Funny toe issue from running

Hey all of you runners out there, I have a very weird question for you. I've started running regularly for the first time in almost 10 years and it's been going great. I started in September and no problems until this Monday. I went for one of the longest runs that I've been on in ages and after I was done it felt like there was a string or a hair wrapped around my big toe. I took off my shoe to take it off but there's nothing there. I ignored it and carried on my day. Tuesday the feeling was there all day and it's been there ever since. I notice it more when I'm not wearing anything on my feet. My shoes are not tight or too loose. There is not tingling or numbness, my toe is normal colour, it just feels like there is a string or a hair wrapped around it at the base. I sound like a crazy person, haha, sorry! Has anyone ever had this feeling?


  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    I don't run...although one day I hope to. But this sounds scary not crazy. Hope you find out what it is!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    It's more annoying than anything else, it doesn't hurt or anything.
  • Omg.. I know exactly what you are talking about!! I felt it after a five mile run last week and it comes every now and then. Freaky huh. I would of always thought it was just me..if you find out what it is let me know..
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    I took the 2 weeks off from Dec 23-Jan 6 I was sick the first week and my kids were home the second week for the holidays. I got back at it on Jan 7 and my big toe on my right foot got all tingly and numb feeling. I just ignored it figure it was from taking the time off. The next day it didn't happen then that Wednesday it happened again. This time I stopped took my shoe/sock off and looked my toe was white and cold. I finished my set and called it good. I've kept at it and haven't had any issues since but it did worry me(obviously not enough to hit the DR). I wish you the best and hope you get it sorted out. It really messes with the whole mind body connection.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I don't have that, I just have my toenails fall off. Or they turn a pretty shade of black. Very lovely!
  • AnjaZ89
    AnjaZ89 Posts: 235
    I had the same on even my short runs and got some new shoes with a wider toe space and didn't get it again.
    Maybe try out some other shoes?! Or maybe it's the socks?
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    When you say your shoes are not too tight or too lose, what do you mean by that? I got fitted at a running shoe store and they gave me a running shoe that is 1.5 sizes bigger than my normal shoe size...I wear a 9.5 but they put me in an 11. They say 1-2 sizes up is ideal for running so there are no issues. I haven't lost any toenails or felt any discomfort/annoying feelings since.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I've had this too, whether running or not. Weird.
    It seems to just go away. I think it is a nerve thing. I bet w/ running we tend to jar everything else, why not nerves.
    Kudos on picking up running again!
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    I don't have that, I just have my toenails fall off. Or they turn a pretty shade of black. Very lovely!

    Sounds like your shoes a bit small, or not fitting quite right. If your toenails go black after running, then they are probably hitting the end of your shoe as you run (your foot naturally slips forward a little in your shoe as it hits the ground.) Cheers
  • sonhando
    sonhando Posts: 69 Member
    Yep you probably need a shoe with a wider toe box. I also got fitted at my local running store and they put mr in a larger size shoe than i normally wear.
  • sonhando
    sonhando Posts: 69 Member
    Oh also it was hard for me because i needed a wide toe box but narrow heel. Try Brooks, Or Saucony.... I also likes the Adidas Boston. Right now i use a Brooks Ghost.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    I was fitted for my shoes and I've never had an issue with them (or any other pair of shoes that I was fitted for) until this week. I'll pop in to see my doctor. Maybe I just twisted it funny.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    As others have suggested - invest in good socks and get fitted for running shoes. I've had tingling toes, black toenails and other delights through running - and I rarely trained up to beyond half marathons! Sometimes it is just genetics!
  • I don't run but I walk at least 5 miles 2-3 times a week. I have a Neuroma on my left foot but recently I feel there is a string between my 3 and 4th toe on my right foot. I take my shoe and sock off and there is nothing there. Really weird. It does not stop me from anything but it is always there.
  • I don't run but I walk at least 5 miles 2-3 times a week. I have a Neuroma on my left foot but recently I feel there is a string between my 3 and 4th toe on my right foot. I take my shoe and sock off and there is nothing there. Really weird. It does not stop me from anything but it is always there.

    pegmckelvey, I have the exact same thing! Neuroma on left foot (for a few years now), and phantom string on 3rd and 4th toes on right foot! It's not painful or limiting -- just annoying, and it only just appeared in the last week or so. I run 5Ks three times a week and walk or bike on the other days. When I run, I wear socks and good New Balance running shoes with a wide toe box, and for walking and biking I wear Keens (no socks when the weather is warm). I'm barefoot all the time when I'm home. I'm female and my age is an F-word. ;-) I'll ask the doctor about it next time I'm in, but won't make a special trip for it...
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    I don't have that, I just have my toenails fall off. Or they turn a pretty shade of black. Very lovely!
