Really Heavy Sweater...Embarrassed



  • DLo_122
    DLo_122 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm a 29 year old female, about 10 pounds overweight and I sweat. All. The. Time. At the gym I don't mind, even when I finish on the treadmill and my shorts are literally dripping sweat.

    I do get embarassed at times like when I was Maid of Honor in a wedding in Mexico and sweat was honestly dripping off my face and everyone else was just "glistening".

    At the gym - who cares. Do your thing. I've never complained about a sweaty person at the gym - only the people who don't wipe down the cardio machines after said sweat session :)

    keep up the good work!

    OMG! That's me! I sweat for no reason. It's totally embarrassing when you're sweating at the wrong time. I don't mind when I'm working out, but it just doesn't take much at all for me to form sweat beads on my face, back of my's horrible!

    I got married in October to avoid the heat and don't you know, there was a heat wave in October and it was 93 degrees plus it was super humid. I was in the worst mood ever while having our pictures done outside. ugh! It pisses me off just thinking about it! LOL
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    That means you're doing it right. You're a big boy, big boys sweat a lot. Hell, I sweat a lot and I'm half your size. Keep sweating.


    You will likely regulate your sweating a bit better as you lose weight, but otherwise, just embrace it..
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You have an efficient cooling system!

    There are several of us in my tri club that have puddles of sweat on the floor under our bikes after an hour of spinning - it wipes off!
  • AlistairBernardNormal
    AlistairBernardNormal Posts: 989 Member
    You're not alone, I am soaked after almost any activity. I wear it like a badge of honor, though. It means I've worked hard.
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Just to tell you, I never use to sweat at least not a lot. After age 35 or so it started. Now despite the fact that I am not longer bigger, and I am actually about 17% body fat; I still sweat like a pig. I thought maybe I was not getting enough sodium, so I took that to dangerous levels, still the same just turned crispy after it dried a bit. So I am guessing for me it is normal; and you are likely going to find it is for you as well.

    Understand the embarrassment issue; I have that to especially with all of the close contact sports I do, Muay Thai and Karate. My workout partners tend to get to share in my glory. I have found that most people are not concerned. Some are but I just avoid working out with those who are offended.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    As mentioned as long as your wiping down your machines nobody cares..

    Now something I would suggest, maybe bring 2 shirts and change if your dripping during your workouts.. I know its added laundry.. Trust me I would take someone that is wiping down every machine in the gym then someone bone dry checking their text messages.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Don't be embarrassed! Some people just sweat more than others. I might get embarrassed if I'm sweaty in the office at work or out to a nice dinner, but I own that ish when I'm doing something active. Sweating while exercising means two things to me and they've already been mentioned here...

    1.) You do have an efficient cooling system.
    2.) It really is like a badge of honor.

    Honestly, I'd be a lot more concerned if you hardly/didn't sweat at all.
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    I feel like a a beast when I sweat a lot... I feel like I accomplished a kick booty workout...It honestly bothers if I don't leave the gym looking like a drowned rat :)
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I used to sweat when I was cold too. It was just a fact of life back then. Lots of layers to hide the sweat marks on my clothing. Can't say I was horribly embarassed by it but I live by the mantra that people are so totally focused on their own issues that they will only notice mine if I draw attention to them.

    But then I discovered that I am intolerant to wheat, and once I eliminated it from my diet I stopped sweating almost completely. I am much better able to regulate my body temp now and I dont have to drink nearly as much water to keep hydrated. Sure I still sweat when I exercise hard, but not in my daily life just sitting in the chair.
  • granturismo
    granturismo Posts: 232 Member
    My son, who is a physical phenomenon, sweat. a lot too. He is going to a doctor well versed in self hypnosis and self relaxation. He helped my son with his form of Tourette's. No more tics, etc. Might want to look him up.

    I know how it sounds but it really helped our son when they wanted to medicate the hell out of him.
    The Hell does this have to do with sweating?!?

    I didn't understand this one, either. I was thinking maybe a troll?

    I agree that mentioning the doctor's name is at least impractical if they dont live in the same area. However, I think what the poster was alluding maybe is that sometimes sweating can also be psychological - I always have damp patches under my arms when I give presentations to groups varying in size from 4 to 100. I've been giving these every month for about 10 years and still get tense.
    I also sweat in the gym because I'm unfit and the heating and airflow are messed up at the moment so its just too warm there.
  • bunnypanther
    I'm soooo glad I'm not the only one!!

    I literally drip sweat when working out!

    But I get serious night sweats too, its a side effect of my medication. I had to buy a rubber sheet its that bad!!

    No shame in sweating, gets toxins out!!

    A friend had an op on his arm pits cuz he would sweat thru shirts just on a normal work day. Believe you can also get Botox to stop it. But then you just sweat elsewhere. It's your bodies way of keeping cool, that's all.

  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    I sweat like a beast - sometimes It looks like I have stood in the shower with my kit on....nothing to be embarrased about
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I don't care about sweating in the gym - that what gyms are for.

    But for those of you who sweat too much when not working out, you may have hyperhydrosis. It's a condition that simply causes you to sweat excessively. I would step out of the shower, dry off and put on a clean shirt. Within 5-10 minutes, the arm pits would be soaked. Very embarrassing! I tried all the "extra strength" and "prescription strength" antiperspirants I could find, and none helped. My Doctor then prescribed aluminum chloride hexahydrate solution. Apply at night, and no more sweating! I only use it once every week or two and it really helps! (It does make my skin itch a bit when I first apply it, but it's not too bad.)

    Damn - that sounds like I'm selling something. Promise I have no vested interests - it just worked for me!
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    I'm JEALOUS!

    My face turnes beet red and people around me are always asking if I am OK!!! I don't tend to sweat until AFTER and I just imagine how nice it would be to have a really good sweat to catch a breeze from the fans to cool off!!!
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Actually sweating lots has little to do with actual effort.

    Anyhow I suggest you not wear cotton clothing, as cotton really, really holds onto moisture.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    It's spring now, you should probably wear a t-shirt instead of a heavy sweater.
  • djs2303
    djs2303 Posts: 93 Member
    Wow, such great responses, thank you to everyone, Its a non stop day today as per, ive picked my son up from school, went straight to the gym, and now im off out with some friends, when I get home ill respond properly :) thank you everyone :) very inspiring and defo a confidence boost :)
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    I sweat a lot as well.
    I have to wear a lightweight skull cap under my bicycle helmet to absorb the sweat so that it doesn't go into my eyes.

    Salt, eyes and peak time traffic doesn't mix!
  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member
    I work out at home now, so I don't have to worry about it being embarrassing as much anymore. ^o^ My face always turns red and I sweat a TON. I'll be doing pushups or whatever and it is quite literally POURING off of my face.

    Back when I still went to the gym, I was always more worried about missing a sweaty spot on the machine than I was worried about how much other people were sweating. You can probably figure that others are more worried either about themselves or about getting their work out done. So don't sweat it! ;)
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I sweat heavily as well. I agree that it is embarrassing. I only hope that as my fitness improves that it will lessen.