Call out from my butt & thighs....HELP!

With the warm season coming up fast and my desire to rock a bikini this year, I've been working out 5 days a week. Here's some things I do, mixing it up on various nights to ensure my body doesn't get used to anything.

- 45-60 minutes of speed walking (treadmill) - I do this EVERY night that I work out. I just got the treadmill so I haven't put an incline in my walk, though I will be doing it shortly.
- Squats - I try to do about 40-50 of them per workout
- I'm doing a push up challenge this month since I have absolutely no upper body strength and I want to change that.
- Full sit-ups - I can only do approx. 20 of these right now, but I keep trying to do more.
- 40 curl ups
- Leg raises - 2 sets of 20 each side (these burn, whoa)

I've been seeing results in a lot of waist is going down and I have started to notice more definition in my arms and torso...but when it comes to my legs & butt, nothing's changing. I don't have a huge butt or really jiggly thighs, but I would like them to be toned and nice for the summer.

I can't do lunges. I got hit by a drunk driver a few years back and when the dashboard came in, it really messed up my left knee, so every time I do lunges, that knee kills after about 5 of them. I don't know why it doesn't do the same thing for squats, but I can't use an elliptical for that specific reason.

Does anyone have any tested workouts for this area that have shown results. I've looked around online, but there are soooooo many of them that I don't even know where to start. I workout at home and don't have any weights.


  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Add weight to your squats. Also, deadlifts with weight.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Try adding weights to your squats. Also bridges and wall sits are good, though wall sits might be hard on your knees.

    You could also try different types of squats (plie squats, curtsy squats, etc.). A quick internet search will give you lots of options.

    Walking up stairs is also good.
  • cowgirlqueen
    cowgirlqueen Posts: 466 Member
    I also had this problem!! but if you keep doing what your doing and wait it out the results will start showing up I promise :happy: I sat at the same measurements on my legs and booty for over a month and then BAM it just started falling off :bigsmile:
  • Maris82
    Maris82 Posts: 14 Member
    Try donkey kicks. They are great for lifting the tush :)
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    Look up "Myrtl routine" on youtube. This is a short (approx 8 min) workout concentrating on butt/hips, etc. there's lots of different exercises shown. Try them and see if they hurt your knees... if not, there ya go :)
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Strong curves by Bret contreras. Hip thrusts.
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    I also had this problem!! but if you keep doing what your doing and wait it out the results will start showing up I promise :happy: I sat at the same measurements on my legs and booty for over a month and then BAM it just started falling off :bigsmile:

    Thanks hun, that's encouraging to hear!
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    Try donkey kicks. They are great for lifting the tush :)

    Never heard of them, but I will definitely look these up. Thanks!
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    Look up "Myrtl routine" on youtube. This is a short (approx 8 min) workout concentrating on butt/hips, etc. there's lots of different exercises shown. Try them and see if they hurt your knees... if not, there ya go :)

    Oh thank you! I will be going on youtube tonight.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You really can't spot reduce, and most of us will see changes in specific places before other. I started weight training seriously in February and I kept thinking that I wasn't getting ANY results (up in wieght, clothes TIGHTER) and my body looked the same. Then last night I noticed a major change in my hips, of all places. So I say just keep working at it, though the advice for weighted squats and such is good.

    Also, full situps are one of the least effective ab workouts there is. Google for some other ideas, especially yoga poses (I have scary strong abs and the ONLY thing that makes them sore anymore is a long yoga session). One of my favorite moves is to lie on my back and pass an inflated balance ball from my feet to my hands, returning legs and arms to the floor between each pass.
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    Also, full situps are one of the least effective ab workouts there is.

    Really? Wow, I had no idea! If that's true, I'm seriously pissed. I hate those things. LOL
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I was also injured by being hit by a car on my bike and in another car accident with no seat belts. Plus I was born with a genetic problem in my feet and developed a growing problem in my knees. But, I also became a dancer. Hip thrusts are excellent for the glutes and very easy on the body. Perfect for people that have had injuries to the legs/feet. and his book Strong Curves. My biggest challenge is also my left knee (since birth).

    For abs you can do planks or jackknives on a ball.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Also, full situps are one of the least effective ab workouts there is.

    Really? Wow, I had no idea! If that's true, I'm seriously pissed. I hate those things. LOL
    There are so many great ab exercises that will target more of the muscles and deeper and are probably far more fun! Just Google search. You'll find lots.
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    You guys are wonderful! Thank you so I at least have specific places to look instead of the entire WWW.
  • belllam
    belllam Posts: 7 Member
    do you want to slim down or just tone up?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Sorry -- I kepe having thoughts. lol

    Boat pose (you balance on your butt with your legs and arms up so you're kind of in a V and hold it as long as you can -- do several in a row with rests). There are modifications if you aren't strong enough for the full pose. Again, Google. :-)

    Also, lie on your back with your arms either flat at your sides or on your tummy and pull your legs up so your thighs are at a 90-degree angle to your hips with your legs bent, like you're sitting in a shair and hold.

    In a modified boat pose, hold a medicine bal down near your thighs and swing it from side to side to work your obliques.

    And as BP suggested, there are a lot of other things you can do with a balance ball. Most of them come with an insert with recommended exercises and you can find more online.

    I know this isn't about your butt and thighs, but hopefully will help you enjoy the ab exercises more.
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    do you want to slim down or just tone up?

    Both! I still have about 8 lbs to lose but I want to tone at the same time.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You can't spot reduce.

    I have the same problem, I carry my extra weight in my butt and thighs. unfortunately you just have to keep losing body fat everywhere, until your body decides it's going to burn fat from the butt. I lost fat from my arms, waist, hips, three different places on my ribs, sternum, and even my FACE before my butt and thighs started to budge. :explode:

    It sucks, but there's nothing you can do but keep working at it and not giving up.
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    Sorry -- I kepe having thoughts. lol

    Boat pose (you balance on your butt with your legs and arms up so you're kind of in a V and hold it as long as you can -- do several in a row with rests). There are modifications if you aren't strong enough for the full pose. Again, Google. :-)

    Also, lie on your back with your arms either flat at your sides or on your tummy and pull your legs up so your thighs are at a 90-degree angle to your hips with your legs bent, like you're sitting in a shair and hold.

    In a modified boat pose, hold a medicine bal down near your thighs and swing it from side to side to work your obliques.

    And as BP suggested, there are a lot of other things you can do with a balance ball. Most of them come with an insert with recommended exercises and you can find more online.

    I know this isn't about your butt and thighs, but hopefully will help you enjoy the ab exercises more.

    Thank you so much for these suggestions.
  • belllam
    belllam Posts: 7 Member
    try aerobic, cardio and inner-thigh presses. those will make you lose and still tone up, without bulking :)