Should I weigh myself everyday?



  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    I like to weigh daily because it ,means I am aware of how much my weight can fluctuate. If I only weighed once a week and that morning was one of those that I weigh a bit more I would probably have a freak out :laugh:
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    I weigh myself every day, BUT don't put too much stock in daily fluctuations. For whatever reason, I find that my weight spikes by about 1lb the day before I lose to get below that spike. So, if I was to flip out and not be patient, I may screw that up. If you remember that 1lb= 3500 calories, it's pretty easy to take things in stride. If you added 2 lbs overnight, the only way you should really be concerned is if you ate 7000 calories... and then you'd have other issues lol.

    It helps to give you a good idea of where you are throughout the week too... I find Mondays are heavier for me, but Fridays are lightest. Also fluctuates based on hormones and other things.

    As for gaining weight at the beginning of an exercise routine, that happens. If you are breaking apart muscle fibers and rebuilding them, your body retains water to help them heal. That's why you can gain a couple lbs right off the bat.

    Realistically, you're not going to get a good idea of your progress until at least 4-6 weeks out, so hang in there. During that period, you may want to only weigh weekly until your body adjusts.
  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    In a word:NO! You'll just drive yourself crazy with all the fluctuations. And you will have fluctuations. We all do. I used to weigh myself twice a week on WW but now I only weigh in every 2 weeks. Do it at the same time of day and wearing the same thing (undergarments, shorts and a t or nothing) every time so you get an accurate number. I know it 's frustrating to see a gain on the scale, but if you spread your weigh ins out a bit, you have more of a chance to see a long term loss rather than a short term gain.
  • 08JKgirl
    08JKgirl Posts: 44 Member
    I know that for me personally and at the spot I am at now I can't weigh myself every day... it would be discouraging for me at this point. So instead I do not even keep a scale at the house and just get all my measurements once a month at my trainer's place. I am more concerned in the inches as well as the BF% (which I know isn't always accurate) Plus I am doing strength training and lifting so I know I willl be increasing in muscle which will also show on the scale. Dont worry about the number so much just keep trekking :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I went to the gym and burned 750 calories yesterday and did not go over my calorie limit for the day and when I weighed myself this morning I was 2 pounds heavier than yesterday. This is so discouraging. Should I continue to weigh myself everyday or maybe once a week? What do you guys do?

    what are you using to measure calorie burns? that sounds crazy high ..

    I would say once a week and not daily ….some people that weight daily tend to start obsessing about it and freaking out when it goes up by a pound….
  • juliannorton1000
    juliannorton1000 Posts: 81 Member
    Easy answer? No.

    Weighing yourself every day indicates a thought process that your weight is more important than your health. Muscle weighs more than fat, does that mean to only do cardio? Flip no! Females need muscle just as much as males do.

    Whats more important is maintaining your food diary on here. Making sure you come in right around your goals (X amount of calories, X amount of sodium, sugars, protein, etc). On top of that, keep your exercise down to a routine. Bam... that simply

    Hence why I'm glad not to be a female... I don't worry about my weight in the sense that I need to weigh nothing. Your weight scale is a tool to maintain/measure long-time investments. Losing weight is a long-time invest... it won't show from one day to the next, but from every other week to the next every-other week.
  • juliannorton1000
    juliannorton1000 Posts: 81 Member
    I went to the gym and burned 750 calories yesterday and did not go over my calorie limit for the day and when I weighed myself this morning I was 2 pounds heavier than yesterday. This is so discouraging. Should I continue to weigh myself everyday or maybe once a week? What do you guys do?

    what are you using to measure calorie burns? that sounds crazy high ..

    Ditto... That burn for people like myself is pretty high for one visit to the gym. I know some people go off the calorie counter on this site for the elyptical, but I think that's a HUGE mistake.. if that's what you're doing.
  • motivatedkarma
    motivatedkarma Posts: 67 Member
    I weigh myself every Thursday, I know my weight fluctuates to much day by day. I do it 1st thing in the morning. :)
  • wampahoofus
    wampahoofus Posts: 38 Member
    I weigh myself every day however, if you are going to do this, then you must be aware of all the little things that can temporarily make your weight fluctuate. For example, my wife cooked a stir fry the other night and the sauce was a bit salty. I withheld an entire pound of water for a day because of it.

    I weigh in every day because I need the regular routine to stay with my plan and want quick feedback if I happen to be sliding. If my weight goes up three days in a row, I start evaluating things.

