
I'm on a plateau. I've been a size 10 fluctuating between 174 and 180 something for a year. During the holidays I reigned in some unhealthy habits and am back in this range. I know precisely what I'm doing wrong and cannot stop. Sugar. I love it im an addict. I can't say no to it. I have no self control. Also, my appetite is huge. I'm never one of those people that forget to eat. My friends tell me I'm obsessed with food and losing weight. I don't drink alcohol anymore. That is one thing that helps me maintain. Tracking also helps. I never miss a day no matter how grizzly the outcome. I'm happy with my body except for my lower stomach fat. My top part of my tummy is fine. The lower part is the bane of my existence. The ultimate question I have is how do I decrease my appetite, increase my will power and say no to sugar. I've read all kind of articles they are perfect in theory but I fail in the execution. Until I can hire someone to slap the bad food away from my mouth .........I need help!


  • kedickey13
    kedickey13 Posts: 16 Member
    A plateau occurs because your metabolism — the process of burning calories for energy — slows as you lose muscle. You burn fewer calories than you did at your heavier weight even doing the same activities. Your weight-loss efforts result in a new equilibrium with your now slower metabolism.

    At this new equilibrium, calories eaten equals calories expended. This means that to lose more weight, you need to increase activity or decrease the calories you eat. Using the same approach that worked initially may maintain your weight loss, but it won't lead to more weight loss.

    I go to WebMD when all else fails.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I know precisely what I'm doing wrong and cannot stop. Sugar. I love it im an addict. I can't say no to it. I have no self control.
    nope. that's not your problem.

    if you haven't lost in a year, you're not at a calorie deficit. You're eating more than you think somewhere else. That's all.

    Measure / Weigh / Log accurately for 6 to 8 weeks. If you haven't lost at the end of that time frame... then you've found your maintenance. If you've lost, well.. awesome. If you've gained, then do the math and eat less.
  • FlatTummyTrish
    FlatTummyTrish Posts: 88 Member
    I agree with trogalicious, weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise (some argue 90/10) so it is down to eating healthier. I hit a plateau way too often but what helps me eat less is drinking tea's, being distracted with other things like work and generally not being obsessed with food. Not eating anything 3 hours before bed also seems to be working for me. Good luck hope you do well and stay on MFP :)
  • kdillson70
    I took a look at your food diary and it looks like you are going over your allotted calories everyday. Do you exercise at all? If your goal is to lose weight you have to have a calorie deficit. Sugar and sweets wont break the bank as long as you fit them within your daily calorie intake. Just remember that 3500 calories = 1 lb.

    Good Luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've got a really healthy appetite and a major sweet tooth too. Something that helped me a lot was learning that what types of foods you choose can help curb your appetite a bit. And your love of sugar may have something to do with it. I know when I eat foods that are higher in carbs, they just don't stick with me so I'm hungry all the time. Also, if I happen to go off track and have a day where I indulge a bit, it can take a couple days for me to get past the cravings. For instance, last Sunday I met up with my girlfriends and we went out to lunch. The actual meal was fine but I had a sugary drink (mai tai) and a couple hours later we stopped for coffee and dessert. The last couple of days I've felt like I can't eat enough food and I've caved a bit and had more sweet stuff than usual but that's all stopping today! I know once I get back to normal more healthy eating the cravings will stop.

    Anyway, my point is, try eating foods that are higher in protein and healthy fats. These nutrients naturally help you feel full longer. Some folks also find high fiber foods can help. While fruits aren't the same as sweets, they do have natural sugar so they can help curb a sweet craving and the fiber can help keep you full longer. Try substituting some of your favorite sweet treats for more natural and/or lower calorie versions and your tastes and cravings will change with some time.

    Good luck!
  • warriortraveler10
    warriortraveler10 Posts: 7 Member
    thanks =)
  • warriortraveler10
    warriortraveler10 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for all the helpful suggestions! Recently I just started going to the gym every night after work I make myself alternate days hour of cardio one day and the next day half and hour weighlifting and half and hour cardio. I have walked consistently during my breaks at work. What everyone said made a lot of sense. I just need to put my big girl pants on and do this right by watching my intake and choices of food. I think it will help knowing I have people watching my diary. It adds some accountability . Thank you all so much for your comments any and all suggestions are welcome and are very helpful.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thank you for all the helpful suggestions! Recently I just started going to the gym every night after work I make myself alternate days hour of cardio one day and the next day half and hour weighlifting and half and hour cardio. I have walked consistently during my breaks at work. What everyone said made a lot of sense. I just need to put my big girl pants on and do this right by watching my intake and choices of food. I think it will help knowing I have people watching my diary. It adds some accountability . Thank you all so much for your comments any and all suggestions are welcome and are very helpful.
    we're only watching your diary because it's open now and you were asking about why there was no progress. As far as accountability goes, you could either add friends that are going to do this all of the time... or step up and rock it yourself.
    I recommend the second, since only you know if you're logging honestly.

