Who or what inspires you the most?

Pretty self explanatory, who or what inspires you the most and why?

For me, it is Mireygal. She's my biggest, total inspiration. She's SuperMom and a badass boxer. She runs and she lifts weights. She works all day and still shovels snow in April. She always strives to be better and always pushes herself. On top of everything else, she manages to put other's needs and feelings ahead of her own. She's is pure amazing. A true Badass Boxing Babe :heart:

Your turn............


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    I'm motivated whenever I see anybody pushing their limits.
  • GrinderX
    GrinderX Posts: 25 Member
    Pretty much the idea of someone wanting to get to know me before they judge me, or even maybe assuming good things about me before they know me when they first meet me. as opposed to people automatically assuming i'm lazy, stupid, unconfident, not worth their time before they even speak to me.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    You! You inspire me right back! You set your mind to something, and you crush it.

    When I don't wanna work out, you encourage me, you challenge me, you virtually give me a smack on the *kitten*, you remind me WHY I do it... Because I love it so much.

    You are an inspiration... Not only to me, but to many others too!

    I also look at the people on my list... Some have lost over 100lbs. 100 pounds! They changed their stars!

    Some push out these amazing burns... Day after day after day.

    Some push through frustration with a scale that isn't moving, but never give up. They log their food religiously, they do their workouts. They. Never. Give. Up.

    Some seem to set PRs every time they lift a set of plates.

    Some are starting out brand new... Some with hundreds of pounds to lose, but they are DETERMINED! and I see them walk a block, and log it, and I am SO DAMN PROUD! And it makes me wanna be better too!

    Some overcome depression, eating disorders, Insults and cruelty... And emerge from those ashes shiny and bright.

    Some manage to look amazing and eat ice cream Every. Single. Day. (probably cuz they work out like animals!)

    And then I look at home... And I see my kids. And I see how they wanna run, like their mom... Or box like their mom, or curl their mommy's 3lb dumbbells... And they wanna eat healthy foods.

    Inspiration IS ALL AROUND US!

    thank you for this post! I'm honored, and touched, and thankful!