Swelling while exercising?

I went for a 2.5-3mile walk at a pretty good pace tonight. It is warm...over 80*. About 3/4 way through the walk I noticed my hands were VERY swollen and tight. I did have too much sodium today if that matters. Would that make a difference? Is it normal?


  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Check with a doctor. Do you have any circulatory issues? Hypertension?

    I sometimes get that I thought it might b a reaction to something I touched.
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    It's not normal or else you wouldn't have thought about it. Any leg swelling? Were you swinging your arms more than usual?
    I'm not sure what was going on. Any history or arthritis or health condition?
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Any numbness, tingling, discoloration? Did it go away? How long? Have you had it before? Pain?
  • lmhbuss
    lmhbuss Posts: 282 Member
    My hands swell and feel really tight when I do high intensity cardio. It's best to get checked by a doctor, but it can be pretty normal. The best advice I can give, if everything with the doc checks out, is elevate your hands some...like waist high or higher. This seems to help me quite a bit.
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    They are almost back to normal. I will mention it to my doc at my next appt on 4/21. Yes, I was swinging my arms. I am prediabetic with high cholesterol. BP is pretty normal 127/83.
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    Any numbness, tingling, discoloration? Did it go away? How long? Have you had it before? Pain?

    No pain, but tightness. And yes, there was some discoloration...red and white. Color is back to normal.I have been back about 40 minutes. I would say things improved within minutes of getting home and sitting down.
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Yes, mention it to your doctor. As a doctor myself, but with only limited knowledge of your situation and health, and therefore offering only an opinion, I am not too concerned and would advise you to keep walking. It could be related to some circulatory issues, but if your legs did fine, then that is reassuring!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Instead of swinging your arms, keep them at ninety degree angles instead - like a power walk.
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    Yes, mention it to your doctor. As a doctor myself, but with only limited knowledge of your situation and health, and therefore offering only an opinion, I am not too concerned and would advise you to keep walking. It could be related to some circulatory issues, but if your legs did fine, then that is reassuring!

    Yep, legs are fine! Thanks Doc!
  • cowgirlqueen
    cowgirlqueen Posts: 466 Member
    Any numbness, tingling, discoloration? Did it go away? How long? Have you had it before? Pain?

    No pain, but tightness. And yes, there was some discoloration...red and white. Color is back to normal.I have been back about 40 minutes. I would say things improved within minutes of getting home and sitting down.

    this happens to me all the time with any exercise but I have poor circulation my hands and feet are always cold an it always goes away
  • Luv2h1k3
    Luv2h1k3 Posts: 66 Member
    I call it sausage hands. Happens a lot when I hike. Especially when it's hotter and I'm going at a faster pace. Quickly resolves when I elevate my arms and rehydrate.
  • OriginalKatie
    OriginalKatie Posts: 119 Member
    Sometimes my hands get swollen and red and numb when I do strength training. I thought it was related to my fibromyalgia, because I never used to experience that.
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    I am not significantly overweight, I have exercised regularly my whole life (mid-40s), I have no health conditions and my hands swell considerably every time I go for a long walk. I think it's centripetal force (swinging arms) and gravity (hanging down) propelling the blood and other fluids to the hands. I am not a doctor and I have never asked my doctor BUT since I am fit and it has always happened, I think it's normal for me. It resolves quickly after the walk ends.
  • Glencarron
    Me too , when it is a warm day and I go for a long walk my fingers swell up. Resolves itself very soon after coming home, has always happened and I have no health issues. Wouldn't worry about it.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Happens to me all the time and fairly often to my husband.. I have to take my wedding band off before running or it gets painful. I googled it and came across this:
  • autotek
    autotek Posts: 66 Member
    me to
    my legs swell all the time
    i wear the crew socks and have to fold them down so i don't get big creases in my ankles
    had a Doppler done on my legs to find out it's called a venous valve leak,meaning no back flow of blood
    so i try to do what i can to keep the blood flowing to the legs,riding my bike,love to walk but my legs get hard as a rock and hurt
    just listen to your body it will tell you enough is enough