    I weigh in first thing in the morning.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    Hell, no! You will drive yourself crazy. Once a week at most.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    If you're going to weigh yourself everyday, I'd suggest doing so only if you're going to track every day and then use the data to look at trends.

    The pro is that you have more data points than if you weigh yourself once per month, for example. If that one weigh-in is off for whatever reason (e.g. a heavy meal the night before) then you might not get the best idea of what your average weight is.

    The con is that if you're going to focus on a single day's data point and not look at it in context, you'll drive yourself crazy.

    EDIT: to answer your question. I do weigh myself everyday, and then record it on a spreadsheet. I also track and pay attention to other metrics, like body measurements.

    I do this, too, along with recording my calories, but I'm a numbers geek, too. The average over time has provided my true TDEE, so switching to maintenance was a piece of cake. (Or, more accurately, a few pieces of chocolate. :wink: ) You really have to trust the process, though, and accept that weight lose isn't linear and your weight is going to fluctuate, sometimes a lot, from day to day for many different reasons.
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    I went to the gym and burned 750 calories yesterday and did not go over my calorie limit for the day and when I weighed myself this morning I was 2 pounds heavier than yesterday. This is so discouraging. Should I continue to weigh myself everyday or maybe once a week? What do you guys do?

    I have learned through trial and error that weighing every day (or even several times a day) is not for me. It's too discouraging. I try to keep it at once a week.

    I used to put myself through SO much crap. I would not weigh in with wet hair (I have a LOT of hair), nor clothes, I wanted to pee and poo beforehand and do it before eating. During TOM, I would make sure I was not carrying the weight of a tampon.

    Yes. We are talking disordered thinking here.

    I finally realized that I was getting nuts about the scale (which would fluctuate depending upon where I placed it and how I stood). I think that measurements are better, as long as you don't skew the measurements by holding the breath or sucking in. It's not the NUMBER that matters, it's the downward trend over time.

    Hang in there!
  • mgleason01
    mgleason01 Posts: 78 Member
    I would say weigh everyday in the beginning just to get a sense of how your weight fluctuates based on various factors - maybe two weeks. This way, you won't freak out if the scale says you gained 2 lbs. After you start to see the pattern, I would say weigh once a week (if you have a specific goal in mind). Also, definitely monitor inches lost as it's just as important as weight loss. Everyone thinks I lost more weight than I have because I've lost a good amount of inches.
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    It's definitely a personal preference. I weigh daily but record once a week.
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    If the scale drives you nuts , then stay away from it. Iam one of those that my mind goes crazy when my weight goes up after intense workout but then I remember that your body might retain up to 3ibs of water day after an intense workout.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I weigh myself every day for the data point and don't care on a day to day basis if it goes up or if it goes down. Usually takes months to see any clear trend in the data but I like my data so I do weigh every day.

    I'd say if you can weigh yourself every day and just look it as data and don't be discouraged by what you see then do it. If you find that anytime the number goes up you are heartbroken and find it difficult to stick with your diet or exercise then I'd say weigh yourself maybe once every two weeks or not at all (use a tape measurer instead).
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    i also weigh every day and it doesn't even phase me when the scale goes up.

    i'm looking to see trend over weeks/months

    ^^ this is what I do
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I know it can be tempting to look and hope theres a change from the day before, but if it discourages you to see fluctuations in water and food weight (because I believe thats all that changes in one day), then I would not check daily. It's not accurate to say that thats going to be a permanent change in your weight, up or down.

    Seeing it the same or more than the day before may make you feel bad about yourself that day, and unnecessarily, but I think weekly progress checking is alright, it can help keep you motivated.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I posted this before in a similar thread but thought it might encourage you so thought I'd repost (sorry for spam)


    That is my weight loss about 3 years ago when I put myself on a diet and exercise routine. If you look at it in its entirety then my weight loss seems linear and predictable. Here is the thing though, it did not feel like that at all while I was doing it. Why? Well because if you try to look at that data on the scale of months you'd notice month to month there was zero obvious change. Check February to March for example, or March to April, or any two consecutive months...if you look at just that and that alone it would look like it was fluctuating up and down but going no where.

    It takes a lot of data and a lot of time to see the trend establish itself. If you don't weigh you will never see the trend but if you do weigh yet fret about a change in weight on the time scale of days, weeks or sometimes even a month that doesn't really help you in your goal either. Stick with it and see if a trend emerges after several months and if not then you can perhaps readdress your plan.

  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    I personally do but I count the first one in the morning before I eat. I need to be accountable and weighing myself daily works for me, I don't freak out though I use the info and look for trends so I can fix it.