Weight Lifting Results?

I've recently started to incorporate weight lifting into my normal gym routine. In the past I've only really done cardio. However, now that I'm getting close to my goal weight I want to start toning up.

Since I've only just started I don't expect to see results right away, but I'm curious what everyone else's experience has been. How long did it take for you to see results? Is there anything in particular I should focus on? Are free weights more effective than the machines at the gym?

I don't know I whole lot about weight lifting, so hopefully you guys can help. Thanks! :)


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Free weights are the way to go.

    Find a program like Strong lifts 5x5 http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/560459-stronglifts-5x5-summary
    New rules of lifting for woman.

    For results..the quesiton would be what do you mean by results...

    I immediately saw my strength go up..that's a result...
    Took 3 months to be able to do chin ups again...
    I lost about 3% BF in the first 10 weeks
    It's taken about 6 months to lose 6 inches (but that is after losing 12 prior to that)
    My 6 month pics I believe show a significant change in my body (esp my arms, shoulders, chest and butt) still working on my mid section but that is the lbs I have left to lose.

    ETA: focus on compound lifts..
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I'm working my way through New Rules for Women, my goals may be different from yours because I am still overweight and want to lose more, but I started just over 2 months ago and have lost 5kg. I kept eating my usual diet and swim for cardio, but it appears to have made the weight come off quicker than before. This may slow down a bit once I've been doing it for longer though. I still have plenty of fat, so not very visable progress so far, except perhaps my calves - less fat and harder. I use 90% free weights.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    My results from a heavy lifting routine, almost no cardio, and IIFYM. It took about a year:
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    New rule of weightlifting for Women is a great program. But it's very hard to just suddenly go from cardio to compound movements with free weights. If you can afford getting a personal trainer who isn't an idiot (harder than you might think), then it's definitely a good investment to have a trainer help you get started on the free weight exercises.

    Don't let a trainer have you do machines, kettlebells, or especially anything that involves one of those big inflatable balls. You don't need a trainer for that stuff! If they can't teach you how to do the big compound free weight exercises then get rid of them and find someone who can.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Maybe check out the latest New Rules of Lifting Book... it is called Supercharged. The workout is for men or women. It is a great program and is configurable for your fitness level.
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Since I've only just started I don't expect to see results right away, but I'm curious what everyone else's experience has been. How long did it take for you to see results?
    If by 'see results' you mean in the mirror, it takes about 4 weeks if you are using photos to compare. It takes about 16 weeks if you are just going by the mirror.

    However, I would consider an increase in strength a result. It took a week for that to happen. I would consider an increase in flexibility a result. It took about 2 weeks for that to happen. Increased confidence is also a result. That was about 2 months in. Lots of results you can see pretty quickly.
    Are free weights more effective than the machines at the gym?
    Yes. They require more muscles to activate to lift the same amount of weight. Works more of your body. Burns more calories. Makes more strength.
  • BrownSugar1217
    BrownSugar1217 Posts: 5 Member
    Great post.. I also wanted to know whether or not the free weights were better than the machines