measure the water content of your body and your feet. I try to be as consistent as I can with how I weigh myself to help it give me good numbers, but it still varies way too much to be believed.

    I think it's important to put the scale in a good spot too. I have mine on the cement floor in the utility room. That way I know it's grounded and isn't rocking around or unbalanced.

    Good luck.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    I just got a new scale too. It's very depressing. It gained me 5 lbs overnight between changeover between the old one and the new one. So one of them is/was lying to me. Oh well. It's the progression that counts.

    It does body fat and bone density and the like, but honestly, am I going to use those things daily? Not bloody likely.

    The good part is that it has 4 user settings and has given me proof positive that the hubby has used his user setting and more importantly... used the scale!

    The one I got was the Weight Watcher's endorsed scale by Conair. They have several. This one weighs up to 400 lbs. in 0.1 lb. increments. It's doing the job, even if it's depressing.
  • skyhu
    skyhu Posts: 7
    i saw a weight watcers one in super drug the other day not only did it show your weight but it monitors body weight, BMI, body fat, body water and bone mass not really too sure how it works but seems to be really good
  • I also have the conair weight watchers scale. I love it! I have the cheaper version so mine only does weight but is accurate up to 0.2 of a pound. I love it so much my husband has to convince me not to take on vacations.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I use the wii board as well the double check it against the scale at the gym. :) It's consistent so that makes me happy.
  • @fasttrack27,
    Thank you for the typo it was incorrect and I fixed it! :) Thanks for looking out for me!!!
  • I did get the Wii fit for Christmas (and the biggest loser) and it did tell me I weighted more than the "old" scale I have been using but will go by it as I work out. The biggest loser weighed me and it was closer! It is all progress and a pound is a pound lost no matter what scale right!
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