WALKING CLUB (starting Monday 8/9)

nomorexcuses Posts: 33 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Would anyone like to join me in making a committment to walking at least 30 minutes a day? I am far from being considered a runner, but maybe if I ease into it, I may be able to join the runner's club someday.


  • nomorexcuses
    nomorexcuses Posts: 33 Member
    Would anyone like to join me in making a committment to walking at least 30 minutes a day? I am far from being considered a runner, but maybe if I ease into it, I may be able to join the runner's club someday.
  • count me in. i need to start doing some kind of exercise. walking most of the day at work isn't doing it. i'm suppose to be using a pedometer to count my steps. i must be pretty dumb, haven't been able to figure it out. i'll have to try again. maybe if i am accountable to someone other than my family i'll be able to do it. keep in touch. today is 8-10. i'll start right after work. thanks:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Count me in!! :smile: I will start today!:flowerforyou:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    count me in!
    I've been very lasy in the exercise dpt.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Walking is my primary exercise so I am in!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I started off walking 20 to 30 min. a day now I do a 22 min walk in the morning from station to work instead of taking the bus, then at lunch 36 min ( need time to eat my lunch) then from work back to station. I just added the morning walk. I am not able to run so all I have is walking. So I am in. Maybe I can just offer support if you think I walk too much for this club. I know it was very hard at first for me to get the motivation to do this everyday. Lets walk away those pounds. :drinker:
  • dthughes
    dthughes Posts: 39
    I would love to join. I have been so motivated to change my diet but I can't seem to get motivated to exercise everyday.

    It is actually great timing. I go back to work (teacher) and I can walk during my lunch and after school!!!

  • Cool Beans. I'm so sporatic with my walking. I'm supposed to be walking an hour everyday but most days I don't . I love it when I do...but most days I make some sort of excuse on why I don't need to.

    Anyone else have the Nike +? I got that to help motivate me to walk as it wasn't that pricey. I just need calibrate to my walking stride.

    SO how does the club work?

    Also, it starts tomorrow? Monday the 11th?
  • i'm in! i lost the bulk of my weight when i just walked. (1 hour/ 5 days a week)..i stopped doing it last summer because it got so hot, but i have decided to cut back on gym classes and go back to what worked for me!!!...i didn't always enjoy walking - just getting started was like pulling teeth but now i love to walk and look forward to it...here are some things that helped me learn to enjoy the walking.....find a nice place to walk like the beach or a nice trail (walking around a track is boring and every step is torture)....get some good music with a strong beat (Micaheal Buble' is no good for walking! ha ha ha! )...find a friend (when i walk with friends my hour goes by soooo fast!)....those REALLY helped get me motivated!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I would love to join. Hopefully, this will keep my accountable.
  • LALeslie
    LALeslie Posts: 9 Member
    I just started using the site today and have this as one of my goals, so count me in!
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    30min. a day? I can do that. :smile: Actually, I pretty much do that now anyway and I'm on my way to the gym in about an hour and can get started on that today.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I started today...I got in 26 minutes of walking (could have done an hour or more, but it started pouring!) I came inside and did a walking DVD...I highly recommend it...today was the first time I used it...but it will keep me accountable because I can't use excuses not to go outside and walk (it's too hot, it's too dark, etc.) Now I can walk any time and get a good burn in...it's called Walking off the Pounds Express and it done upper body and lower body. I love it! Anyway, I did 50 minutes of that and 26 minutes of actual walking outside...so check me off for today...who else got started early? :smile:
  • Katiem
    Katiem Posts: 3
    I'd like to walk with you. Do we post our results on here or how do we do it?
  • dthughes
    dthughes Posts: 39
    Ok Everyone... It is Monday the start of a NEW day and a NEW you!!!

    I have always had a hard time motivating myself to work out. In fact I hate doing it by myself. Guess What....

    I walked 30 minutes this morning!!!! I feel great. I think that I may try to go again tonight with my neighbor. We'll see.

    Hope that everyone has a successful day. Remember even if you can't do 30 min at one time split it up. Do it in intervals of 10 minutes.

    Good Luck and have a great day!!!!

  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Great job my fellow walkers!

    I will try to walk an hour after I feed the girls... an hour is pushing it... too many interruptions,

    Keep it up!!!!:drinker:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning I did 22 min and hopefully will get my 36 min walk on lunch, but even if that does not happen because of the rain I will do another 22 after work to the station. Good luck and happy walking:bigsmile:
  • I just got back from the gym. I did 50 minutes today.
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I love walking, and this is a goal I know I can stick to!! I'm in!
  • I'm in! I try to do this every day anyway but I was kinda lazy over the weekend. Today I got 33 min in today. Good job everyone!
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