On my way to losing 60 lbs...

Hey y'all,

Just thought I'd come in and introduce myself with the knowledge that building community can help keep one on track.

Over the last two years I've had a lot of transition in my life, with my firstborn, a new job, new town, and generally pushing into maturity. One thing that's escaped me is being physically fit. Back 15 years ago I had some great workout habits and was generally very healthy. University, marriage, and a desk job for the past 6+ years haven't done me well. Then I got a wakeup call in 2012 with a handful of health problems that came on like a train. I got depressed, stressed, and generally let life spiral downwards for a year.

I forced myself into a new place with a new job to reduce stress and am now trying to get back to where I was physically, or at least close to it. I've got 60 pounds to lose (from 235 to 165) and my goal is a yearlong investment in good habits, both with eating and physical activity. And... I started Wednesday, so I need to keep this attitude going high, hence the hello.

So, hello! I'm looking forward to engaging with the community and keeping track of all of my progress with you, as well as helping you in any way I can via the interweb.



  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    Way to go, you have a great attitude!

    One day at a time :)
  • dwan117
    dwan117 Posts: 1
    Great attitude! I wish you all the luck!
  • cfsmith60
    cfsmith60 Posts: 13
    Thank you. One day at a time for sure. I just imagine that every day I lose 1/7 of a lb :) And I'll take all the luck I can get!

  • mserrano30
    mserrano30 Posts: 10 Member
  • healthyplans
    healthyplans Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome Charles! You can do this! Good luck to you.
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    You have a marvelous mentality, I really hope you can maintain that level of enthusiasm.

    Hopefully you'll find MFP helpful in your health quest. Always remember that slow and steady wins the race, but don't be afraid to push yourself when you're ready to. Best of luck to you!

  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    All I can say is think life style change and not diet and you've got this one! I found that exercise is a key ingredient for me. Start very slow on the exercise and build on that.
  • cfsmith60
    cfsmith60 Posts: 13
    Slow on the exercise is right, I started another thread basically whining about the pain and learned a new term (DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Something... syndrome? Ugh, forgot already). Epsom salts and hot showers are on their way. But yes, starting slow is key.

    Of course, I'm under enormous pressure as of my four belts, only one fits and it's on its last loop. I'm also down to only three pairs of work pants out of 10 and I refuse to purchase more as I've PLENTY of good clothes in the closet that would fit if only I lost 1" or 2" or 4" or 6".

    Sad, but part of my weight loss plan is driven by simple economics.

    MFP is what got me actually started BTW. I had off-again and on-again lurches but this thing is like my budgeting software - you realize just how much the little things make all the difference. It's not the $500 television we buy but the $5 daily coffees over a year costs. Likewise, my pizza binge I had last November isn't affecting me as much as that stupid daily iced coffee which I LOVE but which adds 210 calories a day.

    Calories are my new budget.

  • aimeetow
    aimeetow Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck! We are here for you!

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