can someone be my weight-loss buddy?

btrstry Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Pride is a funny thing.

Take weight loss. We all know it would be good if we had someone to keep us on track. Heck, I wish I were rich just so I could hire someone to follow me around and smack my hand whenever I reach for a snack.

And yet, because of pride, many of us don't want anyone to know that we're trying to lose weight. We're strong, independent women who have every right to be self confident, but sometimes we're not as strong and willful as we may appear. Sometimes we want to be a little fitter, a little lighter, but who has to know?

It's ridiculous, I know, but I would rather complete strangers on the internet know about my weight loss journey than any of my friends or family.

That's where you come in, dear strangers. Does anyone feel the same way? And if you do, will you be my weight-loss buddy? Happy to do the same for you!


  • I could use one. I am a happily married man so you need to be a guy too.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I will be your buddy
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    i'll be your buddy for sure! feel free to send me a friend request :smile:
    happy holidays!
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    Maybe your family and friends are haters. I really can't talk to my family or friends about me trying to lose weight because they judge me and keep looking at me like you been trying to lose forever and I look fatter. Yup getting help here where we are all in the same boat. We will love you if you fall. No judges here.
  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    Feel free to friend request me. My diaries are all available to view. I am on here everyday...Good luck
  • rore1
    rore1 Posts: 110 Member
    twisty girl is right. I much rather get the inspiration and help from my MFP friends and shockingly I have found it helpful!!!! Tonight (as I did at thanksgiving) I brought my own food for Christmas dinner at my sis in law. During thanksgiving everyone was acting insulted and kept trying to force me to eat. Tonight when they saw me,they were shocked at how much better I looked. I said :THAT is why I bring my own food everywhere I go. And for the FIRST time ever,they left me alone:)yay!!! I don't want people to know because I am scared of failing...but it has gotten to where everyone is noticing. So I am going to do all I can to not fail:) We can ALL succeed!!!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    sure you can add me as well
  • I would enjoy being your weight-loss buddy. I need buddies to.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    you bet, just send a friend request
  • Merry Christmas, I am trying my best I was very disappointed this morning I have been really trying and I have not gone over my calories once this week I went to the gym twice this week so far and I still gained a pound I really don't understand but I refuse to give up. Sometimes it helps to know someone is in the same struggle with you.
  • CGade
    CGade Posts: 46 Member
    You can never have too much good support and affirmation! Add me as a friend if you like :happy:
  • CGade
    CGade Posts: 46 Member
    Merry Christmas, I am trying my best I was very disappointed this morning I have been really trying and I have not gone over my calories once this week I went to the gym twice this week so far and I still gained a pound I really don't understand but I refuse to give up. Sometimes it helps to know someone is in the same struggle with you.

    I know it's been very hard for me too! My husband is able to lose weight much faster than I can:grumble: I have some physical limitations that keep me from being able to work out as much as I would like...I know that slows me down, frustrating as it is. We just have to keep plugging away cuz the alternative is not acceptable!!!!! Hang in there you are not alone in this!
  • robbie300
    robbie300 Posts: 7 Member
    They say you can never have too many friends. I would love to have more friends, just friend request me and we can keep each other accountable.
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