    Working out is great, but keep focus on your calories if you want to lose. As far as what you're eating.. here's my opinion.
    how much you eat decides whether or not you lose. what you eat decides how you may physically feel. You can't out-exercise a bad diet, so working out is good.. but loss is gonna be dependent upon an appropriate calorie deficit.

    as far as suggestions:

    Good luck!
  • chantelrenae
    chantelrenae Posts: 8 Member
    Warriortravel, thank you for posting this concern. I have also plateaued and have the same "weaknesses" as you. I really like sweets and always feel hungry. The reply you got were helpful for me too. Good luck with your weight loss endeavor.
  • billhilly1968
    billhilly1968 Posts: 75 Member
    My body might be settling at 123 lbs. but I want to get below this weight on my scale because I know that in truth I really weigh 8-10 lbs. more than that on other scales especially doctor's scales. I have been smaller before and only gained due to medicine side effects and a candy cane pouch. I will keep trying the 800 calorie plan for now until summer and if I do not lose by then I will up my calories to 900 for 3 months and then to 1,000 for mainatance. Let me know if you have any suggestions that I can try to boost my metabolism so I can start losing again. I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance for your support and help. I am frustrated and at my wits end. I am pleased that I was able to lose from 148 lbs. to 123 lbs. since Nov. 2013
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    My body might be settling at 123 lbs. but I want to get below this weight on my scale because I know that in truth I really weigh 8-10 lbs. more than that on other scales especially doctor's scales. I have been smaller before and only gained due to medicine side effects and a candy cane pouch. I will keep trying the 800 calorie plan for now until summer and if I do not lose by then I will up my calories to 900 for 3 months and then to 1,000 for mainatance. Let me know if you have any suggestions that I can try to boost my metabolism so I can start losing again. I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance for your support and help. I am frustrated and at my wits end. I am pleased that I was able to lose from 148 lbs. to 123 lbs. since Nov. 2013

    there are a myriad of issues here.
    depending on how long you've been eating 800 calories, you may have done damage to your metabolism already.
    You'd do better to create your own post in the forums, rather than piggybacking on this one...
  • kcusnem
    kcusnem Posts: 15 Member
    [ I think it will help knowing I have people watching my diary.]

    O.O -.- O.O

    Yup!! So get on it, sister!
  • jenniferreed02
    I definitely have a sweet tooth also. I guess it takes will power but we do not keep any sweets in the house and allow ourselves 1 per week. It helps to have a husband who is way more diligent than I am. Usually this is a frappe at mcdonalds or a slice of cake from publix. It's the only system that works for us because there have been times we get in a roll of allowing ourselves to have whatever we want - like running out at 8 pm to get cookies to make when we watch a new episode of Game of Thrones lol

    Another idea is to stock up on low sugar or naturally sweet alternatives to curb the habit a bit. I always have a few of the chobani black cherry simply greek yogurt in the fridge (6g sugar), chocolate kind granola bars (6-7g), chocolate, almond, and sea salt bars from Kashi, or sweet fruits like Strawberries. Some sliced strawberries with a dash of vanilla almond milk feels really decadent sometimes.

    Sugar is not the issue, total calories is. The issue with a lot of sugar though is you are using up your calories on mostly nutrient deficient foods. You won't feel full or satisfied after you eat cake and your body will still be lacking nutrients it needs.
  • jenniferreed02
    Another thing that helps me through a craving -- I remind myself that just because I am not eating it NOW does not mean that I will never eat it again. There will be hundreds of opportunities to have cake for instance - birthdays, celebrations, etc. and today is not some special occasion.

    I am more addicted to salty foods though. I love fried pickles, fried green tomatoes, chips and dip, etc. My blood pressure is good, but I know my sodium intake is too high. Once again, when I can't have someone I just have to remind myself that I will have it again at some point, just not today.
  • missquirky1
    Hi just started day 2 do i just exercise once a day sorry if this is a stupid ?