intermittent fasting



  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member

    I'm thinking about doing the 16/8 lean gains diet, I'll be breaking my fast at 1pm and finish it by 9pm. how does this look?

    1pm- meal 1

    5pm- pre workout meal

    5.30pm - train with bcaa's

    7pm- meal 2

    8.30- snack

    I'll be eating in a caloric deficit as I want to drop bf, should I eat high protein low carb high fat or high protein medium carb low fat?

    I would appreciate any sort of help :) thanks brad

    I've done Leangains style IF for 3 years and its great. personally I eat one big meal after my workout, usually around 7-8pm. I agree with what has been said already about the BCAA, you dont need it if you're eating a meal and a preworkout meal before your workout.

    To answer your question, according to leangains protocal it depends. Everyday its high protein (I choose 1g per lean body mass) but amount of carbs and fat vary depending on if its a rest day or a workout day. Workout day its high carb/low fat while on rest days its low carb/high fat. Thats if you want to follow the leangains protocal. In the end, just eat enough protein and fill in the rest of your cals with whatever ratio of macros you want
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Again from the site...

    * Macronutrients and calorie intakes are always cycled through the week. The specifics depends on the client's ultimate goal: fat loss, muscle gain or bodyrecomposition. The details will be revealed in the book. Generally speaking, carbs and total calorie intake is highest on training days. On rest days, carbs are lower and fat is higher. Protein is kept high on all days.
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I tried IF for a few weeks, but found that when I didn't eat from about 10 p.m. until 1:30 p.m. (after my noon workout), I simply didn't have the energy to do a GOOD workout at noon - I don't know if I didn't try the IF long enough to allow my body to adjust, or what, but it really caused my workouts to suffer. So, now, I do eat a small snack (usually greek yogurt) at about 10 a.m. to get ready for my noon workout - I still eat way fewer calories at that "snack" than I burn at my workout, so I figure I'm still getting *some* benefit of IF. This is working well for me.
  • misspiggie123
    misspiggie123 Posts: 5 Member
    can you do insanity on your fast days??? or is it bad for you??