confused about weight loss


Recently something happened dealing with my weight that I wad very confused about.

The previous night I weighed 147.2
In the morning I ate a breakfast of two pieces of sausage (155 calories) 2 eggs (140-160 calories) and some white sweet potato slices(50 ish calories), thr entire meal give or take shouldn't have been over 400 calories.

A little later I exercised, and did the elliptical for 35 minutes and burned 435 calories, did 5 or 6 weight machines, and then did the elliptical again for about 430 calories, with a grand total that should have been at least 900 calories burned. When I got hlme I ate a large meal of 1.5 cups of rice, mixed vegetables, stew sauce and meat with a cup of watermelon and a whole mango as well, I drank water. To my calculations the meal should not have exceeded 800-900 calories.

According to the fitness app my total should have been around 1300, but my net should have been extremely low for this day?, around 300 or 400.

Yet when I woke up im the morning I weighed 148.6

How did I gain Weight?


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    It's a normal daily fluctuation. Your body can vary up to five pounds during a day. I day won't tell you anything. if your going to get stressed over daily fluctuations I suggest only weighing once a week. Oh and you should be eating more
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    Factors for the scale showing your weight going up and your eating properly

    1) If you ate too much salt with your food , next day your weight will probably jump up.

    2) If you did a workout that was much more intense then usual , some people will hold water because of inflame muscle.

    3) You did not go to the bathroom for 2-3 to do poop . Your body can hold up to 8 pounds of poop , so make sure to increase your fiber so you go at least once a day.

    Its best not to bug out if your weight jumps up. Track it daily but focus on the weekly result. Resist the temptation to ajust your diet everytime to scale moves up or down. That can drive you nuts and to the point where you eat too little just because the scale moved up a little. I personally have seen my weight jump up to 3-5 pound in a 24 hour span. Relax and just stay focused on your goal , you can and will reach it.
  • taelas
    taelas Posts: 9
    Hm, ok. Thanks!

    And yeah, I usually eat more but I accidentally skipped lunch that day.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    It would be nice if our body weight worked like a bank account: Starting balance 160, deduct 5, new balance 155. Its not that efficient though. There are no immediate results. The things we do today can have an effect tomorrow or next week. Too many things with a temporary effect to mask the scale #: sodium, lack of sleep, stress, hormones, etc. Just keep moving forward, and look for trends on the scale rather than immediate results.
  • taelas
    taelas Posts: 9
    Oh, alright.

    That makes sense