Discouraged :/

I love using MFP but lately I have felt so overwhelmingly discouraged. Since I really started calorie counting mid-November I have lost 21.5-22lbs. But Now it's like I'm stuck.. for nearly a month. And I'm eating right, exercising, the whole deal. BUT I am hungry ALL the time and seeing no move in my weight regardless if I work out 6 days a week or 3. I've gone from barely being able to jog on a treadmill to routinely running 2 - 3.2 miles at a time. I feel better. I see NSV but I feel like I'll never reach my goal weight or have the body I'm working to get. And then I see all these success stories where people lose 50, 60, 100+ pounds in a year. I'm 5 months into my weight-loss year as it were and stuttering to a complete stop at 21lbs. I just, I'm not sure how to stay on the wagon when all I want to do is stop counting and obsessing and caring so much. :/ I need help.


  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    First of all, you're doing amazing. This is a long slow process. Don't think about where you wanna go think about how you're gonna get there.

    That being said, plateaus happen. This may be your first but it will most likely not be your last. It's just a bump in the road.

    Things to think about, do you weigh your food? If not you should. You will get lots of questions and some good advice but buying a food scale if you don't have one should be at the top of your list of things to do.

    Good Luck!!!
  • Justine_JellyBean
    A food scale is actually the first thing I bought. I think that's what makes this doubly frustrating for me. I literally weight and calorie count every single food item that passes my lips. It's start to drive me bonkers.
  • Schmitt10
    Schmitt10 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! How much water are you drinking a day. I have noticed that water
    Really helps me when I hit a plateau. And you also may feel hungry because
    Your thirsty that is one of the biggest signs of dehydration. You may feel
    You drink a lot of water, idk. But for me that really helps!! Also you may be
    In a plateau because your body is used to your routine try to switch it up some.
    I hope this helps you! Just remember to keep going and don't give up! :)
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    What do you have your weekly weight loss goal set up for?

    You have lost 1 pound a week since you started. That is awesome - very healthy rate of weight loss.

    The less weight you have to lose, the longer it will take. Set your goal to .5/lb a week so you can eat more and not feel hungry all the time. Also, if you want to see a change in body shape/composition, you should start lifting.

    Good luck!
  • yukino3006
    yukino3006 Posts: 34 Member
    It happens sometimes. You are reaching out instead of giving up and that is what matters. Have you tried switching up your workout routine? Maybe train for a 5k or start lifting light weights.