Eating Right Again...Question

Alright I have besically been eating the same thig every day please see below. Is there anything else I should be eating? Should I eat an apple instead of half of the strawberries for my snack etc.

breakfast---3 egg whites, 1 pice of toast and 1/2 cup of corned beef hash or nthe egg whites and hashbrowns, and alwasy with 1 cup of soy chocolate milk

Lunch--- Always a large romain salad with cucumbers and cabage and some sort of chicken, and another cup of soy milk

Dinner--Same as lunch maybe some sort of beef dish with a salad

Snacks--1 container of strawberries, sometimes also a beef jerkey packet

Any help will be VERY Greatly appretiated.


  • samamps88
    samamps88 Posts: 52
    Yeh I suggest you eat different things, thats boring as hell and a sure fire way to fail is to eat the same thing over and over and over.

    Also why not eat egg yolks thats where all the nutrients are.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    thats all there is thats good where I am so boring or not its the best I have and not a fan of the taste of egg yolks
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    thats all there is thats good where I am so boring or not its the best I have and not a fan of the taste of egg yolks
    There's these things called shops they sell food maybe try one of those.
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    You don't have much fat in what is above. A lot of your vitamins are fat soluble so they are not going to absorb with out fat. Maybe cheeses, adding a good olive oil to your salad, avocado is a great choice. What about nuts many have a good balance to add to your diet. Quest bars also seems to be good when you need something quick.
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    You live in the US. There are more foods available I'm sure. You have some decent meals but they need to be changed so that you have a variety .. I noticed you have ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY (160) friends, maybe look at their food diary's for some suggestions or better yet ask them, after all they post to you daily !!! Good luck !!
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    This sounds like a horrifically boring diet. My advice is eat different stuff. If you have faves then eat them everyday but otherwise variety is the spice of life.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I am currently deployed and have what is offered to me most of which is delicious fried foods which I am trying to avoid
    You live in the US. There are more foods available I'm sure. You have some decent meals but they need to be changed so that you have a variety .. I noticed you have ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY (160) friends, maybe look at their food diary's for some suggestions or better yet ask them, after all they post to you daily !!! Good luck !!
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I like beef pork chicken and salad so the salads fine and I don't get the beef as grilled its always in some sort of pasta and is very bland so I stick to what I know I enjoy right now it's the salad I mostly asked cause it feels in my head like I am missing out on nutrition by eating the same thing every day and was hoping someone would shed light on it.
    This sounds like a horrifically boring diet. My advice is eat different stuff. If you have faves then eat them everyday but otherwise variety is the spice of life.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I can add cheese to my eggs in the morning on toast would you suggest white cheese or the craft singles yellow cheese? Also the soy milk I belive has a lot of fat i will have to check and get back to you.
    You don't have much fat in what is above. A lot of your vitamins are fat soluble so they are not going to absorb with out fat. Maybe cheeses, adding a good olive oil to your salad, avocado is a great choice. What about nuts many have a good balance to add to your diet. Quest bars also seems to be good when you need something quick.
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    I can add cheese to my eggs in the morning on toast would you suggest white cheese or the craft singles yellow cheese? Also the soy milk I belive has a lot of fat i will have to check and get back to you.

    When given the choice between a natural food and a processed food, the answer should pretty much always be the natural food. I have a piece of sharp cheese almost every morning. It gives me a good kick start and I almost never feel hungry before 10:30 (when it's time for my morning fruit break).
  • Super_Amy
    Super_Amy Posts: 97 Member
    Can you get your hands on some peanut butter? You do seem to be missing fat.

    It seems like your options are really limited. Kraft Singles melt really nicely on toast and are good with eggs. Do that. It will be yummy.
  • StGerm
    StGerm Posts: 7 Member
    Being deployed, your choices are limited.

    Try and add colors, maybe. Fruit and veg of different colors to try and mix up the vitamins you're getting as well as add some difference.

    Depending on where you are in the universe, local fruits can be fantastic. I'm just going to go out on a limb as guess Afghanistan since that's where most our service men and women end up -

    Grapes, apricots, almonds (high fat, nutrient rich), should be in ready supply. I think Apples and ... pomegranate? I can't remember.

    Thank you for your service
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    Thanks or serving!!

    If Kraft cheese is your option I would probably not add that.

    Try to add a variety of fruit and veggies when it is an option.

    Send us an address!! Lets see if MPF can add some variety!
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I forgot about peanutbutter I am going to seriously look for some with some cellery, I am still new here so I havent checked everything out so if I find celery I will look for some peanutbutter
    Can you get your hands on some peanut butter? You do seem to be missing fat.

    It seems like your options are really limited. Kraft Singles melt really nicely on toast and are good with eggs. Do that. It will be yummy.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    They have the soft yellow craft then some white cheese it isnt labeld but I tried a pice the other day it seems like real cheese unlike the craft
    Thanks or serving!!

    If Kraft cheese is your option I would probably not add that.

    Try to add a variety of fruit and veggies when it is an option.

    Send us an address!! Lets see if MPF can add some variety!